Source code for rdflib.plugins.parsers.pyMicrodata

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

This module implements the microdata->RDF algorithm, as documented by the U{W3C Semantic Web Interest Group

The module can be used via a stand-alone script (an example is part of the distribution) or bound to a CGI script as a Web Service. An example CGI script is also added to the distribution. Both the local script and the distribution may have to be adapted to local circumstances.

(Simple) Usage
From a Python file, expecting a Turtle output::
 from pyMicrodata import pyMicrodata
 print pyMicrodata().rdf_from_source('filename')
Other output formats are also possible. E.g., to produce RDF/XML output, one could use::
 from pyMicrodata import pyMicrodata
 print pyMicrodata().rdf_from_source('filename', outputFormat='pretty-xml')
It is also possible to embed an RDFa processing. Eg, using::
 from pyMicrodata import pyMicrodata
 graph = pyMicrodata().graph_from_source('filename')
returns an RDFLib.Graph object instead of a serialization thereof. See the the description of the
L{pyMicrodata class<pyMicrodata.pyMicrodata>} for further possible entry points details.

There is also, as part of this module, a L{separate entry for CGI calls<processURI>}.

Return formats

By default, the output format for the graph is RDF/XML. At present, the following formats are also available (with the corresponding key to be used in the package entry points):

 - "xml": U{RDF/XML<>}
 - "turtle": U{Turtle<>} (default)
 - "nt": U{N-triple<>}
 - "json": U{JSON-LD<>}

@summary: Microdata parser (distiller)
@requires: Python version 2.5 or up
@requires: U{RDFLib<>}
@requires: U{html5lib<>} for the HTML5 parsing; note possible dependecies on Python's version on the project's web site
@organization: U{World Wide Web Consortium<>}
@author: U{Ivan Herman<>}
@license: This software is available for use under the
@copyright: W3C

$Id:,v 1.15 2012/09/05 16:40:43 ivan Exp $ $Date: 2012/09/05 16:40:43 $

__version__ = "1.2"
__author__  = 'Ivan Herman'
__contact__ = 'Ivan Herman,'

import sys
PY3 = (sys.version_info[0] >= 3)

if PY3 :
	from io import StringIO
else :
	from StringIO import StringIO

import datetime
import os

import rdflib
from rdflib	import URIRef
from rdflib	import Literal
from rdflib	import BNode
from rdflib	import Namespace
if rdflib.__version__ >= "3.0.0" :
	from rdflib	import Graph
	from rdflib	import RDF  as ns_rdf
	from rdflib	import RDFS as ns_rdfs
else :
	from rdflib.Graph   import Graph
	from rdflib.RDFS	import RDFSNS as ns_rdfs
	from rdflib.RDF		import RDFNS  as ns_rdf

if PY3 :
	from urllib.parse import urlparse
else :
	from urlparse import urlparse

debug = False

from .utils     import URIOpener
from .microdata	import MicrodataConversion

ns_micro = Namespace("")
ns_dc    = Namespace("")
ns_xsd   = Namespace('')
ns_ht    = Namespace("")

