Source code for rdflib.plugins.parsers.pyRdfa.extras.httpheader

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Utility functions to work with HTTP headers.

 This module provides some utility functions useful for parsing
 and dealing with some of the HTTP 1.1 protocol headers which
 are not adequately covered by the standard Python libraries.

 Requires Python 2.2 or later.

 The functionality includes the correct interpretation of the various
 Accept-* style headers, content negotiation, byte range requests,
 HTTP-style date/times, and more.

 There are a few classes defined by this module:

   * class content_type   -- media types such as 'text/plain'
   * class language_tag   -- language tags such as 'en-US'
   * class range_set      -- a collection of (byte) range specifiers
   * class range_spec     -- a single (byte) range specifier

 The primary functions in this module may be categorized as follows:

   * Content negotiation functions...
     * acceptable_content_type()
     * acceptable_language()
     * acceptable_charset()
     * acceptable_encoding()

   * Mid-level header parsing functions...
     * parse_accept_header()
     * parse_accept_language_header()
     * parse_range_header()

   * Date and time...
     * http_datetime()
     * parse_http_datetime()

   * Utility functions...
     * quote_string()
     * remove_comments()
     * canonical_charset()

   * Low level string parsing functions...
     * parse_comma_list()
     * parse_comment()
     * parse_qvalue_accept_list()
     * parse_media_type()
     * parse_number()
     * parse_parameter_list()
     * parse_quoted_string()
     * parse_range_set()
     * parse_range_spec()
     * parse_token()
     * parse_token_or_quoted_string()

 And there are some specialized exception classes:

   * RangeUnsatisfiableError
   * RangeUnmergableError
   * ParseError

 See also:

   * RFC 2616, "Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1", June 1999.
             Errata at <>
   * RFC 2046, "(MIME) Part Two: Media Types", November 1996.
   * RFC 3066, "Tags for the Identification of Languages", January 2001.

  Note: I have made a small modification on the regexp for internet date,
  to make it more liberal (ie, accept a time zone string of the form +0000)
  Ivan Herman <>, March 2011.

  Have added statements to make it (hopefully) Python 3 compatible.
  Ivan Herman <>, August 2012.

__author__ = "Deron Meranda <>"
__date__ = "2012-08-31"
__version__ = "1.02"
__credits__ = """Copyright (c) 2005 Deron E. Meranda <>
Licensed under GNU LGPL 2.1 or later.  See <>.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

# Character classes from RFC 2616 section 2.2
SEPARATORS = '()<>@,;:\\"/[]?={} \t'
LWS = ' \t\n\r'  # linear white space
CRLF = '\r\n'
DIGIT = '0123456789'
HEX = '0123456789ABCDEFabcdef'

import sys
PY3 = (sys.version_info[0] >= 3)

# Try to get a set/frozenset implementation if possible
except NameError:
        # The module is available at
        from demset import set, frozenset
        __emulating_set = True  # So we can clean up global namespace later
    except ImportError:

    # Turn character classes into set types (for Python 2.4 or greater)
    SEPARATORS = frozenset([c for c in SEPARATORS])
    LWS = frozenset([c for c in LWS])
    CRLF = frozenset([c for c in CRLF])
    DIGIT = frozenset([c for c in DIGIT])
    HEX = frozenset([c for c in HEX])
    del c
except NameError:
    # Python 2.3 or earlier, leave as simple strings

def _is_string( obj ):
    """Returns True if the object is a string or unicode type."""
    if PY3 :
        return isinstance(obj,str)
    else :
        return isinstance(obj,str) or isinstance(obj,unicode)

