Source code for rdflib.plugins.sparql.parser

SPARQL 1.1 Parser

based on pyparsing
from __future__ import annotations

import re
import sys
from typing import Any, BinaryIO, List
from typing import Optional as OptionalType
from typing import TextIO, Tuple, Union

from pyparsing import CaselessKeyword as Keyword  # watch out :)
from pyparsing import (

import rdflib
from rdflib.compat import decodeUnicodeEscape

from . import operators as op
from .parserutils import Comp, CompValue, Param, ParamList

# from pyparsing import Keyword as CaseSensitiveKeyword

DEBUG = False

# ---------------- ACTIONS

[docs]def neg(literal: rdflib.Literal) -> rdflib.Literal: return rdflib.Literal(-literal, datatype=literal.datatype)
[docs]def setLanguage(terms: Tuple[Any, OptionalType[str]]) -> rdflib.Literal: return rdflib.Literal(terms[0], lang=terms[1])
[docs]def setDataType(terms: Tuple[Any, OptionalType[str]]) -> rdflib.Literal: return rdflib.Literal(terms[0], datatype=terms[1])
[docs]def expandTriples(terms: ParseResults) -> List[Any]: """ Expand ; and , syntax for repeat predicates, subjects """ # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() try: res: List[Any] = [] if DEBUG: print("Terms", terms) l_ = len(terms) for i, t in enumerate(terms): if t == ",": res.extend([res[-3], res[-2]]) elif t == ";": if i + 1 == len(terms) or terms[i + 1] == ";" or terms[i + 1] == ".": continue # this semicolon is spurious res.append(res[0]) elif isinstance(t, list): # BlankNodePropertyList # is this bnode the object of previous triples? if (len(res) % 3) == 2: res.append(t[0]) # is this a single [] ? if len(t) > 1: res += t # is this bnode the subject of more triples? if i + 1 < l_ and terms[i + 1] not in ".,;": res.append(t[0]) elif isinstance(t, ParseResults): res += t.asList() elif t != ".": res.append(t) if DEBUG: print(len(res), t) if DEBUG: import json print(json.dumps(res, indent=2)) return res # print res # assert len(res)%3 == 0, \ # "Length of triple-list is not divisible by 3: %d!"%len(res) # return [tuple(res[i:i+3]) for i in range(len(res)/3)] except: # noqa: E722 if DEBUG: import traceback traceback.print_exc() raise
[docs]def expandBNodeTriples(terms: ParseResults) -> List[Any]: """ expand [ ?p ?o ] syntax for implicit bnodes """ # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() try: if DEBUG: print("Bnode terms", terms) print("1", terms[0]) print("2", [rdflib.BNode()] + terms.asList()[0]) return [expandTriples([rdflib.BNode()] + terms.asList()[0])] except Exception as e: if DEBUG: print(">>>>>>>>", e) raise
[docs]def expandCollection(terms: ParseResults) -> List[List[Any]]: """ expand ( 1 2 3 ) notation for collections """ if DEBUG: print("Collection: ", terms) res: List[Any] = [] other = [] for x in terms: if isinstance(x, list): # is this a [ .. ] ? other += x x = x[0] b = rdflib.BNode() if res: res += [res[-3],, b, b, rdflib.RDF.first, x] else: res += [b, rdflib.RDF.first, x] res += [b,, rdflib.RDF.nil] res += other if DEBUG: print("CollectionOut", res) return [res]
# SPARQL Grammar from # ------ TERMINALS -------------- # [139] IRIREF ::= '<' ([^<>"{}|^`\]-[#x00-#x20])* '>' IRIREF = Combine( Suppress("<") + Regex(r'[^<>"{}|^`\\%s]*' % "".join("\\x%02X" % i for i in range(33))) + Suppress(">") ) IRIREF.setParseAction(lambda x: rdflib.URIRef(x[0])) # [164] P_CHARS_BASE ::= [A-Z] | [a-z] | [#x00C0-#x00D6] | [#x00D8-#x00F6] | [#x00F8-#x02FF] | [#x0370-#x037D] | [#x037F-#x1FFF] | [#x200C-#x200D] | [#x2070-#x218F] | [#x2C00-#x2FEF] | [#x3001-#xD7FF] | [#xF900-#xFDCF] | [#xFDF0-#xFFFD] | [#x10000-#xEFFFF] if sys.maxunicode == 0xFFFF: # this is narrow python build (default on windows/osx) # this means that unicode code points over 0xffff are stored # as several characters, which in turn means that regex character # ranges with these characters do not work. # See # * # * # * # # Here we simple skip the [#x10000-#xEFFFF] part # this means that some SPARQL queries will not parse :( # We *could* generate a new regex with \U00010000|\U00010001 ... # but it would be quite long :) # # in py3.3 this is fixed PN_CHARS_BASE_re = "A-Za-z\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD" else: # wide python build PN_CHARS_BASE_re = "A-Za-z\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD\U00010000-\U000EFFFF" # [165] PN_CHARS_U ::= PN_CHARS_BASE | '_' PN_CHARS_U_re = "_" + PN_CHARS_BASE_re # [167] PN_CHARS ::= PN_CHARS_U | '-' | [0-9] | #x00B7 | [#x0300-#x036F] | [#x203F-#x2040] PN_CHARS_re = "\\-0-9\u00B7\u0300-\u036F\u203F-\u2040" + PN_CHARS_U_re # PN_CHARS = Regex(u'[%s]'%PN_CHARS_re, flags=re.U) # [168] PN_PREFIX ::= PN_CHARS_BASE ((PN_CHARS|'.')* PN_CHARS)? PN_PREFIX = Regex( "[%s](?:[%s\\.]*[%s])?" % (PN_CHARS_BASE_re, PN_CHARS_re, PN_CHARS_re), flags=re.U ) # [140] PNAME_NS ::= PN_PREFIX? ':' PNAME_NS = Optional(Param("prefix", PN_PREFIX)) + Suppress(":").leaveWhitespace() # [173] PN_LOCAL_ESC ::= '\' ( '_' | '~' | '.' | '-' | '!' | '$' | '&' | "'" | '(' | ')' | '*' | '+' | ',' | ';' | '=' | '/' | '?' | '#' | '@' | '%' ) PN_LOCAL_ESC_re = "\\\\[_~\\.\\-!$&\"'()*+,;=/?#@%]" # PN_LOCAL_ESC = Regex(PN_LOCAL_ESC_re) # regex'd # PN_LOCAL_ESC.setParseAction(lambda x: x[0][1:]) # [172] HEX ::= [0-9] | [A-F] | [a-f] # HEX = Regex('[0-9A-Fa-f]') # not needed # [171] PERCENT ::= '%' HEX HEX PERCENT_re = "%[0-9a-fA-F]{2}" # PERCENT = Regex(PERCENT_re) # regex'd # PERCENT.setParseAction(lambda x: chr(int(x[0][1:], 16))) # [170] PLX ::= PERCENT | PN_LOCAL_ESC PLX_re = "(%s|%s)" % (PN_LOCAL_ESC_re, PERCENT_re) # PLX = PERCENT | PN_LOCAL_ESC # regex'd # [169] PN_LOCAL ::= (PN_CHARS_U | ':' | [0-9] | PLX ) ((PN_CHARS | '.' | ':' | PLX)* (PN_CHARS | ':' | PLX) )? PN_LOCAL = Regex( """([%(PN_CHARS_U)s:0-9]|%(PLX)s) (([%(PN_CHARS)s\\.:]|%(PLX)s)* ([%(PN_CHARS)s:]|%(PLX)s) )?""" % dict(PN_CHARS_U=PN_CHARS_U_re, PN_CHARS=PN_CHARS_re, PLX=PLX_re), flags=re.X | re.UNICODE, ) # [141] PNAME_LN ::= PNAME_NS PN_LOCAL PNAME_LN = PNAME_NS + Param("localname", PN_LOCAL.leaveWhitespace()) # [142] BLANK_NODE_LABEL ::= '_:' ( PN_CHARS_U | [0-9] ) ((PN_CHARS|'.')