[docs]class MicrodataError(Exception) : """Superclass exceptions representing error conditions defined by the RDFa 1.1 specification. It does not add any new functionality to the Exception class."""
[docs] def __init__(self, msg) : self.msg = msg Exception.__init__(self)
[docs]class HTTPError(MicrodataError) : """Raised when HTTP problems are detected. It does not add any new functionality to the Exception class."""
[docs] def __init__(self, http_msg, http_code) : self.msg = http_msg self.http_code = http_code MicrodataError.__init__(self,http_msg)
# Default bindings. This is just for the beauty of things: bindings are added to the graph to make the output nicer. If this is not done, RDFlib defines prefixes like "_1:", "_2:" which is, though correct, ugly... _bindings = { 'owl' : '', 'gr' : '', 'cc' : '', 'sioc' : '', 'skos' : '', 'rdfs' : '', 'foaf' : '', 'void' : '', 'ical' : '', 'vcard' : '', 'og' : '', 'rdf' : '', 'ma' : '', } #########################################################################################################
[docs]class pyMicrodata : """Main processing class for the distiller @ivar base: the base value for processing @ivar http_status: HTTP Status, to be returned when the package is used via a CGI entry. Initially set to 200, may be modified by exception handlers """
[docs] def __init__(self, base = "", vocab_expansion = False, vocab_cache = True) : """ @keyword base: URI for the default "base" value (usually the URI of the file to be processed) @keyword vocab_expansion: whether vocab expansion should be performed or not @type vocab_expansion: Boolean @keyword vocab_cache: if vocabulary expansion is done, then perform caching of the vocabulary data @type vocab_cache: Boolean """ self.http_status = 200 self.base = base self.vocab_expansion = vocab_expansion self.vocab_cache = vocab_cache
def _generate_error_graph(self, pgraph, full_msg, uri = None) : """ Generate an error message into the graph. This method is usually used reacting on exceptions. Later versions of pyMicrodata may have more detailed error conditions on which it wishes to react. At the moment, this is fairly crude... """ if pgraph == None : retval = Graph() else : retval = pgraph pgraph.bind( "dc","" ) pgraph.bind( "xsd",'' ) pgraph.bind( "ht",'' ) pgraph.bind( "pyMicrodata",'' ) bnode = BNode() retval.add((bnode, ns_rdf["type"], ns_micro["Error"])) retval.add((bnode, ns_dc["description"], Literal(full_msg))) retval.add((bnode, ns_dc["date"], Literal(datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat(),datatype=ns_xsd["dateTime"]))) if uri != None : htbnode = BNode() retval.add( (bnode, ns_micro["context"],htbnode) ) retval.add( (htbnode, ns_rdf["type"], ns_ht["Request"]) ) retval.add( (htbnode, ns_ht["requestURI"], Literal(uri)) ) if self.http_status != None and self.http_status != 200: htbnode = BNode() retval.add( (bnode, ns_micro["context"],htbnode) ) retval.add( (htbnode, ns_rdf["type"], ns_ht["Response"]) ) retval.add( (htbnode, ns_ht["responseCode"], URIRef("" % self.http_status)) ) return retval def _get_input(self, name) : """ Trying to guess whether "name" is a URI, a string; it then tries to open these as such accordingly, returning a file-like object. If name is a plain string then it returns the input argument (that should be, supposidly, a file-like object already) @param name: identifier of the input source @type name: string or a file-like object @return: a file like object if opening "name" is possible and successful, "name" otherwise """ try : # Python 2 branch isstring = isinstance(name, basestring) except : # Python 3 branch isstring = isinstance(name, str) if isstring : # check if this is a URI, ie, if there is a valid 'scheme' part # otherwise it is considered to be a simple file if urlparse(name)[0] != "" : url_request = URIOpener(name) self.base = url_request.location return else : self.base = 'file://'+name return open(name, 'rb') else : return name #################################################################################################################### # Externally used methods #