[docs]def http_datetime( dt=None ): """Formats a datetime as an HTTP 1.1 Date/Time string. Takes a standard Python datetime object and returns a string formatted according to the HTTP 1.1 date/time format. If no datetime is provided (or None) then the current time is used. ABOUT TIMEZONES: If the passed in datetime object is naive it is assumed to be in UTC already. But if it has a tzinfo component, the returned timestamp string will have been converted to UTC automatically. So if you use timezone-aware datetimes, you need not worry about conversion to UTC. """ if not dt: import datetime dt = datetime.datetime.utcnow() else: try: dt = dt - dt.utcoffset() except: pass # no timezone offset, just assume already in UTC s = dt.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT') return s
[docs]def parse_http_datetime( datestring, utc_tzinfo=None, strict=False ): """Returns a datetime object from an HTTP 1.1 Date/Time string. Note that HTTP dates are always in UTC, so the returned datetime object will also be in UTC. You can optionally pass in a tzinfo object which should represent the UTC timezone, and the returned datetime will then be timezone-aware (allowing you to more easly translate it into different timzeones later). If you set 'strict' to True, then only the RFC 1123 format is recognized. Otherwise the backwards-compatible RFC 1036 and Unix asctime(3) formats are also recognized. Please note that the day-of-the-week is not validated. Also two-digit years, although not HTTP 1.1 compliant, are treated according to recommended Y2K rules. """ import re, datetime m = re.match(r'(?P<DOW>[a-z]+), (?P<D>\d+) (?P<MON>[a-z]+) (?P<Y>\d+) (?P<H>\d+):(?P<M>\d+):(?P<S>\d+(\.\d+)?) (?P<TZ>[a-zA-Z0-9_+]+)$', datestring, re.IGNORECASE) if not m and not strict: m = re.match(r'(?P<DOW>[a-z]+) (?P<MON>[a-z]+) (?P<D>\d+) (?P<H>\d+):(?P<M>\d+):(?P<S>\d+) (?P<Y>\d+)$', datestring, re.IGNORECASE) if not m: m = re.match(r'(?P<DOW>[a-z]+), (?P<D>\d+)-(?P<MON>[a-z]+)-(?P<Y>\d+) (?P<H>\d+):(?P<M>\d+):(?P<S>\d+(\.\d+)?) (?P<TZ>\w+)$', datestring, re.IGNORECASE) if not m: raise ValueError('HTTP date is not correctly formatted') try: tz ='TZ').upper() except: tz = 'GMT' if tz not in ('GMT','UTC','0000','00:00'): raise ValueError('HTTP date is not in GMT timezone') monname ='MON').upper() mdict = {'JAN':1, 'FEB':2, 'MAR':3, 'APR':4, 'MAY':5, 'JUN':6, 'JUL':7, 'AUG':8, 'SEP':9, 'OCT':10, 'NOV':11, 'DEC':12} month = mdict.get(monname) if not month: raise ValueError('HTTP date has an unrecognizable month') y = int('Y')) if y < 100: century = datetime.datetime.utcnow().year / 100 if y < 50: y = century * 100 + y else: y = (century - 1) * 100 + y d = int('D')) hour = int('H')) minute = int('M')) try: second = int('S')) except: second = float('S')) dt = datetime.datetime( y, month, d, hour, minute, second, tzinfo=utc_tzinfo ) return dt
[docs]class RangeUnsatisfiableError(ValueError): """Exception class when a byte range lies outside the file size boundaries."""
[docs] def __init__(self, reason=None): if not reason: reason = 'Range is unsatisfiable' ValueError.__init__(self, reason)
[docs]class RangeUnmergableError(ValueError): """Exception class when byte ranges are noncontiguous and can not be merged together."""
[docs] def __init__(self, reason=None): if not reason: reason = 'Ranges can not be merged together' ValueError.__init__(self, reason)
[docs]class ParseError(ValueError): """Exception class representing a string parsing error."""
[docs] def __init__(self, args, input_string, at_position): ValueError.__init__(self, args) self.input_string = input_string self.at_position = at_position
[docs] def __str__(self): if self.at_position >= len(self.input_string): return '%s\n\tOccured at end of string' % self.args[0] else: return '%s\n\tOccured near %s' % (self.args[0], repr(self.input_string[self.at_position:self.at_position+16]))
[docs]def is_token(s): """Determines if the string is a valid token.""" for c in s: if ord(c) < 32 or ord(c) > 128 or c in SEPARATORS: return False return True
[docs]def parse_comma_list(s, start=0, element_parser=None, min_count=0, max_count=0): """Parses a comma-separated list with optional whitespace. Takes an optional callback function `element_parser`, which is assumed to be able to parse an individual element. It will be passed the string and a `start` argument, and is expected to return a tuple (parsed_result, chars_consumed). If no element_parser is given, then either single tokens or quoted strings will be parsed. If min_count > 0, then at least that many non-empty elements must be in the list, or an error is raised. If max_count > 0, then no more than that many non-empty elements may be in the list, or an error is raised. """ if min_count > 0 and start == len(s): raise ParseError('Comma-separated list must contain some elements',s,start) elif start >= len(s): raise ParseError('Starting position is beyond the end of the string',s,start) if not element_parser: element_parser = parse_token_or_quoted_string results = [] pos = start while pos < len(s): e = element_parser( s, pos ) if not e or e[1] == 0: break # end of data? else: results.append( e[0] ) pos += e[1] while pos < len(s) and s[pos] in LWS: pos += 1 if pos < len(s) and s[pos] != ',': break while pos < len(s) and s[pos] == ',': # skip comma and any "empty" elements pos += 1 # skip comma while pos < len(s) and s[pos] in LWS: pos += 1 if len(results) < min_count: raise ParseError('Comma-separated list does not have enough elements',s,pos) elif max_count and len(results) > max_count: raise ParseError('Comma-separated list has too many elements',s,pos) return (results, pos-start)
[docs]def parse_token(s, start=0): """Parses a token. A token is a string defined by RFC 2616 section 2.2 as: token = 1*<any CHAR except CTLs or separators> Returns a tuple (token, chars_consumed), or ('',0) if no token starts at the given string position. On a syntax error, a ParseError exception will be raised. """ return parse_token_or_quoted_string(s, start, allow_quoted=False, allow_token=True)
