Source code for rdflib.plugins.parsers.jsonld

This parser will interpret a JSON-LD document as an RDF Graph. See:

Example usage::

    >>> from rdflib import Graph, URIRef, Literal
    >>> test_json = '''
    ... {
    ...     "@context": {
    ...         "dc": "",
    ...         "rdf": "",
    ...         "rdfs": ""
    ...     },
    ...     "@id": "",
    ...     "dc:title": {
    ...         "@language": "en",
    ...         "@value": "Someone's Homepage"
    ...     }
    ... }
    ... '''
    >>> g = Graph().parse(data=test_json, format='json-ld')
    >>> list(g) == [(URIRef(''),
    ...     URIRef(''),
    ...     Literal("Someone's Homepage", lang='en'))]


# From:

# NOTE: This code reads the entire JSON object into memory before parsing, but
# we should consider streaming the input to deal with arbitrarily large graphs.
from __future__ import annotations

import warnings
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Union

import rdflib.parser
from rdflib.graph import ConjunctiveGraph, Graph
from rdflib.namespace import RDF, XSD
from rdflib.parser import InputSource, URLInputSource
from rdflib.term import BNode, IdentifiedNode, Literal, Node, URIRef

from ..shared.jsonld.context import UNDEF, Context, Term
from ..shared.jsonld.keys import (
from ..shared.jsonld.util import (

__all__ = ["JsonLDParser", "to_rdf"]

TYPE_TERM = Term(str(RDF.type), TYPE, VOCAB)  # type: ignore[call-arg]