* PN_CHARS)? BLANK_NODE_LABEL = Regex( "_:[0-9%s](?:[\\.%s]*[%s])?" % (PN_CHARS_U_re, PN_CHARS_re, PN_CHARS_re), flags=re.U, ) BLANK_NODE_LABEL.setParseAction(lambda x: rdflib.BNode(x[0][2:])) # [166] VARNAME ::= ( PN_CHARS_U | [0-9] ) ( PN_CHARS_U | [0-9] | #x00B7 | [#x0300-#x036F] | [#x203F-#x2040] )* VARNAME = Regex( "[%s0-9][%s0-9\u00B7\u0300-\u036F\u203F-\u2040]*" % (PN_CHARS_U_re, PN_CHARS_U_re), flags=re.U, ) # [143] VAR1 ::= '?' VARNAME VAR1 = Combine(Suppress("?") + VARNAME) # [144] VAR2 ::= '$' VARNAME VAR2 = Combine(Suppress("$") + VARNAME) # [145] LANGTAG ::= '@' [a-zA-Z]+ ('-' [a-zA-Z0-9]+)* LANGTAG = Combine(Suppress("@") + Regex("[a-zA-Z]+(?:-[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*")) # [146] INTEGER ::= [0-9]+ INTEGER = Regex(r"[0-9]+") # INTEGER.setResultsName('integer') INTEGER.setParseAction(lambda x: rdflib.Literal(x[0], datatype=rdflib.XSD.integer)) # [155] EXPONENT ::= [eE] [+-]? [0-9]+ EXPONENT_re = "[eE][+-]?[0-9]+" # [147] DECIMAL ::= [0-9]* '.' [0-9]+ DECIMAL = Regex(r"[0-9]*\.[0-9]+") # (?![eE]) # DECIMAL.setResultsName('decimal') DECIMAL.setParseAction(lambda x: rdflib.Literal(x[0], datatype=rdflib.XSD.decimal)) # [148] DOUBLE ::= [0-9]+ '.' [0-9]* EXPONENT | '.' ([0-9])+ EXPONENT | ([0-9])+ EXPONENT DOUBLE = Regex(r"[0-9]+\.[0-9]*%(e)s|\.([0-9])+%(e)s|[0-9]+%(e)s" % {"e": EXPONENT_re}) # DOUBLE.setResultsName('double') DOUBLE.setParseAction(lambda x: rdflib.Literal(x[0], datatype=rdflib.XSD.double)) # [149] INTEGER_POSITIVE ::= '+' INTEGER INTEGER_POSITIVE = Suppress("+") + INTEGER.copy().leaveWhitespace() INTEGER_POSITIVE.setParseAction( lambda x: rdflib.Literal("+" + x[0], datatype=rdflib.XSD.integer) ) # [150] DECIMAL_POSITIVE ::= '+' DECIMAL DECIMAL_POSITIVE = Suppress("+") + DECIMAL.copy().leaveWhitespace() # [151] DOUBLE_POSITIVE ::= '+' DOUBLE DOUBLE_POSITIVE = Suppress("+") + DOUBLE.copy().leaveWhitespace() # [152] INTEGER_NEGATIVE ::= '-' INTEGER INTEGER_NEGATIVE = Suppress("-") + INTEGER.copy().leaveWhitespace() INTEGER_NEGATIVE.setParseAction(lambda x: neg(x[0])) # [153] DECIMAL_NEGATIVE ::= '-' DECIMAL DECIMAL_NEGATIVE = Suppress("-") + DECIMAL.copy().leaveWhitespace() DECIMAL_NEGATIVE.setParseAction(lambda x: neg(x[0])) # [154] DOUBLE_NEGATIVE ::= '-' DOUBLE DOUBLE_NEGATIVE = Suppress("-") + DOUBLE.copy().leaveWhitespace() DOUBLE_NEGATIVE.setParseAction(lambda x: neg(x[0])) # [160] ECHAR ::= '\' [tbnrf\"'] # ECHAR = Regex('\\\\[tbnrf"\']') # [158] STRING_LITERAL_LONG1 ::= "'''" ( ( "'" | "''" )? ( [^'\] | ECHAR ) )* "'''" # STRING_LITERAL_LONG1 = Literal("'''") + ( Optional( Literal("'") | "''" # ) + ZeroOrMore( ~ Literal("'\\") | ECHAR ) ) + "'''" STRING_LITERAL_LONG1 = Regex("'''((?:'|'')?(?:[^'\\\\]|\\\\['ntbrf\\\\]))*'''") STRING_LITERAL_LONG1.setParseAction( lambda x: rdflib.Literal(decodeUnicodeEscape(x[0][3:-3])) ) # [159] STRING_LITERAL_LONG2 ::= '"""' ( ( '"' | '""' )? ( [^"\] | ECHAR ) )* '"""' # STRING_LITERAL_LONG2 = Literal('"""') + ( Optional( Literal('"') | '""' # ) + ZeroOrMore( ~ Literal('"\\') | ECHAR ) ) + '"""' STRING_LITERAL_LONG2 = Regex('"""(?:(?:"|"")?(?:[^"\\\\]|\\\\["ntbrf\\\\]))*"""') STRING_LITERAL_LONG2.setParseAction( lambda x: rdflib.Literal(decodeUnicodeEscape(x[0][3:-3])) ) # [156] STRING_LITERAL1 ::= "'" ( ([^#x27#x5C#xA#xD]) | ECHAR )* "'" # STRING_LITERAL1 = Literal("'") + ZeroOrMore( # Regex(u'[^\u0027\u005C\u000A\u000D]',flags=re.U) | ECHAR ) + "'" STRING_LITERAL1 = Regex("'(?:[^'\\n\\r\\\\]|\\\\['ntbrf\\\\])*'(?!')", flags=re.U) STRING_LITERAL1.setParseAction( lambda x: rdflib.Literal(decodeUnicodeEscape(x[0][1:-1])) ) # [157] STRING_LITERAL2 ::= '"' ( ([^#x22#x5C#xA#xD]) | ECHAR )* '"' # STRING_LITERAL2 = Literal('"') + ZeroOrMore ( # Regex(u'[^\u0022\u005C\u000A\u000D]',flags=re.U) | ECHAR ) + '"' STRING_LITERAL2 = Regex('"(?:[^"\\n\\r\\\\]|\\\\["ntbrf\\\\])*"(?!")', flags=re.U) STRING_LITERAL2.setParseAction( lambda x: rdflib.Literal(decodeUnicodeEscape(x[0][1:-1])) ) # [161] NIL ::= '(' WS* ')' NIL = Literal("(") + ")" NIL.setParseAction(lambda x: rdflib.RDF.nil) # [162] WS ::= #x20 | #x9 | #xD | #xA # Not needed? # WS = #x20 | #x9 | #xD | #xA # [163] ANON ::= '[' WS* ']' ANON = Literal("[") + "]" ANON.setParseAction(lambda x: rdflib.BNode()) # A = CaseSensitiveKeyword('a') A = Literal("a") A.setParseAction(lambda x: rdflib.RDF.type) # ------ NON-TERMINALS -------------- # [5] BaseDecl ::= 'BASE' IRIREF BaseDecl = Comp("Base", Keyword("BASE") + Param("iri", IRIREF)) # [6] PrefixDecl ::= 'PREFIX' PNAME_NS IRIREF PrefixDecl = Comp("PrefixDecl", Keyword("PREFIX") + PNAME_NS + Param("iri", IRIREF)) # [4] Prologue ::= ( BaseDecl | PrefixDecl )* Prologue = Group(ZeroOrMore(BaseDecl | PrefixDecl)) # [108] Var ::= VAR1 | VAR2 Var = VAR1 | VAR2 Var.setParseAction(lambda x: rdflib.term.Variable(x[0])) # [137] PrefixedName ::= PNAME_LN | PNAME_NS PrefixedName = Comp("pname", PNAME_LN | PNAME_NS) # [136] iri ::= IRIREF | PrefixedName iri = IRIREF | PrefixedName # [135] String ::= STRING_LITERAL1 | STRING_LITERAL2 | STRING_LITERAL_LONG1 | STRING_LITERAL_LONG2 String = STRING_LITERAL_LONG1 | STRING_LITERAL_LONG2 | STRING_LITERAL1 | STRING_LITERAL2 # [129] RDFLiteral ::= String ( LANGTAG | ( '^^' iri ) )? RDFLiteral = Comp( "literal", Param("string", String) + Optional( Param("lang", LANGTAG.leaveWhitespace()) | Literal("^^").leaveWhitespace() + Param("datatype", iri).leaveWhitespace() ), ) # [132] NumericLiteralPositive ::= INTEGER_POSITIVE | DECIMAL_POSITIVE | DOUBLE_POSITIVE NumericLiteralPositive = DOUBLE_POSITIVE | DECIMAL_POSITIVE | INTEGER_POSITIVE # [133] NumericLiteralNegative ::= INTEGER_NEGATIVE | DECIMAL_NEGATIVE | DOUBLE_NEGATIVE NumericLiteralNegative = DOUBLE_NEGATIVE | DECIMAL_NEGATIVE | INTEGER_NEGATIVE # [131] NumericLiteralUnsigned ::= INTEGER | DECIMAL | DOUBLE NumericLiteralUnsigned = DOUBLE | DECIMAL | INTEGER # [130] NumericLiteral ::= NumericLiteralUnsigned | NumericLiteralPositive | NumericLiteralNegative