[docs]def quote_string(s, always_quote=True): """Produces a quoted string according to HTTP 1.1 rules. If always_quote is False and if the string is also a valid token, then this function may return a string without quotes. """ need_quotes = False q = '' for c in s: if ord(c) < 32 or ord(c) > 127 or c in SEPARATORS: q += '\\' + c need_quotes = True else: q += c if need_quotes or always_quote: return '"' + q + '"' else: return q
[docs]def parse_quoted_string(s, start=0): """Parses a quoted string. Returns a tuple (string, chars_consumed). The quote marks will have been removed and all \-escapes will have been replaced with the characters they represent. """ return parse_token_or_quoted_string(s, start, allow_quoted=True, allow_token=False)
[docs]def parse_token_or_quoted_string(s, start=0, allow_quoted=True, allow_token=True): """Parses a token or a quoted-string. 's' is the string to parse, while start is the position within the string where parsing should begin. It will returns a tuple (token, chars_consumed), with all \-escapes and quotation already processed. Syntax is according to BNF rules in RFC 2161 section 2.2, specifically the 'token' and 'quoted-string' declarations. Syntax errors in the input string will result in ParseError being raised. If allow_quoted is False, then only tokens will be parsed instead of either a token or quoted-string. If allow_token is False, then only quoted-strings will be parsed instead of either a token or quoted-string. """ if not allow_quoted and not allow_token: raise ValueError('Parsing can not continue with options provided') if start >= len(s): raise ParseError('Starting position is beyond the end of the string',s,start) has_quote = (s[start] == '"') if has_quote and not allow_quoted: raise ParseError('A quoted string was not expected', s, start) if not has_quote and not allow_token: raise ParseError('Expected a quotation mark', s, start) s2 = '' pos = start if has_quote: pos += 1 while pos < len(s): c = s[pos] if c == '\\' and has_quote: # Note this is NOT C-style escaping; the character after the \ is # taken literally. pos += 1 if pos == len(s): raise ParseError("End of string while expecting a character after '\\'",s,pos) s2 += s[pos] pos += 1 elif c == '"' and has_quote: break elif not has_quote and (c in SEPARATORS or ord(c)<32 or ord(c)>127): break else: s2 += c pos += 1 if has_quote: # Make sure we have a closing quote mark if pos >= len(s) or s[pos] != '"': raise ParseError('Quoted string is missing closing quote mark',s,pos) else: pos += 1 return s2, (pos - start)
[docs]def remove_comments(s, collapse_spaces=True): """Removes any ()-style comments from a string. In HTTP, ()-comments can nest, and this function will correctly deal with that. If 'collapse_spaces' is True, then if there is any whitespace surrounding the comment, it will be replaced with a single space character. Whitespace also collapses across multiple comment sequences, so that "a (b) (c) d" becomes just "a d". Otherwise, if 'collapse_spaces' is False then all whitespace which is outside any comments is left intact as-is. """ if '(' not in s: return s # simple case A = [] dostrip = False added_comment_space = False pos = 0 if collapse_spaces: # eat any leading spaces before a comment i = s.find('(') if i >= 0: while pos < i and s[pos] in LWS: pos += 1 if pos != i: pos = 0 else: dostrip = True added_comment_space = True # lie while pos < len(s): if s[pos] == '(': cmt, k = parse_comment( s, pos ) pos += k if collapse_spaces: dostrip = True if not added_comment_space: if len(A) > 0 and A[-1] and A[-1][-1] in LWS: # previous part ended with whitespace A[-1] = A[-1].rstrip() A.append(' ') # comment becomes one space added_comment_space = True else: i = s.find( '(', pos ) if i == -1: if dostrip: text = s[pos:].lstrip() if s[pos] in LWS and not added_comment_space: A.append(' ') added_comment_space = True else: text = s[pos:] if text: A.append(text) dostrip = False added_comment_space = False break # end of string else: if dostrip: text = s[pos:i].lstrip() if s[pos] in LWS and not added_comment_space: A.append(' ') added_comment_space = True else: text = s[pos:i] if text: A.append(text) dostrip = False added_comment_space = False pos = i if dostrip and len(A) > 0 and A[-1] and A[-1][-1] in LWS: A[-1] = A[-1].rstrip() return ''.join(A)
def _test_comments(): """A self-test on comment processing. Returns number of test failures.""" def _testrm( a, b, collapse ): b2 = remove_comments( a, collapse ) if b != b2: print( 'Comment test failed:' ) print( ' remove_comments( %s, collapse_spaces=%s ) -> %s' % (repr(a), repr(collapse), repr(b2)) ) print( ' expected %s' % repr(b) ) return 1 return 0 failures = 0 failures += _testrm( r'', '', False ) failures += _testrm( r'(hello)', '', False) failures += _testrm( r'abc (hello) def', 'abc def', False) failures += _testrm( r'abc (he(xyz)llo) def', 'abc def', False) failures += _testrm( r'abc (he\(xyz)llo) def', 'abc llo) def', False) failures += _testrm( r'abc(hello)def', 'abcdef', True) failures += _testrm( r'abc (hello) def', 'abc def', True) failures += _testrm( r'abc (hello)def', 'abc def', True) failures += _testrm( r'abc(hello) def', 'abc def', True) failures += _testrm( r'abc(hello) (world)def', 'abc def', True) failures += _testrm( r'abc(hello)(world)def', 'abcdef', True) failures += _testrm( r' (hello) (world) def', 'def', True) failures += _testrm( r'abc (hello) (world) ', 'abc', True) return failures