ALLOW_LISTS_OF_LISTS = True  # NOTE: Not allowed in JSON-LD 1.0

[docs]class JsonLDParser(rdflib.parser.Parser):
[docs] def __init__(self): super(JsonLDParser, self).__init__()
[docs] def parse( self, source: InputSource, sink: Graph, version: float = 1.1, **kwargs: Any ) -> None: # TODO: docstring w. args and return value encoding = kwargs.get("encoding") or "utf-8" if encoding not in ("utf-8", "utf-16"): warnings.warn( "JSON should be encoded as unicode. " "Given encoding was: %s" % encoding ) base = kwargs.get("base") or sink.absolutize( source.getPublicId() or source.getSystemId() or "" ) context_data = kwargs.get("context") if not context_data and hasattr(source, "url") and hasattr(source, "links"): if TYPE_CHECKING: assert isinstance(source, URLInputSource) context_data = context_from_urlinputsource(source) try: version = float(version) except ValueError: version = 1.1 generalized_rdf = kwargs.get("generalized_rdf", False) data = source_to_json(source) # NOTE: A ConjunctiveGraph parses into a Graph sink, so no sink will be # context_aware. Keeping this check in case RDFLib is changed, or # someone passes something context_aware to this parser directly. conj_sink: Graph if not sink.context_aware: conj_sink = ConjunctiveGraph(, identifier=sink.identifier) else: conj_sink = sink to_rdf(data, conj_sink, base, context_data, version, generalized_rdf)
[docs]def to_rdf( data: Any, dataset: Graph, base: Optional[str] = None, context_data: Optional[ Union[ List[Union[Dict[str, Any], str, None]], Dict[str, Any], str, ] ] = None, version: Optional[float] = None, generalized_rdf: bool = False, allow_lists_of_lists: Optional[bool] = None, ): # TODO: docstring w. args and return value context = Context(base=base, version=version) if context_data: context.load(context_data) parser = Parser( generalized_rdf=generalized_rdf, allow_lists_of_lists=allow_lists_of_lists ) return parser.parse(data, context, dataset)
class Parser: def __init__( self, generalized_rdf: bool = False, allow_lists_of_lists: Optional[bool] = None ): self.generalized_rdf = generalized_rdf self.allow_lists_of_lists = ( allow_lists_of_lists if allow_lists_of_lists is not None else ALLOW_LISTS_OF_LISTS ) def parse(self, data: Any, context: Context, dataset: Graph) -> Graph: topcontext = False resources: Union[Dict[str, Any], List[Any]] if isinstance(data, list): resources = data elif isinstance(data, dict): local_context = data.get(CONTEXT) if local_context: context.load(local_context, context.base) topcontext = True resources = data # type error: Subclass of "Dict[str, Any]" and "List[Any]" cannot exist: would have incompatible method signatures if not isinstance(resources, list): # type: ignore[unreachable] resources = [resources] if context.vocab: dataset.bind(None, context.vocab) for name, term in context.terms.items(): if and dataset.bind(name, # type error: "Graph" has no attribute "default_context" graph = dataset.default_context if dataset.context_aware else dataset # type: ignore[attr-defined] for node in resources: self._add_to_graph(dataset, graph, context, node, topcontext) return graph def _add_to_graph( self, dataset: Graph, graph: Graph, context: Context, node: Any, topcontext: bool = False, ) -> Optional[Node]: if not isinstance(node, dict) or context.get_value(node): # type error: Return value expected return # type: ignore[return-value] if CONTEXT in node and not topcontext: local_context = node[CONTEXT] if local_context: context = context.subcontext(local_context) else: context = Context(base=context.doc_base) # type error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "Optional[Context]", variable has type "Context") context = context.get_context_for_type(node) # type: ignore[assignment] id_val = context.get_id(node) if id_val is None: nested_id = self._get_nested_id(context, node) if nested_id is not None and len(nested_id) > 0: id_val = nested_id if isinstance(id_val, str): subj = self._to_rdf_id(context, id_val) else: subj = BNode() if subj is None: return None # NOTE: crude way to signify that this node might represent a named graph no_id = id_val is None for key, obj in node.items(): if key == CONTEXT or key in context.get_keys(ID): continue if key == REV or key in context.get_keys(REV): for rkey, robj in obj.items(): self._key_to_graph( dataset, graph, context, subj, rkey, robj, reverse=True, no_id=no_id, ) else: self._key_to_graph(dataset, graph, context, subj, key, obj, no_id=no_id) return subj # type error: Missing return statement def _get_nested_id(self, context: Context, node: Dict[str, Any]) -> Optional[str]: # type: ignore[return] for key, obj in node.items(): if context.version >= 1.1 and key in context.get_keys(NEST): term = context.terms.get(key) if term and is None: continue objs = obj if isinstance(obj, list) else [obj] for obj in objs: if not isinstance(obj, dict): continue id_val = context.get_id(obj) if not id_val: subcontext = context.get_context_for_term( context.terms.get(key) ) id_val = self._get_nested_id(subcontext, obj) if isinstance(id_val, str): return id_val def _key_to_graph( self, dataset: Graph, graph: Graph, context: Context, subj: Node, key: str, obj: Any, reverse: bool = False, no_id: bool = False, ) -> None: if isinstance(obj, list): obj_nodes = obj else: obj_nodes = [obj] term = context.terms.get(key) if term: term_id = if term.type == JSON: obj_nodes = [self._to_typed_json_value(obj)] elif LIST in term.container: obj_nodes = [self._expand_nested_list(obj_nodes)] elif isinstance(obj, dict): obj_nodes = self._parse_container(context, term, obj) else: term_id = None if TYPE in (key, term_id): term = TYPE_TERM if GRAPH in (key, term_id): if dataset.context_aware and not no_id: if TYPE_CHECKING: assert isinstance(dataset, ConjunctiveGraph) # type error: Argument 1 to "get_context" of "ConjunctiveGraph" has incompatible type "Node"; expected "Union[IdentifiedNode, str, None]" subgraph = dataset.get_context(subj) # type: ignore[arg-type] else: subgraph = graph for onode in obj_nodes: self._add_to_graph(dataset, subgraph, context, onode) return if SET in (key, term_id): for onode in obj_nodes: self._add_to_graph(dataset, graph, context, onode) return if INCLUDED in (key, term_id): for onode in obj_nodes: self._add_to_graph(dataset, graph, context, onode) return if context.version >= 1.1 and key in context.get_keys(NEST): term = context.terms.get(key) if term and is None: return objs = obj if isinstance(obj, list) else [obj] for obj in objs: if not isinstance(obj, dict): continue for nkey, nobj in obj.items(): # NOTE: we've already captured subject if nkey in context.get_keys(ID): continue subcontext = context.get_context_for_type(obj) # type error: Argument 3 to "_key_to_graph" of "Parser" has incompatible type "Optional[Context]"; expected "Context" self._key_to_graph(dataset, graph, subcontext, subj, nkey, nobj) # type: ignore[arg-type] return pred_uri = if term else context.expand(key) context = context.get_context_for_term(term) # Flatten deep nested lists def flatten(n: Iterable[Any]) -> List[Any]: flattened = [] for obj in n: if isinstance(obj, dict): objs = context.get_set(obj) if objs is not None: obj = objs if isinstance(obj, list): flattened += flatten(obj) continue flattened.append(obj) return flattened obj_nodes = flatten(obj_nodes) if not pred_uri: return if term and term.reverse: reverse = not reverse pred: IdentifiedNode bid = self._get_bnodeid(pred_uri) if bid: if not self.generalized_rdf: return pred = BNode(bid) else: pred = URIRef(pred_uri) for obj_node in obj_nodes: obj = self._to_object(dataset, graph, context, term, obj_node) if obj is None: continue if reverse: graph.add((obj, pred, subj)) else: graph.add((subj, pred, obj)) def _parse_container( self, context: Context, term: Term, obj: Dict[str, Any] ) -> List[Any]: if LANG in term.container: obj_nodes = [] for lang, values in obj.items(): if not isinstance(values, list): values = [values] if lang in context.get_keys(NONE): obj_nodes += values else: for v in values: obj_nodes.append((v, lang)) return obj_nodes v11 = context.version >= 1.1 if v11 and GRAPH in term.container and ID in term.container: return [ ( dict({GRAPH: o}) if k in context.get_keys(NONE) else dict({ID: k, GRAPH: o}) if isinstance(o, dict) else o ) for k, o in obj.items() ] elif v11 and GRAPH in term.container and INDEX in term.container: return [dict({GRAPH: o}) for k, o in obj.items()] elif v11 and GRAPH in term.container: return [dict({GRAPH: obj})] elif v11 and ID in term.container: return [ ( dict({ID: k}, **o) if isinstance(o, dict) and k not in context.get_keys(NONE) else o ) for k, o in obj.items() ] elif v11 and TYPE in term.container: return [ ( self._add_type( context, ( {ID: context.expand(o) if term.type == VOCAB else o} if isinstance(o, str) else o ), k, ) if isinstance(o, (dict, str)) and k not in context.get_keys(NONE) else o ) for k, o in obj.items() ] elif INDEX in term.container: obj_nodes = [] for key, nodes in obj.items(): if not isinstance(nodes, list): nodes = [nodes] for node in nodes: if v11 and term.index and key not in context.get_keys(NONE): if not isinstance(node, dict): node = {ID: node} values = node.get(term.index, []) if not isinstance(values, list): values = [values] values.append(key) node[term.index] = values obj_nodes.append(node) return obj_nodes return [obj] @staticmethod def _add_type(context: Context, o: Dict[str, Any], k: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: otype = context.get_type(o) or [] if otype and not isinstance(otype, list): otype = [otype] otype.append(k) o[TYPE] = otype return o def _to_object( self, dataset: Graph, graph: Graph, context: Context, term: Optional[Term], node: Any, inlist: bool = False, ) -> Optional[Node]: if isinstance(node, tuple): value, lang = node if value is None: # type error: Return value expected return # type: ignore[return-value] if lang and " " in lang: # type error: Return value expected return # type: ignore[return-value] return Literal(value, lang=lang) if isinstance(node, dict): node_list = context.get_list(node) if node_list is not None: if inlist and not self.allow_lists_of_lists: # type error: Return value expected return # type: ignore[return-value] listref = self._add_list(dataset, graph, context, term, node_list) if listref: return listref else: # expand compacted value if term and term.type: if term.type == JSON: node = self._to_typed_json_value(node) elif node is None: # type error: Return value expected return # type: ignore[return-value] elif term.type == ID and isinstance(node, str): node = {ID: context.resolve(node)} elif term.type == VOCAB and isinstance(node, str): node = {ID: context.expand(node) or context.resolve_iri(node)} else: node = {TYPE: term.type, VALUE: node} else: if node is None: # type error: Return value expected return # type: ignore[return-value] if isinstance(node, float): return Literal(node, datatype=XSD.double) if term and term.language is not UNDEF: lang = term.language else: lang = context.language return Literal(node, lang=lang) lang = context.get_language(node) datatype = not lang and context.get_type(node) or None value = context.get_value(node) # type error: Unsupported operand types for in ("Optional[Any]" and "Generator[str, None, None]") if datatype in context.get_keys(JSON): # type: ignore[operator] node = self._to_typed_json_value(value) datatype = context.get_type(node) value = context.get_value(node) if lang or context.get_key(VALUE) in node or VALUE in node: if value is None: return None if lang: if " " in lang: # type error: Return value expected return # type: ignore[return-value] return Literal(value, lang=lang) elif datatype: return Literal(value, datatype=context.expand(datatype)) else: return Literal(value) else: return self._add_to_graph(dataset, graph, context, node) def _to_rdf_id(self, context: Context, id_val: str) -> Optional[IdentifiedNode]: bid = self._get_bnodeid(id_val) if bid: return BNode(bid) else: uri = context.resolve(id_val) if not self.generalized_rdf and ":" not in uri: return None return URIRef(uri) def _get_bnodeid(self, ref: str) -> Optional[str]: if not ref.startswith("_:"): # type error: Return value expected return # type: ignore[return-value] bid = ref.split("_:", 1)[-1] return bid or None def _add_list( self, dataset: Graph, graph: Graph, context: Context, term: Optional[Term], node_list: Any, ) -> IdentifiedNode: if not isinstance(node_list, list): node_list = [node_list] first_subj = BNode() subj, rest = first_subj, None for node in node_list: if node is None: continue if rest: # type error: Statement is unreachable graph.add((subj,, rest)) # type: ignore[unreachable] subj = rest obj = self._to_object(dataset, graph, context, term, node, inlist=True) if obj is None: continue graph.add((subj, RDF.first, obj)) rest = BNode() if rest: graph.add((subj,, RDF.nil)) return first_subj else: return RDF.nil @staticmethod def _to_typed_json_value(value: Any) -> Dict[str, str]: return { TYPE: URIRef("%sJSON" % str(RDF)), VALUE: json.dumps( value, separators=(",", ":"), sort_keys=True, ensure_ascii=False ), } @classmethod def _expand_nested_list(cls, obj_nodes: List[Any]) -> Dict[str, List[Any]]: result = [ cls._expand_nested_list(o) if isinstance(o, list) else o for o in obj_nodes ] return {LIST: result}