NumericLiteral = ( NumericLiteralUnsigned | NumericLiteralPositive | NumericLiteralNegative ) # [134] BooleanLiteral ::= 'true' | 'false' BooleanLiteral = Keyword("true").setParseAction(lambda: rdflib.Literal(True)) | Keyword( "false" ).setParseAction(lambda: rdflib.Literal(False)) # [138] BlankNode ::= BLANK_NODE_LABEL | ANON BlankNode = BLANK_NODE_LABEL | ANON # [109] GraphTerm ::= iri | RDFLiteral | NumericLiteral | BooleanLiteral | BlankNode | NIL GraphTerm = iri | RDFLiteral | NumericLiteral | BooleanLiteral | BlankNode | NIL # [106] VarOrTerm ::= Var | GraphTerm VarOrTerm = Var | GraphTerm # [107] VarOrIri ::= Var | iri VarOrIri = Var | iri # [46] GraphRef ::= 'GRAPH' iri GraphRef = Keyword("GRAPH") + Param("graphiri", iri) # [47] GraphRefAll ::= GraphRef | 'DEFAULT' | 'NAMED' | 'ALL' GraphRefAll = ( GraphRef | Param("graphiri", Keyword("DEFAULT")) | Param("graphiri", Keyword("NAMED")) | Param("graphiri", Keyword("ALL")) ) # [45] GraphOrDefault ::= 'DEFAULT' | 'GRAPH'? iri GraphOrDefault = ParamList("graph", Keyword("DEFAULT")) | Optional( Keyword("GRAPH") ) + ParamList("graph", iri) # [65] DataBlockValue ::= iri | RDFLiteral | NumericLiteral | BooleanLiteral | 'UNDEF' DataBlockValue = iri | RDFLiteral | NumericLiteral | BooleanLiteral | Keyword("UNDEF") # [78] Verb ::= VarOrIri | A Verb = VarOrIri | A # [85] VerbSimple ::= Var VerbSimple = Var # [97] Integer ::= INTEGER Integer = INTEGER TriplesNode = Forward() TriplesNodePath = Forward() # [104] GraphNode ::= VarOrTerm | TriplesNode GraphNode = VarOrTerm | TriplesNode # [105] GraphNodePath ::= VarOrTerm | TriplesNodePath GraphNodePath = VarOrTerm | TriplesNodePath # [93] PathMod ::= '?' | '*' | '+' PathMod = Literal("?") | "*" | "+" # [96] PathOneInPropertySet ::= iri | A | '^' ( iri | A ) PathOneInPropertySet = iri | A | Comp("InversePath", "^" + (iri | A)) Path = Forward() # [95] PathNegatedPropertySet ::= PathOneInPropertySet | '(' ( PathOneInPropertySet ( '|' PathOneInPropertySet )* )? ')' PathNegatedPropertySet = Comp( "PathNegatedPropertySet", ParamList("part", PathOneInPropertySet) | "(" + Optional( ParamList("part", PathOneInPropertySet) + ZeroOrMore("|" + ParamList("part", PathOneInPropertySet)) ) + ")", ) # [94] PathPrimary ::= iri | A | '!' PathNegatedPropertySet | '(' Path ')' | 'DISTINCT' '(' Path ')' PathPrimary = ( iri | A | Suppress("!") + PathNegatedPropertySet | Suppress("(") + Path + Suppress(")") | Comp("DistinctPath", Keyword("DISTINCT") + "(" + Param("part", Path) + ")") ) # [91] PathElt ::= PathPrimary Optional(PathMod) PathElt = Comp( "PathElt", Param("part", PathPrimary) + Optional(Param("mod", PathMod.leaveWhitespace())), ) # [92] PathEltOrInverse ::= PathElt | '^' PathElt PathEltOrInverse = PathElt | Suppress("^") + Comp( "PathEltOrInverse", Param("part", PathElt) ) # [90] PathSequence ::= PathEltOrInverse ( '/' PathEltOrInverse )* PathSequence = Comp( "PathSequence", ParamList("part", PathEltOrInverse) + ZeroOrMore("/" + ParamList("part", PathEltOrInverse)), ) # [89] PathAlternative ::= PathSequence ( '|' PathSequence )* PathAlternative = Comp( "PathAlternative", ParamList("part", PathSequence) + ZeroOrMore("|" + ParamList("part", PathSequence)), ) # [88] Path ::= PathAlternative Path <<= PathAlternative # [84] VerbPath ::= Path VerbPath = Path # [87] ObjectPath ::= GraphNodePath ObjectPath = GraphNodePath # [86] ObjectListPath ::= ObjectPath ( ',' ObjectPath )* ObjectListPath = ObjectPath + ZeroOrMore("," + ObjectPath) GroupGraphPattern = Forward() # [102] Collection ::= '(' OneOrMore(GraphNode) ')' Collection = Suppress("(") + OneOrMore(GraphNode) + Suppress(")") Collection.setParseAction(expandCollection) # [103] CollectionPath ::= '(' OneOrMore(GraphNodePath) ')' CollectionPath = Suppress("(") + OneOrMore(GraphNodePath) + Suppress(")") CollectionPath.setParseAction(expandCollection) # [80] Object ::= GraphNode Object = GraphNode # [79] ObjectList ::= Object ( ',' Object )* ObjectList = Object + ZeroOrMore("," + Object) # [83] PropertyListPathNotEmpty ::= ( VerbPath | VerbSimple ) ObjectListPath ( ';' ( ( VerbPath | VerbSimple ) ObjectList )? )* PropertyListPathNotEmpty = ( (VerbPath | VerbSimple) + ObjectListPath + ZeroOrMore(";" + Optional((VerbPath | VerbSimple) + ObjectListPath)) ) # [82] PropertyListPath ::= Optional(PropertyListPathNotEmpty) PropertyListPath = Optional(PropertyListPathNotEmpty) # [77] PropertyListNotEmpty ::= Verb ObjectList ( ';' ( Verb ObjectList )? )* PropertyListNotEmpty = Verb + ObjectList + ZeroOrMore(";" + Optional(Verb + ObjectList)) # [76] PropertyList ::= Optional(PropertyListNotEmpty) PropertyList = Optional(PropertyListNotEmpty) # [99] BlankNodePropertyList ::= '[' PropertyListNotEmpty ']' BlankNodePropertyList = Group(Suppress("[") + PropertyListNotEmpty + Suppress("]")) BlankNodePropertyList.setParseAction(expandBNodeTriples) # [101] BlankNodePropertyListPath ::= '[' PropertyListPathNotEmpty ']' BlankNodePropertyListPath = Group( Suppress("[") + PropertyListPathNotEmpty + Suppress("]") ) BlankNodePropertyListPath.setParseAction(expandBNodeTriples) # [98] TriplesNode ::= Collection | BlankNodePropertyList TriplesNode <<= Collection | BlankNodePropertyList # [100] TriplesNodePath ::= CollectionPath | BlankNodePropertyListPath TriplesNodePath <<= CollectionPath | BlankNodePropertyListPath # [75] TriplesSameSubject ::= VarOrTerm PropertyListNotEmpty | TriplesNode PropertyList TriplesSameSubject = VarOrTerm + PropertyListNotEmpty | TriplesNode + PropertyList TriplesSameSubject.setParseAction(expandTriples) # [52] TriplesTemplate ::= TriplesSameSubject ( '.' TriplesTemplate? )? # NOTE: handling of recursive rules is limited by python's recursion # limit. # ( # To accommodate arbitrary amounts of triples this rule is rewritten to not be # recursive: # [52*] TriplesTemplate ::= TriplesSameSubject ( '.' TriplesSameSubject? )* TriplesTemplate = ParamList("triples", TriplesSameSubject) + ZeroOrMore( Suppress(".") + Optional(ParamList("triples", TriplesSameSubject)) ) # [51] QuadsNotTriples ::= 'GRAPH' VarOrIri '{' Optional(TriplesTemplate) '}' QuadsNotTriples = Comp( "QuadsNotTriples", Keyword("GRAPH") + Param("term", VarOrIri) + "{" + Optional(TriplesTemplate) + "}", ) # [50] Quads ::= Optional(TriplesTemplate) ( QuadsNotTriples '.'