[docs]def parse_comment(s, start=0): """Parses a ()-style comment from a header value. Returns tuple (comment, chars_consumed), where the comment will have had the outer-most parentheses and white space stripped. Any nested comments will still have their parentheses and whitespace left intact. All \-escaped quoted pairs will have been replaced with the actual characters they represent, even within the inner nested comments. You should note that only a few HTTP headers, such as User-Agent or Via, allow ()-style comments within the header value. A comment is defined by RFC 2616 section 2.2 as: comment = "(" *( ctext | quoted-pair | comment ) ")" ctext = <any TEXT excluding "(" and ")"> """ if start >= len(s): raise ParseError('Starting position is beyond the end of the string',s,start) if s[start] != '(': raise ParseError('Comment must begin with opening parenthesis',s,start) s2 = '' nestlevel = 1 pos = start + 1 while pos < len(s) and s[pos] in LWS: pos += 1 while pos < len(s): c = s[pos] if c == '\\': # Note this is not C-style escaping; the character after the \ is # taken literally. pos += 1 if pos == len(s): raise ParseError("End of string while expecting a character after '\\'",s,pos) s2 += s[pos] pos += 1 elif c == '(': nestlevel += 1 s2 += c pos += 1 elif c == ')': nestlevel -= 1 pos += 1 if nestlevel >= 1: s2 += c else: break else: s2 += c pos += 1 if nestlevel > 0: raise ParseError('End of string reached before comment was closed',s,pos) # Now rstrip s2 of all LWS chars. while len(s2) and s2[-1] in LWS: s2 = s2[:-1] return s2, (pos - start)
[docs]class range_spec(object): """A single contiguous (byte) range. A range_spec defines a range (of bytes) by specifying two offsets, the 'first' and 'last', which are inclusive in the range. Offsets are zero-based (the first byte is offset 0). The range can not be empty or negative (has to satisfy first <= last). The range can be unbounded on either end, represented here by the None value, with these semantics: * A 'last' of None always indicates the last possible byte (although that offset may not be known). * A 'first' of None indicates this is a suffix range, where the last value is actually interpreted to be the number of bytes at the end of the file (regardless of file size). Note that it is not valid for both first and last to be None. """ __slots__ = ['first','last']
[docs] def __init__(self, first=0, last=None): self.set( first, last )
[docs] def set(self, first, last): """Sets the value of this range given the first and last offsets. """ if first is not None and last is not None and first > last: raise ValueError("Byte range does not satisfy first <= last.") elif first is None and last is None: raise ValueError("Byte range can not omit both first and last offsets.") self.first = first self.last = last
[docs] def __repr__(self): return '%s.%s(%s,%s)' % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, self.first, self.last)
[docs] def __str__(self): """Returns a string form of the range as would appear in a Range: header.""" if self.first is None and self.last is None: return '' s = '' if self.first is not None: s += '%d' % self.first s += '-' if self.last is not None: s += '%d' % self.last return s
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """Compare ranges for equality. Note that if non-specific ranges are involved (such as 34- and -5), they could compare as not equal even though they may represent the same set of bytes in some contexts. """ return self.first == other.first and self.last == other.last
[docs] def __ne__(self, other): """Compare ranges for inequality. Note that if non-specific ranges are involved (such as 34- and -5), they could compare as not equal even though they may represent the same set of bytes in some contexts. """ return not self.__eq__(other)
[docs] def __lt__(self, other): """< operator is not defined""" raise NotImplementedError('Ranges can not be relationally compared')
[docs] def __le__(self, other): """<= operator is not defined""" raise NotImplementedError('Ranges can not be ralationally compared')
[docs] def __gt__(self, other): """> operator is not defined""" raise NotImplementedError('Ranges can not be relationally compared')
[docs] def __ge__(self, other): """>= operator is not defined""" raise NotImplementedError('Ranges can not be relationally compared')
[docs] def copy(self): """Makes a copy of this range object.""" return self.__class__( self.first, self.last )
[docs] def is_suffix(self): """Returns True if this is a suffix range. A suffix range is one that specifies the last N bytes of a file regardless of file size. """ return self.first == None
[docs] def is_fixed(self): """Returns True if this range is absolute and a fixed size. This occurs only if neither first or last is None. Converse is the is_unbounded() method. """ return first is not None and last is not None
[docs] def is_unbounded(self): """Returns True if the number of bytes in the range is unspecified. This can only occur if either the 'first' or the 'last' member is None. Converse is the is_fixed() method. """ return self.first is None or self.last is None
[docs] def is_whole_file(self): """Returns True if this range includes all possible bytes. This can only occur if the 'last' member is None and the first member is 0. """ return self.first == 0 and self.last is None
[docs] def __contains__(self, offset): """Does this byte range contain the given byte offset? If the offset < 0, then it is taken as an offset from the end of the file, where -1 is the last byte. This type of offset will only work with suffix ranges. """ if offset < 0: if self.first is not None: return False else: return self.last >= -offset elif self.first is None: return False elif self.last is None: return True else: return self.first <= offset <= self.last