[docs] def graph_from_DOM(self, dom, graph = None) : """ Extract the RDF Graph from a DOM tree. @param dom: a DOM Node element, the top level entry node for the whole tree (to make it clear, a dom.documentElement is used to initiate processing) @keyword graph: an RDF Graph (if None, than a new one is created) @type graph: rdflib Graph instance. If None, a new one is created. @return: an RDF Graph @rtype: rdflib Graph instance """ if graph == None : # Create the RDF Graph, that will contain the return triples... graph = Graph() conversion = MicrodataConversion(dom.documentElement, graph, base = self.base, vocab_expansion = self.vocab_expansion, vocab_cache = self.vocab_cache) conversion.convert() return graph
[docs] def graph_from_source(self, name, graph = None, rdfOutput = False) : """ Extract an RDF graph from an microdata source. The source is parsed, the RDF extracted, and the RDF Graph is returned. This is a front-end to the L{pyMicrodata.graph_from_DOM} method. @param name: a URI, a file name, or a file-like object @return: an RDF Graph @rtype: rdflib Graph instance """ # First, open the source... try : # First, open the source... Possible HTTP errors are returned as error triples input = None try : input = self._get_input(name) except HTTPError : h = sys.exc_info()[1] self.http_status = h.http_code if not rdfOutput : raise h return self._generate_error_graph(graph, "HTTP Error: %s (%s)" % (h.http_code,h.msg), uri=name) except Exception : # Something nasty happened:-( e = sys.exc_info()[1] self.http_status = 500 if not rdfOutput : raise e return self._generate_error_graph(graph, str(e), uri=name) dom = None try : import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning) import html5lib parser = html5lib.HTMLParser(tree=html5lib.treebuilders.getTreeBuilder("dom")) dom = parser.parse(input) return self.graph_from_DOM(dom, graph) except ImportError : msg = "HTML5 parser not available. Try installing html5lib <>" raise ImportError(msg) except Exception : # Something nasty happened:-( e = sys.exc_info()[1] self.http_status = 400 if not rdfOutput : raise e return self._generate_error_graph(graph, str(e), uri=name) except Exception : # Something nasty happened:-( e = sys.exc_info()[1] if isinstance(e, ImportError) : self.http_status = None else : self.http_status = 500 if not rdfOutput : raise e return self._generate_error_graph(graph, str(e), uri=name)
[docs] def rdf_from_sources(self, names, outputFormat = "pretty-xml", rdfOutput = False) : """ Extract and RDF graph from a list of RDFa sources and serialize them in one graph. The sources are parsed, the RDF extracted, and serialization is done in the specified format. @param names: list of sources, each can be a URI, a file name, or a file-like object @keyword outputFormat: serialization format. Can be one of "turtle", "n3", "xml", "pretty-xml", "nt". "xml" and "pretty-xml", as well as "turtle" and "n3" are synonyms. @return: a serialized RDF Graph @rtype: string """ try : from pyRdfaExtras import MyGraph graph = MyGraph() except : graph = Graph() for prefix in _bindings : graph.bind(prefix,Namespace(_bindings[prefix])) # the value of rdfOutput determines the reaction on exceptions... for name in names : self.graph_from_source(name, graph, rdfOutput) return graph.serialize(format=outputFormat)
[docs] def rdf_from_source(self, name, outputFormat = "pretty-xml", rdfOutput = False) : """ Extract and RDF graph from an RDFa source and serialize it in one graph. The source is parsed, the RDF extracted, and serialization is done in the specified format. @param name: a URI, a file name, or a file-like object @keyword outputFormat: serialization format. Can be one of "turtle", "n3", "xml", "pretty-xml", "nt". "xml" and "pretty-xml", as well as "turtle" and "n3" are synonyms. @return: a serialized RDF Graph @rtype: string """ return self.rdf_from_sources([name], outputFormat, rdfOutput)
################################################# CGI Entry point