? Optional(TriplesTemplate) )* Quads = Comp( "Quads", Optional(TriplesTemplate) + ZeroOrMore( ParamList("quadsNotTriples", QuadsNotTriples) + Optional(Suppress(".")) + Optional(TriplesTemplate) ), ) # [48] QuadPattern ::= '{' Quads '}' QuadPattern = "{" + Param("quads", Quads) + "}" # [49] QuadData ::= '{' Quads '}' QuadData = "{" + Param("quads", Quads) + "}" # [81] TriplesSameSubjectPath ::= VarOrTerm PropertyListPathNotEmpty | TriplesNodePath PropertyListPath TriplesSameSubjectPath = ( VarOrTerm + PropertyListPathNotEmpty | TriplesNodePath + PropertyListPath ) TriplesSameSubjectPath.setParseAction(expandTriples) # [55] TriplesBlock ::= TriplesSameSubjectPath ( '.' Optional(TriplesBlock) )? TriplesBlock = Forward() TriplesBlock <<= ParamList("triples", TriplesSameSubjectPath) + Optional( Suppress(".") + Optional(TriplesBlock) ) # [66] MinusGraphPattern ::= 'MINUS' GroupGraphPattern MinusGraphPattern = Comp( "MinusGraphPattern", Keyword("MINUS") + Param("graph", GroupGraphPattern) ) # [67] GroupOrUnionGraphPattern ::= GroupGraphPattern ( 'UNION' GroupGraphPattern )* GroupOrUnionGraphPattern = Comp( "GroupOrUnionGraphPattern", ParamList("graph", GroupGraphPattern) + ZeroOrMore(Keyword("UNION") + ParamList("graph", GroupGraphPattern)), ) Expression = Forward() # [72] ExpressionList ::= NIL | '(' Expression ( ',' Expression )* ')' ExpressionList = NIL | Group(Suppress("(") + delimitedList(Expression) + Suppress(")")) # [122] RegexExpression ::= 'REGEX' '(' Expression ',' Expression ( ',' Expression )? ')' RegexExpression = Comp( "Builtin_REGEX", Keyword("REGEX") + "(" + Param("text", Expression) + "," + Param("pattern", Expression) + Optional("," + Param("flags", Expression)) + ")", ) RegexExpression.setEvalFn(op.Builtin_REGEX) # [123] SubstringExpression ::= 'SUBSTR' '(' Expression ',' Expression ( ',' Expression )? ')' SubstringExpression = Comp( "Builtin_SUBSTR", Keyword("SUBSTR") + "(" + Param("arg", Expression) + "," + Param("start", Expression) + Optional("," + Param("length", Expression)) + ")", ).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_SUBSTR) # [124] StrReplaceExpression ::= 'REPLACE' '(' Expression ',' Expression ',' Expression ( ',' Expression )? ')' StrReplaceExpression = Comp( "Builtin_REPLACE", Keyword("REPLACE") + "(" + Param("arg", Expression) + "," + Param("pattern", Expression) + "," + Param("replacement", Expression) + Optional("," + Param("flags", Expression)) + ")", ).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_REPLACE) # [125] ExistsFunc ::= 'EXISTS' GroupGraphPattern ExistsFunc = Comp( "Builtin_EXISTS", Keyword("EXISTS") + Param("graph", GroupGraphPattern) ).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_EXISTS) # [126] NotExistsFunc ::= 'NOT' 'EXISTS' GroupGraphPattern NotExistsFunc = Comp( "Builtin_NOTEXISTS", Keyword("NOT") + Keyword("EXISTS") + Param("graph", GroupGraphPattern), ).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_EXISTS) # [127] Aggregate ::= 'COUNT' '(' 'DISTINCT'? ( '*' | Expression ) ')' # | 'SUM' '(' Optional('DISTINCT') Expression ')' # | 'MIN' '(' Optional('DISTINCT') Expression ')' # | 'MAX' '(' Optional('DISTINCT') Expression ')' # | 'AVG' '(' Optional('DISTINCT') Expression ')' # | 'SAMPLE' '(' Optional('DISTINCT') Expression ')' # | 'GROUP_CONCAT' '(' Optional('DISTINCT') Expression ( ';' 'SEPARATOR' '=' String )? ')' _Distinct = Optional(Keyword("DISTINCT")) _AggregateParams = "(" + Param("distinct", _Distinct) + Param("vars", Expression) + ")" Aggregate = ( Comp( "Aggregate_Count", Keyword("COUNT") + "(" + Param("distinct", _Distinct) + Param("vars", "*" | Expression) + ")", ) | Comp("Aggregate_Sum", Keyword("SUM") + _AggregateParams) | Comp("Aggregate_Min", Keyword("MIN") + _AggregateParams) | Comp("Aggregate_Max", Keyword("MAX") + _AggregateParams) | Comp("Aggregate_Avg", Keyword("AVG") + _AggregateParams) | Comp("Aggregate_Sample", Keyword("SAMPLE") + _AggregateParams) | Comp( "Aggregate_GroupConcat", Keyword("GROUP_CONCAT") + "(" + Param("distinct", _Distinct) + Param("vars", Expression) + Optional(";" + Keyword("SEPARATOR") + "=" + Param("separator", String)) + ")", ) ) # [121] BuiltInCall ::= Aggregate # | 'STR' '(' + Expression + ')' # | 'LANG' '(' + Expression + ')' # | 'LANGMATCHES' '(' + Expression + ',' + Expression + ')' # | 'DATATYPE' '(' + Expression + ')' # | 'BOUND' '(' Var ')' # | 'IRI' '(' + Expression + ')' # | 'URI' '(' + Expression + ')' # | 'BNODE' ( '(' + Expression + ')' | NIL ) # | 'RAND' NIL # | 'ABS' '(' + Expression + ')' # | 'CEIL' '(' + Expression + ')' # | 'FLOOR' '(' + Expression + ')' # | 'ROUND' '(' + Expression + ')' # | 'CONCAT' ExpressionList # | SubstringExpression # | 'STRLEN' '(' + Expression + ')' # | StrReplaceExpression # | 'UCASE' '(' + Expression + ')' # | 'LCASE' '(' + Expression + ')' # | 'ENCODE_FOR_URI' '(' + Expression + ')' # | 'CONTAINS' '(' + Expression + ',' + Expression + ')' # | 'STRSTARTS' '(' + Expression + ',' + Expression + ')' # | 'STRENDS' '(' + Expression + ',' + Expression + ')' # | 'STRBEFORE' '(' + Expression + ',' + Expression + ')' # | 'STRAFTER' '(' + Expression + ',' + Expression + ')' # | 'YEAR' '(' + Expression + ')' # | 'MONTH' '(' + Expression + ')' # | 'DAY' '(' + Expression + ')' # | 'HOURS' '(' + Expression + ')' # | 'MINUTES' '(' + Expression + ')' # | 'SECONDS' '(' + Expression + ')' # | 'TIMEZONE' '(' + Expression + ')' # | 'TZ' '(' + Expression + ')' # | 'NOW' NIL # | 'UUID' NIL # | 'STRUUID' NIL # | 'MD5' '(' + Expression + ')' # | 'SHA1' '(' + Expression + ')' # | 'SHA256' '(' + Expression + ')' # | 'SHA384' '(' + Expression + ')' # | 'SHA512' '(' + Expression + ')' # | 'COALESCE' ExpressionList # | 'IF' '(' Expression ',' Expression ',' Expression ')' # | 'STRLANG' '(' + Expression + ',' + Expression + ')' # | 'STRDT' '(' + Expression + ',' + Expression + ')' # | 'sameTerm' '(' + Expression + ',' + Expression + ')' # | 'isIRI' '(' + Expression + ')' # | 'isURI' '(' + Expression + ')' # | 'isBLANK' '(' + Expression + ')' # | 'isLITERAL' '(' + Expression + ')' # | 'isNUMERIC' '(' + Expression + ')' # | RegexExpression # | ExistsFunc # | NotExistsFunc BuiltInCall = ( Aggregate | Comp( "Builtin_STR", Keyword("STR") + "(" + Param("arg", Expression) + ")" ).