[docs] def fix_to_size(self, size): """Changes a length-relative range to an absolute range based upon given file size. Ranges that are already absolute are left as is. Note that zero-length files are handled as special cases, since the only way possible to specify a zero-length range is with the suffix range "-0". Thus unless this range is a suffix range, it can not satisfy a zero-length file. If the resulting range (partly) lies outside the file size then an error is raised. """ if size == 0: if self.first is None: self.last = 0 return else: raise RangeUnsatisfiableError("Range can satisfy a zero-length file.") if self.first is None: # A suffix range self.first = size - self.last if self.first < 0: self.first = 0 self.last = size - 1 else: if self.first > size - 1: raise RangeUnsatisfiableError('Range begins beyond the file size.') else: if self.last is None: # An unbounded range self.last = size - 1 return
[docs] def merge_with(self, other): """Tries to merge the given range into this one. The size of this range may be enlarged as a result. An error is raised if the two ranges do not overlap or are not contiguous with each other. """ if self.is_whole_file() or self == other: return elif other.is_whole_file(): self.first, self.last = 0, None return a1, z1 = self.first, self.last a2, z2 = other.first, other.last if self.is_suffix(): if z1 == 0: # self is zero-length, so merge becomes a copy self.first, self.last = a2, z2 return elif other.is_suffix(): self.last = max(z1, z2) else: raise RangeUnmergableError() elif other.is_suffix(): if z2 == 0: # other is zero-length, so nothing to merge return else: raise RangeUnmergableError() assert a1 is not None and a2 is not None if a2 < a1: # swap ranges so a1 <= a2 a1, z1, a2, z2 = a2, z2, a1, z1 assert a1 <= a2 if z1 is None: if z2 is not None and z2 + 1 < a1: raise RangeUnmergableError() else: self.first = min(a1, a2) self.last = None elif z2 is None: if z1 + 1 < a2: raise RangeUnmergableError() else: self.first = min(a1, a2) self.last = None else: if a2 > z1 + 1: raise RangeUnmergableError() else: self.first = a1 self.last = max(z1, z2) return
[docs]class range_set(object): """A collection of range_specs, with units (e.g., bytes). """ __slots__ = ['units', 'range_specs']
[docs] def __init__(self): self.units = 'bytes' self.range_specs = [] # a list of range_spec objects
[docs] def __str__(self): return self.units + '=' + ', '.join([str(s) for s in self.range_specs])
[docs] def __repr__(self): return '%s.%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, repr(self.__str__()) )
[docs] def from_str(self, s, valid_units=('bytes','none')): """Sets this range set based upon a string, such as the Range: header. You can also use the parse_range_set() function for more control. If a parsing error occurs, the pre-exising value of this range set is left unchanged. """ r, k = parse_range_set( s, valid_units=valid_units ) if k < len(s): raise ParseError("Extra unparsable characters in range set specifier",s,k) self.units = r.units self.range_specs = r.range_specs
[docs] def is_single_range(self): """Does this range specifier consist of only a single range set?""" return len(self.range_specs) == 1
[docs] def is_contiguous(self): """Can the collection of range_specs be coalesced into a single contiguous range?""" if len(self.range_specs) <= 1: return True merged = self.range_specs[0].copy() for s in self.range_specs[1:]: try: merged.merge_with(s) except: return False return True
[docs] def fix_to_size(self, size): """Changes all length-relative range_specs to absolute range_specs based upon given file size. If none of the range_specs in this set can be satisfied, then the entire set is considered unsatifiable and an error is raised. Otherwise any unsatisfiable range_specs will simply be removed from this set. """ for i in range(len(self.range_specs)): try: self.range_specs[i].fix_to_size( size ) except RangeUnsatisfiableError: self.range_specs[i] = None self.range_specs = [s for s in self.range_specs if s is not None] if len(self.range_specs) == 0: raise RangeUnsatisfiableError('No ranges can be satisfied')
[docs] def coalesce(self): """Collapses all consecutive range_specs which together define a contiguous range. Note though that this method will not re-sort the range_specs, so a potentially contiguous range may not be collapsed if they are not sorted. For example the ranges: 10-20, 30-40, 20-30 will not be collapsed to just 10-40. However if the ranges are sorted first as with: 10-20, 20-30, 30-40 then they will collapse to 10-40. """ if len(self.range_specs) <= 1: return for i in range(len(self.range_specs) - 1): a = self.range_specs[i] b = self.range_specs[i+1] if a is not None: try: a.merge_with( b ) self.range_specs[i+1] = None # to be deleted later except RangeUnmergableError: pass self.range_specs = [r for r in self.range_specs if r is not None]
[docs]def parse_number( s, start=0 ): """Parses a positive decimal integer number from the string. A tuple is returned (number, chars_consumed). If the string is not a valid decimal number, then (None,0) is returned. """ if start >= len(s): raise ParseError('Starting position is beyond the end of the string',s,start) if s[start] not in DIGIT: return (None,0) # not a number pos = start n = 0 while pos < len(s): c = s[pos] if c in DIGIT: n *= 10 n += ord(c) - ord('0') pos += 1 else: break return n, pos-start
[docs]def parse_range_spec( s, start=0 ): """Parses a (byte) range_spec. Returns a tuple (range_spec, chars_consumed). """ if start >= len(s): raise ParseError('Starting position is beyond the end of the string',s,start) if s[start] not in DIGIT and s[start] != '-': raise ParseError("Invalid range, expected a digit or '-'",s,start) first, last = None, None pos = start first, k = parse_number( s, pos ) pos += k if s[pos] == '-': pos += 1 if pos < len(s): last, k = parse_number( s, pos ) pos += k else: raise ParseError("Byte range must include a '-'",s,pos) if first is None and last is None: raise ParseError('Byte range can not omit both first and last indices.',s,start) R = range_spec( first, last ) return R, pos-start