[docs]def processURI(uri, outputFormat, form) : """The standard processing of a microdata uri options in a form, ie, as an entry point from a CGI call. The call accepts extra form options (eg, HTTP GET options) as follows: @param uri: URI to access. Note that the "text:" and "uploaded:" values are treated separately; the former is for textual intput (in which case a StringIO is used to get the data) and the latter is for uploaded file, where the form gives access to the file directly. @param outputFormat: serialization formats, as understood by RDFLib. Note that though "turtle" is a possible parameter value, some versions of the RDFLib turtle generation does funny (though legal) things with namespaces, defining unusual and unwanted prefixes... @param form: extra call options (from the CGI call) to set up the local options (if any) @type form: cgi FieldStorage instance @return: serialized graph @rtype: string """ def _get_option(param, compare_value, default) : param_old = param.replace('_','-') if param in list(form.keys()) : val = form.getfirst(param).lower() return val == compare_value elif param_old in list(form.keys()) : # this is to ensure the old style parameters are still valid... # in the old days I used '-' in the parameters, the standard favours '_' val = form.getfirst(param_old).lower() return val == compare_value else : return default if uri == "uploaded:" : input = form["uploaded"].file base = "" elif uri == "text:" : input = StringIO(form.getfirst("text")) base = "" else : input = uri base = uri vocab_cache = _get_option( "vocab_cache", "true", True) vocab_expansion = _get_option( "vocab_expansion", "true", False) processor = pyMicrodata(base = base, vocab_expansion = vocab_expansion, vocab_cache = vocab_cache) # Decide the output format; the issue is what should happen in case of a top level error like an inaccessibility of # the html source: should a graph be returned or an HTML page with an error message? # decide whether HTML or RDF should be sent. htmlOutput = False #if 'HTTP_ACCEPT' in os.environ : # acc = os.environ['HTTP_ACCEPT'] # possibilities = ['text/html', # 'application/rdf+xml', # 'text/turtle; charset=utf-8', # 'application/json', # 'application/ld+json', # 'text/rdf+n3'] # # # this nice module does content negotiation and returns the preferred format # sg = httpheader.acceptable_content_type(acc, possibilities) # htmlOutput = (sg != None and sg[0] == httpheader.content_type('text/html')) # os.environ['rdfaerror'] = 'true' try : graph = processor.rdf_from_source(input, outputFormat, rdfOutput = ("forceRDFOutput" in list(form.keys())) or not htmlOutput) if outputFormat == "n3" : retval = 'Content-Type: text/rdf+n3; charset=utf-8\n' elif outputFormat == "nt" or outputFormat == "turtle" : retval = 'Content-Type: text/turtle; charset=utf-8\n' elif outputFormat == "json-ld" or outputFormat == "json" : retval = 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8\n' else : retval = 'Content-Type: application/rdf+xml; charset=utf-8\n' retval += '\n' retval += graph return retval except HTTPError : import cgi h = sys.exc_info()[1] retval = 'Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8\nStatus: %s \n\n' % h.http_code retval += "<html>\n" retval += "<head>\n" retval += "<title>HTTP Error in Microdata processing</title>\n" retval += "</head><body>\n" retval += "<h1>HTTP Error in distilling Microdata</h1>\n" retval += "<p>HTTP Error: %s (%s)</p>\n" % (h.http_code,h.msg) retval += "<p>On URI: <code>'%s'</code></p>\n" % cgi.escape(uri) retval +="</body>\n" retval +="</html>\n" return retval except : # This branch should occur only if an exception is really raised, ie, if it is not turned # into a graph value. (type,value,traceback) = sys.exc_info() import traceback, cgi retval = 'Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8\nStatus: %s\n\n' % processor.http_status retval += "<html>\n" retval += "<head>\n" retval += "<title>Exception in Microdata processing</title>\n" retval += "</head><body>\n" retval += "<h1>Exception in distilling Microdata</h1>\n" retval += "<pre>\n" strio = StringIO() traceback.print_exc(file=strio) retval += strio.getvalue() retval +="</pre>\n" retval +="<pre>%s</pre>\n" % value retval +="<h1>Distiller request details</h1>\n" retval +="<dl>\n" if uri == "text:" and "text" in form and form["text"].value != None and len(form["text"].value.strip()) != 0 : retval +="<dt>Text input:</dt><dd>%s</dd>\n" % cgi.escape(form["text"].value).replace('\n','<br/>') elif uri == "uploaded:" : retval +="<dt>Uploaded file</dt>\n" else : retval +="<dt>URI received:</dt><dd><code>'%s'</code></dd>\n" % cgi.escape(uri) retval +="<dt>Output serialization format:</dt><dd> %s</dd>\n" % outputFormat retval +="</dl>\n" retval +="</body>\n" retval +="</html>\n" return retval