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_STR) | Comp( "Builtin_LANG", Keyword("LANG") + "(" + Param("arg", Expression) + ")" ).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_LANG) | Comp( "Builtin_LANGMATCHES", Keyword("LANGMATCHES") + "(" + Param("arg1", Expression) + "," + Param("arg2", Expression) + ")", ).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_LANGMATCHES) | Comp( "Builtin_DATATYPE", Keyword("DATATYPE") + "(" + Param("arg", Expression) + ")" ).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_DATATYPE) | Comp("Builtin_BOUND", Keyword("BOUND") + "(" + Param("arg", Var) + ")").setEvalFn( op.Builtin_BOUND ) | Comp( "Builtin_IRI", Keyword("IRI") + "(" + Param("arg", Expression) + ")" ).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_IRI) | Comp( "Builtin_URI", Keyword("URI") + "(" + Param("arg", Expression) + ")" ).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_IRI) | Comp( "Builtin_BNODE", Keyword("BNODE") + ("(" + Param("arg", Expression) + ")" | NIL) ).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_BNODE) | Comp("Builtin_RAND", Keyword("RAND") + NIL).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_RAND) | Comp( "Builtin_ABS", Keyword("ABS") + "(" + Param("arg", Expression) + ")" ).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_ABS) | Comp( "Builtin_CEIL", Keyword("CEIL") + "(" + Param("arg", Expression) + ")" ).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_CEIL) | Comp( "Builtin_FLOOR", Keyword("FLOOR") + "(" + Param("arg", Expression) + ")" ).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_FLOOR) | Comp( "Builtin_ROUND", Keyword("ROUND") + "(" + Param("arg", Expression) + ")" ).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_ROUND) | Comp( "Builtin_CONCAT", Keyword("CONCAT") + Param("arg", ExpressionList) ).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_CONCAT) | SubstringExpression | Comp( "Builtin_STRLEN", Keyword("STRLEN") + "(" + Param("arg", Expression) + ")" ).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_STRLEN) | StrReplaceExpression | Comp( "Builtin_UCASE", Keyword("UCASE") + "(" + Param("arg", Expression) + ")" ).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_UCASE) | Comp( "Builtin_LCASE", Keyword("LCASE") + "(" + Param("arg", Expression) + ")" ).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_LCASE) | Comp( "Builtin_ENCODE_FOR_URI", Keyword("ENCODE_FOR_URI") + "(" + Param("arg", Expression) + ")", ).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_ENCODE_FOR_URI) | Comp( "Builtin_CONTAINS", Keyword("CONTAINS") + "(" + Param("arg1", Expression) + "," + Param("arg2", Expression) + ")", ).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_CONTAINS) | Comp( "Builtin_STRSTARTS", Keyword("STRSTARTS") + "(" + Param("arg1", Expression) + "," + Param("arg2", Expression) + ")", ).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_STRSTARTS) | Comp( "Builtin_STRENDS", Keyword("STRENDS") + "(" + Param("arg1", Expression) + "," + Param("arg2", Expression) + ")", ).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_STRENDS) | Comp( "Builtin_STRBEFORE", Keyword("STRBEFORE") + "(" + Param("arg1", Expression) + "," + Param("arg2", Expression) + ")", ).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_STRBEFORE) | Comp( "Builtin_STRAFTER", Keyword("STRAFTER") + "(" + Param("arg1", Expression) + "," + Param("arg2", Expression) + ")", ).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_STRAFTER) | Comp( "Builtin_YEAR", Keyword("YEAR") + "(" + Param("arg", Expression) + ")" ).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_YEAR) | Comp( "Builtin_MONTH", Keyword("MONTH") + "(" + Param("arg", Expression) + ")" ).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_MONTH) | Comp( "Builtin_DAY", Keyword("DAY") + "(" + Param("arg", Expression) + ")" ).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_DAY) | Comp( "Builtin_HOURS", Keyword("HOURS") + "(" + Param("arg", Expression) + ")" ).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_HOURS) | Comp( "Builtin_MINUTES", Keyword("MINUTES") + "(" + Param("arg", Expression) + ")" ).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_MINUTES) | Comp( "Builtin_SECONDS", Keyword("SECONDS") + "(" + Param("arg", Expression) + ")" ).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_SECONDS) | Comp( "Builtin_TIMEZONE", Keyword("TIMEZONE") + "(" + Param("arg", Expression) + ")" ).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_TIMEZONE) | Comp( "Builtin_TZ", Keyword("TZ") + "(" + Param("arg", Expression) + ")" ).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_TZ) | Comp("Builtin_NOW", Keyword("NOW") + NIL).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_NOW) | Comp("Builtin_UUID", Keyword("UUID") + NIL).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_UUID) | Comp("Builtin_STRUUID", Keyword("STRUUID") + NIL).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_STRUUID) | Comp( "Builtin_MD5", Keyword("MD5") + "(" + Param("arg", Expression) + ")" ).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_MD5) | Comp( "Builtin_SHA1", Keyword("SHA1") + "(" + Param("arg", Expression) + ")" ).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_SHA1) | Comp( "Builtin_SHA256", Keyword("SHA256") + "(" + Param("arg", Expression) + ")" ).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_SHA256) | Comp( "Builtin_SHA384", Keyword("SHA384") + "(" + Param("arg", Expression) + ")" ).