[docs]def parse_range_header( header_value, valid_units=('bytes','none') ): """Parses the value of an HTTP Range: header. The value of the header as a string should be passed in; without the header name itself. Returns a range_set object. """ ranges, k = parse_range_set( header_value, valid_units=valid_units ) if k < len(header_value): raise ParseError('Range header has unexpected or unparsable characters', header_value, k) return ranges
[docs]def parse_range_set( s, start=0, valid_units=('bytes','none') ): """Parses a (byte) range set specifier. Returns a tuple (range_set, chars_consumed). """ if start >= len(s): raise ParseError('Starting position is beyond the end of the string',s,start) pos = start units, k = parse_token( s, pos ) pos += k if valid_units and units not in valid_units: raise ParseError('Unsupported units type in range specifier',s,start) while pos < len(s) and s[pos] in LWS: pos += 1 if pos < len(s) and s[pos] == '=': pos += 1 else: raise ParseError("Invalid range specifier, expected '='",s,pos) while pos < len(s) and s[pos] in LWS: pos += 1 range_specs, k = parse_comma_list( s, pos, parse_range_spec, min_count=1 ) pos += k # Make sure no trash is at the end of the string while pos < len(s) and s[pos] in LWS: pos += 1 if pos < len(s): raise ParseError('Unparsable characters in range set specifier',s,pos) ranges = range_set() ranges.units = units ranges.range_specs = range_specs return ranges, pos-start
def _split_at_qfactor( s ): """Splits a string at the quality factor (;q=) parameter. Returns the left and right substrings as a two-member tuple. """ # It may be faster, but incorrect, to use s.split(';q=',1), since # HTTP allows any amount of linear white space (LWS) to appear # between the parts, so it could also be "; q = ". # We do this parsing 'manually' for speed rather than using a # regex, which would be r';[ \t\r\n]*q[ \t\r\n]*=[ \t\r\n]*' pos = 0 while 0 <= pos < len(s): pos = s.find(';', pos) if pos < 0: break # no more parameters startpos = pos pos = pos + 1 while pos < len(s) and s[pos] in LWS: pos = pos + 1 if pos < len(s) and s[pos] == 'q': pos = pos + 1 while pos < len(s) and s[pos] in LWS: pos = pos + 1 if pos < len(s) and s[pos] == '=': pos = pos + 1 while pos < len(s) and s[pos] in LWS: pos = pos + 1 return ( s[:startpos], s[pos:] ) return (s, '')
[docs]def parse_qvalue_accept_list( s, start=0, item_parser=parse_token ): """Parses any of the Accept-* style headers with quality factors. This is a low-level function. It returns a list of tuples, each like: (item, item_parms, qvalue, accept_parms) You can pass in a function which parses each of the item strings, or accept the default where the items must be simple tokens. Note that your parser should not consume any paramters (past the special "q" paramter anyway). The item_parms and accept_parms are each lists of (name,value) tuples. The qvalue is the quality factor, a number from 0 to 1 inclusive. """ itemlist = [] pos = start if pos >= len(s): raise ParseError('Starting position is beyond the end of the string',s,pos) item = None while pos < len(s): item, k = item_parser(s, pos) pos += k while pos < len(s) and s[pos] in LWS: pos += 1 if pos >= len(s) or s[pos] in ',;': itemparms, qvalue, acptparms = [], None, [] if pos < len(s) and s[pos] == ';': pos += 1 while pos < len(s) and s[pos] in LWS: pos += 1 parmlist, k = parse_parameter_list(s, pos) for p, v in parmlist: if p == 'q' and qvalue is None: try: qvalue = float(v) except ValueError: raise ParseError('qvalue must be a floating point number',s,pos) if qvalue < 0 or qvalue > 1: raise ParseError('qvalue must be between 0 and 1, inclusive',s,pos) elif qvalue is None: itemparms.append( (p,v) ) else: acptparms.append( (p,v) ) pos += k if item: # Add the item to the list if qvalue is None: qvalue = 1 itemlist.append( (item, itemparms, qvalue, acptparms) ) item = None # skip commas while pos < len(s) and s[pos] == ',': pos += 1 while pos < len(s) and s[pos] in LWS: pos += 1 else: break return itemlist, pos - start
[docs]def parse_accept_header( header_value ): """Parses the Accept: header. The value of the header as a string should be passed in; without the header name itself. This will parse the value of any of the HTTP headers "Accept", "Accept-Charset", "Accept-Encoding", or "Accept-Language". These headers are similarly formatted, in that they are a list of items with associated quality factors. The quality factor, or qvalue, is a number in the range [0.0..1.0] which indicates the relative preference of each item. This function returns a list of those items, sorted by preference (from most-prefered to least-prefered). Each item in the returned list is actually a tuple consisting of: ( item_name, item_parms, qvalue, accept_parms ) As an example, the following string, text/plain; charset="utf-8"; q=.5; columns=80 would be parsed into this resulting tuple, ( 'text/plain', [('charset','utf-8')], 0.5, [('columns','80')] ) The value of the returned item_name depends upon which header is being parsed, but for example it may be a MIME content or media type (without parameters), a language tag, or so on. Any optional parameters (delimited by semicolons) occuring before the "q=" attribute will be in the item_parms list as (attribute,value) tuples in the same order as they appear in the header. Any quoted values will have been unquoted and unescaped. The qvalue is a floating point number in the inclusive range 0.0 to 1.0, and roughly indicates the preference for this item. Values outside this range will be capped to the closest extreme. (!) Note that a qvalue of 0 indicates that the item is explicitly NOT acceptable to the user agent, and should be handled differently by the caller. The accept_parms, like the item_parms, is a list of any attributes occuring after the "q=" attribute, and will be in the list as (attribute,value) tuples in the same order as they occur. Usually accept_parms will be an empty list, as the HTTP spec allows these extra parameters in the syntax but does not currently define any possible values. All empty items will be removed from the list. However, duplicate or conflicting values are not detected or handled in any way by this function. """ def parse_mt_only(s, start): mt, k = parse_media_type(s, start, with_parameters=False) ct = content_type() ct.major = mt[0] ct.minor = mt[1] return ct, k alist, k = parse_qvalue_accept_list( header_value, item_parser=parse_mt_only ) if k < len(header_value): raise ParseError('Accept header is invalid',header_value,k) ctlist = [] for ct, ctparms, q, acptparms in alist: if ctparms: ct.set_parameters( dict(ctparms) ) ctlist.append( (ct, q, acptparms) ) return ctlist