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_SHA384) | Comp( "Builtin_SHA512", Keyword("SHA512") + "(" + Param("arg", Expression) + ")" ).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_SHA512) | Comp( "Builtin_COALESCE", Keyword("COALESCE") + Param("arg", ExpressionList) ).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_COALESCE) | Comp( "Builtin_IF", Keyword("IF") + "(" + Param("arg1", Expression) + "," + Param("arg2", Expression) + "," + Param("arg3", Expression) + ")", ).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_IF) | Comp( "Builtin_STRLANG", Keyword("STRLANG") + "(" + Param("arg1", Expression) + "," + Param("arg2", Expression) + ")", ).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_STRLANG) | Comp( "Builtin_STRDT", Keyword("STRDT") + "(" + Param("arg1", Expression) + "," + Param("arg2", Expression) + ")", ).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_STRDT) | Comp( "Builtin_sameTerm", Keyword("sameTerm") + "(" + Param("arg1", Expression) + "," + Param("arg2", Expression) + ")", ).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_sameTerm) | Comp( "Builtin_isIRI", Keyword("isIRI") + "(" + Param("arg", Expression) + ")" ).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_isIRI) | Comp( "Builtin_isURI", Keyword("isURI") + "(" + Param("arg", Expression) + ")" ).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_isIRI) | Comp( "Builtin_isBLANK", Keyword("isBLANK") + "(" + Param("arg", Expression) + ")" ).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_isBLANK) | Comp( "Builtin_isLITERAL", Keyword("isLITERAL") + "(" + Param("arg", Expression) + ")" ).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_isLITERAL) | Comp( "Builtin_isNUMERIC", Keyword("isNUMERIC") + "(" + Param("arg", Expression) + ")" ).setEvalFn(op.Builtin_isNUMERIC) | RegexExpression | ExistsFunc | NotExistsFunc ) # [71] ArgList ::= NIL | '(' 'DISTINCT'? Expression ( ',' Expression )* ')' ArgList = ( NIL | "(" + Param("distinct", _Distinct) + delimitedList(ParamList("expr", Expression)) + ")" ) # [128] iriOrFunction ::= iri Optional(ArgList) iriOrFunction = ( Comp("Function", Param("iri", iri) + ArgList).setEvalFn(op.Function) ) | iri # [70] FunctionCall ::= iri ArgList FunctionCall = Comp("Function", Param("iri", iri) + ArgList).setEvalFn(op.Function) # [120] BrackettedExpression ::= '(' Expression ')' BrackettedExpression = Suppress("(") + Expression + Suppress(")") # [119] PrimaryExpression ::= BrackettedExpression | BuiltInCall | iriOrFunction | RDFLiteral | NumericLiteral | BooleanLiteral | Var PrimaryExpression = ( BrackettedExpression | BuiltInCall | iriOrFunction | RDFLiteral | NumericLiteral | BooleanLiteral | Var ) # [118] UnaryExpression ::= '!' PrimaryExpression # | '+' PrimaryExpression # | '-' PrimaryExpression # | PrimaryExpression UnaryExpression = ( Comp("UnaryNot", "!" + Param("expr", PrimaryExpression)).setEvalFn(op.UnaryNot) | Comp("UnaryPlus", "+" + Param("expr", PrimaryExpression)).setEvalFn(op.UnaryPlus) | Comp("UnaryMinus", "-" + Param("expr", PrimaryExpression)).setEvalFn( op.UnaryMinus ) | PrimaryExpression ) # [117] MultiplicativeExpression ::= UnaryExpression ( '*' UnaryExpression | '/' UnaryExpression )* MultiplicativeExpression = Comp( "MultiplicativeExpression", Param("expr", UnaryExpression) + ZeroOrMore( ParamList("op", "*") + ParamList("other", UnaryExpression) | ParamList("op", "/") + ParamList("other", UnaryExpression) ), ).setEvalFn(op.MultiplicativeExpression) # [116] AdditiveExpression ::= MultiplicativeExpression ( '+' MultiplicativeExpression | '-' MultiplicativeExpression | ( NumericLiteralPositive | NumericLiteralNegative ) ( ( '*' UnaryExpression ) | ( '/' UnaryExpression ) )* )* # NOTE: The second part of this production is there because: # "In signed numbers, no white space is allowed between the sign and the number. The AdditiveExpression grammar rule allows for this by covering the two cases of an expression followed by a signed number. These produce an addition or subtraction of the unsigned number as appropriate." # Here (I think) this is not necessary since pyparsing doesn't separate # tokenizing and parsing AdditiveExpression = Comp( "AdditiveExpression", Param("expr", MultiplicativeExpression) + ZeroOrMore( ParamList("op", "+") + ParamList("other", MultiplicativeExpression) | ParamList("op", "-") + ParamList("other", MultiplicativeExpression) ), ).setEvalFn(op.AdditiveExpression) # [115] NumericExpression ::= AdditiveExpression NumericExpression = AdditiveExpression # [114] RelationalExpression ::= NumericExpression ( '=' NumericExpression | '!=' NumericExpression | '<' NumericExpression | '>' NumericExpression | '<=' NumericExpression | '>=' NumericExpression | 'IN' ExpressionList | 'NOT' 'IN' ExpressionList )? RelationalExpression = Comp( "RelationalExpression", Param("expr", NumericExpression) + Optional( Param("op", "=") + Param("other", NumericExpression) | Param("op", "!=") + Param("other", NumericExpression) | Param("op", "<") + Param("other", NumericExpression) | Param("op", ">") + Param("other", NumericExpression) | Param("op", "<=") + Param("other", NumericExpression) | Param("op", ">=") + Param("other", NumericExpression) | Param("op", Keyword("IN")) + Param("other", ExpressionList) | Param( "op", Combine(Keyword("NOT") + Keyword("IN"), adjacent=False, joinString=" "), ) + Param("other", ExpressionList) ), ).setEvalFn(op.RelationalExpression) # [113] ValueLogical ::= RelationalExpression ValueLogical = RelationalExpression # [112] ConditionalAndExpression ::= ValueLogical ( '&&' ValueLogical )* ConditionalAndExpression = Comp( "ConditionalAndExpression", Param("expr", ValueLogical) + ZeroOrMore("&&" + ParamList("other", ValueLogical)), ).setEvalFn(op.ConditionalAndExpression) # [111] ConditionalOrExpression ::= ConditionalAndExpression ( '||' ConditionalAndExpression )* ConditionalOrExpression = Comp( "ConditionalOrExpression", Param("expr", ConditionalAndExpression) + ZeroOrMore("||" + ParamList("other", ConditionalAndExpression)), ).setEvalFn(op.ConditionalOrExpression) # [110] Expression ::= ConditionalOrExpression Expression <<= ConditionalOrExpression # [69] Constraint ::= BrackettedExpression | BuiltInCall | FunctionCall Constraint = BrackettedExpression | BuiltInCall | FunctionCall # [68] Filter ::= 'FILTER' Constraint Filter = Comp("Filter", Keyword("FILTER") + Param("expr", Constraint)) # [16] SourceSelector ::= iri SourceSelector = iri # [14] DefaultGraphClause ::= SourceSelector DefaultGraphClause = SourceSelector # [15] NamedGraphClause ::= 'NAMED' SourceSelector NamedGraphClause = Keyword("NAMED") + Param("named", SourceSelector) # [13] DatasetClause ::= 'FROM' ( DefaultGraphClause | NamedGraphClause ) DatasetClause = Comp( "DatasetClause", Keyword("FROM") + (Param("default", DefaultGraphClause) | NamedGraphClause), ) # [20] GroupCondition ::= BuiltInCall | FunctionCall | '(' Expression ( 'AS' Var )? ')' | Var GroupCondition = ( BuiltInCall | FunctionCall | Comp( "GroupAs", "(" + Param("expr", Expression) + Optional(Keyword("AS") + Param("var", Var)) + ")", ) | Var ) # [19] GroupClause ::= 'GROUP' 'BY' GroupCondition+ GroupClause = Comp( "GroupClause", Keyword("GROUP") + Keyword("BY") + OneOrMore(ParamList("condition", GroupCondition)), ) _Silent = Optional(Param("silent", Keyword("SILENT"))) # [31] Load ::= 'LOAD' 'SILENT'? iri ( 'INTO' GraphRef )? Load = Comp( "Load", Keyword("LOAD") + _Silent + Param("iri", iri) + Optional(Keyword("INTO") + GraphRef), ) # [32] Clear ::= 'CLEAR' 'SILENT'? GraphRefAll Clear = Comp("Clear", Keyword("CLEAR") + _Silent + GraphRefAll) # [33] Drop ::= 'DROP' _Silent GraphRefAll Drop = Comp("Drop", Keyword("DROP") + _Silent + GraphRefAll) # [34] Create ::= 'CREATE' _Silent GraphRef Create = Comp("Create", Keyword("CREATE") + _Silent + GraphRef) # [35] Add ::= 'ADD' _Silent GraphOrDefault 'TO' GraphOrDefault Add = Comp( "Add", Keyword("ADD") + _Silent + GraphOrDefault + Keyword("TO") + GraphOrDefault ) # [36] Move ::= 'MOVE' _Silent GraphOrDefault 'TO' GraphOrDefault Move = Comp( "Move", Keyword("MOVE") + _Silent + GraphOrDefault + Keyword("TO") + GraphOrDefault ) # [37] Copy ::= 'COPY' _Silent GraphOrDefault 'TO' GraphOrDefault Copy = Comp( "Copy", Keyword("COPY") + _Silent + GraphOrDefault + Keyword("TO") + GraphOrDefault ) # [38] InsertData ::= 'INSERT DATA' QuadData InsertData = Comp("InsertData", Keyword("INSERT") + Keyword("DATA") + QuadData) # [39] DeleteData ::= 'DELETE DATA' QuadData DeleteData = Comp("DeleteData", Keyword("DELETE") + Keyword("DATA") + QuadData) # [40] DeleteWhere ::= 'DELETE WHERE' QuadPattern DeleteWhere = Comp("DeleteWhere", Keyword("DELETE") + Keyword("WHERE") + QuadPattern) # [42] DeleteClause ::= 'DELETE' QuadPattern DeleteClause = Comp("DeleteClause", Keyword("DELETE") + QuadPattern) # [43] InsertClause ::= 'INSERT' QuadPattern InsertClause = Comp("InsertClause", Keyword("INSERT") + QuadPattern) # [44] UsingClause ::= 'USING' ( iri | 'NAMED' iri ) UsingClause = Comp( "UsingClause", Keyword("USING") + (Param("default", iri) | Keyword("NAMED") + Param("named", iri)), ) # [41] Modify ::= ( 'WITH' iri )? ( DeleteClause Optional(InsertClause) | InsertClause ) ZeroOrMore(UsingClause) 'WHERE' GroupGraphPattern Modify = Comp( "Modify", Optional(Keyword("WITH") + Param("withClause", iri)) + ( Param("delete", DeleteClause) + Optional(Param("insert", InsertClause)) | Param("insert", InsertClause) ) + ZeroOrMore(ParamList("using", UsingClause)) + Keyword("WHERE") + Param("where", GroupGraphPattern), ) # [30] Update1 ::= Load | Clear | Drop | Add | Move | Copy | Create | InsertData | DeleteData | DeleteWhere | Modify Update1 = ( Load | Clear | Drop | Add | Move | Copy | Create | InsertData | DeleteData | DeleteWhere | Modify ) # [63] InlineDataOneVar ::= Var '{' ZeroOrMore(DataBlockValue) '}' InlineDataOneVar = ( ParamList("var", Var) + "{" + ZeroOrMore(ParamList("value", DataBlockValue)) + "}" ) # [64] InlineDataFull ::= ( NIL | '(' ZeroOrMore(Var) ')' ) '{' ( '(' ZeroOrMore(DataBlockValue) ')' | NIL )* '}' InlineDataFull = ( (NIL | "(" + ZeroOrMore(ParamList("var", Var)) + ")") + "{" + ZeroOrMore( ParamList( "value", Group(Suppress("(") + ZeroOrMore(DataBlockValue) + Suppress(")") | NIL), ) ) + "}" ) # [62] DataBlock ::= InlineDataOneVar | InlineDataFull DataBlock = InlineDataOneVar | InlineDataFull # [28] ValuesClause ::= ( 'VALUES' DataBlock )? ValuesClause = Optional( Param("valuesClause", Comp("ValuesClause", Keyword("VALUES") + DataBlock)) ) # [74] ConstructTriples ::= TriplesSameSubject ( '.' Optional(ConstructTriples) )? ConstructTriples = Forward() ConstructTriples <<= ParamList("template", TriplesSameSubject) + Optional( Suppress(".") + Optional(ConstructTriples) ) # [73] ConstructTemplate ::= '{' Optional(ConstructTriples) '}' ConstructTemplate = Suppress("{") + Optional(ConstructTriples) + Suppress("}") # [57] OptionalGraphPattern ::= 'OPTIONAL' GroupGraphPattern OptionalGraphPattern = Comp( "OptionalGraphPattern", Keyword("OPTIONAL") + Param("graph", GroupGraphPattern) ) # [58] GraphGraphPattern ::= 'GRAPH' VarOrIri GroupGraphPattern GraphGraphPattern = Comp( "GraphGraphPattern", Keyword("GRAPH") + Param("term", VarOrIri) + Param("graph", GroupGraphPattern), ) # [59] ServiceGraphPattern ::= 'SERVICE' _Silent VarOrIri GroupGraphPattern ServiceGraphPattern = Comp( "ServiceGraphPattern", Keyword("SERVICE") + _Silent + Param("term", VarOrIri) + Param("graph", GroupGraphPattern), ) # [60] Bind ::= 'BIND' '(' Expression 'AS' Var ')' Bind = Comp( "Bind", Keyword("BIND") + "(" + Param("expr", Expression) + Keyword("AS") + Param("var", Var) + ")", ) # [61] InlineData ::= 'VALUES' DataBlock InlineData = Comp("InlineData", Keyword("VALUES") + DataBlock) # [56] GraphPatternNotTriples ::= GroupOrUnionGraphPattern | OptionalGraphPattern | MinusGraphPattern | GraphGraphPattern | ServiceGraphPattern | Filter | Bind | InlineData GraphPatternNotTriples = ( GroupOrUnionGraphPattern | OptionalGraphPattern | MinusGraphPattern | GraphGraphPattern | ServiceGraphPattern | Filter | Bind | InlineData ) # [54] GroupGraphPatternSub ::= Optional(TriplesBlock) ( GraphPatternNotTriples '.'