[docs]def parse_media_type(media_type, start=0, with_parameters=True): """Parses a media type (MIME type) designator into it's parts. Given a media type string, returns a nested tuple of it's parts. ((major,minor,parmlist), chars_consumed) where parmlist is a list of tuples of (parm_name, parm_value). Quoted-values are appropriately unquoted and unescaped. If 'with_parameters' is False, then parsing will stop immediately after the minor media type; and will not proceed to parse any of the semicolon-separated paramters. Examples: image/png -> (('image','png',[]), 9) text/plain; charset="utf-16be" -> (('text','plain',[('charset,'utf-16be')]), 30) """ s = media_type pos = start ctmaj, k = parse_token(s, pos) if k == 0: raise ParseError('Media type must be of the form "major/minor".', s, pos) pos += k if pos >= len(s) or s[pos] != '/': raise ParseError('Media type must be of the form "major/minor".', s, pos) pos += 1 ctmin, k = parse_token(s, pos) if k == 0: raise ParseError('Media type must be of the form "major/minor".', s, pos) pos += k if with_parameters: parmlist, k = parse_parameter_list(s, pos) pos += k else: parmlist = [] return ((ctmaj, ctmin, parmlist), pos - start)
[docs]def parse_parameter_list(s, start=0): """Parses a semicolon-separated 'parameter=value' list. Returns a tuple (parmlist, chars_consumed), where parmlist is a list of tuples (parm_name, parm_value). The parameter values will be unquoted and unescaped as needed. Empty parameters (as in ";;") are skipped, as is insignificant white space. The list returned is kept in the same order as the parameters appear in the string. """ pos = start parmlist = [] while pos < len(s): while pos < len(s) and s[pos] in LWS: pos += 1 # skip whitespace if pos < len(s) and s[pos] == ';': pos += 1 while pos < len(s) and s[pos] in LWS: pos += 1 # skip whitespace if pos >= len(s): break parmname, k = parse_token(s, pos) if parmname: pos += k while pos < len(s) and s[pos] in LWS: pos += 1 # skip whitespace if not (pos < len(s) and s[pos] == '='): raise ParseError('Expected an "=" after parameter name', s, pos) pos += 1 while pos < len(s) and s[pos] in LWS: pos += 1 # skip whitespace parmval, k = parse_token_or_quoted_string( s, pos ) pos += k parmlist.append( (parmname, parmval) ) else: break return parmlist, pos - start
[docs]class content_type(object): """This class represents a media type (aka a MIME content type), including parameters. You initialize these by passing in a content-type declaration string, such as "text/plain; charset=ascii", to the constructor or to the set() method. If you provide no string value, the object returned will represent the wildcard */* content type. Normally you will get the value back by using str(), or optionally you can access the components via the 'major', 'minor', 'media_type', or 'parmdict' members. """
[docs] def __init__(self, content_type_string=None, with_parameters=True): """Create a new content_type object. See the set() method for a description of the arguments. """ if content_type_string: self.set( content_type_string, with_parameters=with_parameters ) else: self.set( '*/*' )
[docs] def set_parameters(self, parameter_list_or_dict): """Sets the optional paramters based upon the parameter list. The paramter list should be a semicolon-separated name=value string. Any paramters which already exist on this object will be deleted, unless they appear in the given paramter_list. """ if hasattr(parameter_list_or_dict, 'has_key'): # already a dictionary pl = parameter_list_or_dict else: pl, k = parse_parameter_list(parameter_list) if k < len(parameter_list): raise ParseError('Invalid parameter list',paramter_list,k) self.parmdict = dict(pl)
[docs] def set(self, content_type_string, with_parameters=True): """Parses the content type string and sets this object to it's value. For a more complete description of the arguments, see the documentation for the parse_media_type() function in this module. """ mt, k = parse_media_type( content_type_string, with_parameters=with_parameters ) if k < len(content_type_string): raise ParseError('Not a valid content type',content_type_string, k) major, minor, pdict = mt self._set_major( major ) self._set_minor( minor ) self.parmdict = dict(pdict)
def _get_major(self): return self._major def _set_major(self, s): s = s.lower() # case-insentive if not is_token(s): raise ValueError('Major media type contains an invalid character') self._major = s def _get_minor(self): return self._minor def _set_minor(self, s): s = s.lower() # case-insentive if not is_token(s): raise ValueError('Minor media type contains an invalid character') self._minor = s major = property(_get_major,_set_major,doc="Major media classification") minor = property(_get_minor,_set_minor,doc="Minor media sub-classification")
[docs] def __str__(self): """String value.""" s = '%s/%s' % (self.major, self.minor) if self.parmdict: extra = '; '.join([ '%s=%s' % (a[0],quote_string(a[1],False)) for a in self.parmdict.items()]) s += '; ' + extra return s