? Optional(TriplesBlock) )* GroupGraphPatternSub = Comp( "GroupGraphPatternSub", Optional(ParamList("part", Comp("TriplesBlock", TriplesBlock))) + ZeroOrMore( ParamList("part", GraphPatternNotTriples) + Optional(".") + Optional(ParamList("part", Comp("TriplesBlock", TriplesBlock))) ), ) # ---------------- # [22] HavingCondition ::= Constraint HavingCondition = Constraint # [21] HavingClause ::= 'HAVING' HavingCondition+ HavingClause = Comp( "HavingClause", Keyword("HAVING") + OneOrMore(ParamList("condition", HavingCondition)), ) # [24] OrderCondition ::= ( ( 'ASC' | 'DESC' ) BrackettedExpression ) # | ( Constraint | Var ) OrderCondition = Comp( "OrderCondition", Param("order", Keyword("ASC") | Keyword("DESC")) + Param("expr", BrackettedExpression) | Param("expr", Constraint | Var), ) # [23] OrderClause ::= 'ORDER' 'BY' OneOrMore(OrderCondition) OrderClause = Comp( "OrderClause", Keyword("ORDER") + Keyword("BY") + OneOrMore(ParamList("condition", OrderCondition)), ) # [26] LimitClause ::= 'LIMIT' INTEGER LimitClause = Keyword("LIMIT") + Param("limit", INTEGER) # [27] OffsetClause ::= 'OFFSET' INTEGER OffsetClause = Keyword("OFFSET") + Param("offset", INTEGER) # [25] LimitOffsetClauses ::= LimitClause Optional(OffsetClause) | OffsetClause Optional(LimitClause) LimitOffsetClauses = Comp( "LimitOffsetClauses", LimitClause + Optional(OffsetClause) | OffsetClause + Optional(LimitClause), ) # [18] SolutionModifier ::= GroupClause? HavingClause? OrderClause? LimitOffsetClauses? SolutionModifier = ( Optional(Param("groupby", GroupClause)) + Optional(Param("having", HavingClause)) + Optional(Param("orderby", OrderClause)) + Optional(Param("limitoffset", LimitOffsetClauses)) ) # [9] SelectClause ::= 'SELECT' ( 'DISTINCT' | 'REDUCED' )? ( ( Var | ( '(' Expression 'AS' Var ')' ) )+ | '*' ) SelectClause = ( Keyword("SELECT") + Optional(Param("modifier", Keyword("DISTINCT") | Keyword("REDUCED"))) + ( OneOrMore( ParamList( "projection", Comp( "vars", Param("var", Var) | ( Literal("(") + Param("expr", Expression) + Keyword("AS") + Param("evar", Var) + ")" ), ), ) ) | "*" ) ) # [17] WhereClause ::= 'WHERE'? GroupGraphPattern WhereClause = Optional(Keyword("WHERE")) + Param("where", GroupGraphPattern) # [8] SubSelect ::= SelectClause WhereClause SolutionModifier ValuesClause SubSelect = Comp( "SubSelect", SelectClause + WhereClause + SolutionModifier + ValuesClause ) # [53] GroupGraphPattern ::= '{' ( SubSelect | GroupGraphPatternSub ) '}' GroupGraphPattern <<= Suppress("{") + (SubSelect | GroupGraphPatternSub) + Suppress("}") # [7] SelectQuery ::= SelectClause DatasetClause* WhereClause SolutionModifier SelectQuery = Comp( "SelectQuery", SelectClause + ZeroOrMore(ParamList("datasetClause", DatasetClause)) + WhereClause + SolutionModifier + ValuesClause, ) # [10] ConstructQuery ::= 'CONSTRUCT' ( ConstructTemplate DatasetClause* WhereClause SolutionModifier | DatasetClause* 'WHERE' '{' TriplesTemplate? '}' SolutionModifier ) # NOTE: The CONSTRUCT WHERE alternative has unnecessarily many Comp/Param pairs # to allow it to through the same algebra translation process ConstructQuery = Comp( "ConstructQuery", Keyword("CONSTRUCT") + ( ConstructTemplate + ZeroOrMore(ParamList("datasetClause", DatasetClause)) + WhereClause + SolutionModifier + ValuesClause | ZeroOrMore(ParamList("datasetClause", DatasetClause)) + Keyword("WHERE") + "{" + Optional( Param( "where", Comp( "FakeGroupGraphPatten", ParamList("part", Comp("TriplesBlock", TriplesTemplate)), ), ) ) + "}" + SolutionModifier + ValuesClause ), ) # [12] AskQuery ::= 'ASK' DatasetClause* WhereClause SolutionModifier AskQuery = Comp( "AskQuery", Keyword("ASK") + Param("datasetClause", ZeroOrMore(DatasetClause)) + WhereClause + SolutionModifier + ValuesClause, ) # [11] DescribeQuery ::= 'DESCRIBE' ( VarOrIri+ | '*' ) DatasetClause* WhereClause? SolutionModifier DescribeQuery = Comp( "DescribeQuery", Keyword("DESCRIBE") + (OneOrMore(ParamList("var", VarOrIri)) | "*") + ZeroOrMore(ParamList("datasetClause", DatasetClause)) + Optional(WhereClause) + SolutionModifier + ValuesClause, ) # [29] Update ::= Prologue ( Update1 ( ';' Update )? )? Update = Forward() Update <<= ParamList("prologue", Prologue) + Optional( ParamList("request", Update1) + Optional(";" + Update) ) # [2] Query ::= Prologue # ( SelectQuery | ConstructQuery | DescribeQuery | AskQuery ) # ValuesClause # NOTE: ValuesClause was moved to individual queries Query = Prologue + (SelectQuery | ConstructQuery | DescribeQuery | AskQuery) # [3] UpdateUnit ::= Update UpdateUnit = Comp("Update", Update) # [1] QueryUnit ::= Query QueryUnit = Query QueryUnit.ignore("#" + restOfLine) UpdateUnit.ignore("#" + restOfLine) expandUnicodeEscapes_re: re.Pattern = re.compile( r"\\u([0-9a-f]{4}(?:[0-9a-f]{4})?)", flags=re.I )
[docs]def expandUnicodeEscapes(q: str) -> str: r""" The syntax of the SPARQL Query Language is expressed over code points in Unicode [UNICODE]. The encoding is always UTF-8 [RFC3629]. Unicode code points may also be expressed using an \ uXXXX (U+0 to U+FFFF) or \ UXXXXXXXX syntax (for U+10000 onwards) where X is a hexadecimal digit [0-9A-F] """ def expand(m: re.Match) -> str: try: return chr(int(, 16)) except (ValueError, OverflowError) as e: raise ValueError("Invalid unicode code point: " + from e return expandUnicodeEscapes_re.sub(expand, q)
[docs]def parseQuery(q: Union[str, bytes, TextIO, BinaryIO]) -> ParseResults: if hasattr(q, "read"): q = if isinstance(q, bytes): q = q.decode("utf-8") q = expandUnicodeEscapes(q) return Query.parseString(q, parseAll=True)
[docs]def parseUpdate(q: Union[str, bytes, TextIO, BinaryIO]) -> CompValue: if hasattr(q, "read"): q = if isinstance(q, bytes): q = q.decode("utf-8") q = expandUnicodeEscapes(q) return UpdateUnit.parseString(q, parseAll=True)[0]