[docs] def __unicode__(self): """Unicode string value.""" # In Python 3 this is probably unnecessary in general, this is just to avoid possible syntax issues. I.H. if PY3 : return str(self.__str__()) else : return unicode(self.__str__())
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Python representation of this object.""" s = '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, repr(self.__str__())) return s
[docs] def __hash__(self): """Hash this object; the hash is dependent only upon the value.""" return hash(str(self))
[docs] def __getstate__(self): """Pickler""" return str(self)
[docs] def __setstate__(self, state): """Unpickler""" self.set(state)
[docs] def __len__(self): """Logical length of this media type. For example: len('*/*') -> 0 len('image/*') -> 1 len('image/png') -> 2 len('text/plain; charset=utf-8') -> 3 len('text/plain; charset=utf-8; filename=xyz.txt') -> 4 """ if self.major == '*': return 0 elif self.minor == '*': return 1 else: return 2 + len(self.parmdict)
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """Equality test. Note that this is an exact match, including any parameters if any. """ return self.major == other.major and \ self.minor == other.minor and \ self.parmdict == other.parmdict
[docs] def __ne__(self, other): """Inequality test.""" return not self.__eq__(other)
def _get_media_type(self): """Returns the media 'type/subtype' string, without parameters.""" return '%s/%s' % (self.major, self.minor) media_type = property(_get_media_type, doc="Returns the just the media type 'type/subtype' without any paramters (read-only).")
[docs] def is_wildcard(self): """Returns True if this is a 'something/*' media type. """ return self.minor == '*'
[docs] def is_universal_wildcard(self): """Returns True if this is the unspecified '*/*' media type. """ return self.major == '*' and self.minor == '*'
[docs] def is_composite(self): """Is this media type composed of multiple parts. """ return self.major == 'multipart' or self.major == 'message'
[docs] def is_xml(self): """Returns True if this media type is XML-based. Note this does not consider text/html to be XML, but application/xhtml+xml is. """ return self.minor == 'xml' or self.minor.endswith('+xml')
# Some common media types content_formdata = content_type('multipart/form-data') content_urlencoded = content_type('application/x-www-form-urlencoded') content_byteranges = content_type('multipart/byteranges') # RFC 2616 sect 14.16 content_opaque = content_type('application/octet-stream') content_html = content_type('text/html') content_xhtml = content_type('application/xhtml+xml')
[docs]def acceptable_content_type( accept_header, content_types, ignore_wildcard=True ): """Determines if the given content type is acceptable to the user agent. The accept_header should be the value present in the HTTP "Accept:" header. In mod_python this is typically obtained from the req.http_headers_in table; in WSGI it is environ["Accept"]; other web frameworks may provide other methods of obtaining it. Optionally the accept_header parameter can be pre-parsed, as returned from the parse_accept_header() function in this module. The content_types argument should either be a single MIME media type string, or a sequence of them. It represents the set of content types that the caller (server) is willing to send. Generally, the server content_types should not contain any wildcarded values. This function determines which content type which is the most preferred and is acceptable to both the user agent and the server. If one is negotiated it will return a four-valued tuple like: (server_content_type, ua_content_range, qvalue, accept_parms) The first tuple value is one of the server's content_types, while the remaining tuple values descript which of the client's acceptable content_types was matched. In most cases accept_parms will be an empty list (see description of parse_accept_header() for more details). If no content type could be negotiated, then this function will return None (and the caller should typically cause an HTTP 406 Not Acceptable as a response). Note that the wildcarded content type "*/*" sent by the client will be ignored, since it is often incorrectly sent by web browsers that don't really mean it. To override this, call with ignore_wildcard=False. Partial wildcards such as "image/*" will always be processed, but be at a lower priority than a complete matching type. See also: RFC 2616 section 14.1, and <> """ if _is_string(accept_header): accept_list = parse_accept_header(accept_header) else: accept_list = accept_header if _is_string(content_types): content_types = [content_types] server_ctlist = [content_type(ct) for ct in content_types] del ct #print 'AC', repr(accept_list) #print 'SV', repr(server_ctlist) best = None # (content_type, qvalue, accept_parms, matchlen) for server_ct in server_ctlist: best_for_this = None for client_ct, qvalue, aargs in accept_list: if ignore_wildcard and client_ct.is_universal_wildcard(): continue # */* being ignored matchlen = 0 # how specifically this one matches (0 is a non-match) if client_ct.is_universal_wildcard(): matchlen = 1 # */* is a 1 elif client_ct.major == server_ct.major: if client_ct.minor == '*': # something/* is a 2 matchlen = 2 elif client_ct.minor == server_ct.minor: # something/something is a 3 matchlen = 3 # must make sure all the parms match too for pname, pval in client_ct.parmdict.items(): sval = server_ct.parmdict.get(pname) if pname == 'charset': # special case for charset to match aliases pval = canonical_charset(pval) sval = canonical_charset(sval) if sval == pval: matchlen = matchlen + 1 else: matchlen = 0 break else: matchlen = 0 #print 'S',server_ct,' C',client_ct,' M',matchlen,'Q',qvalue if matchlen > 0: if not best_for_this \ or matchlen > best_for_this[-1] \ or (matchlen == best_for_this[-1] and qvalue > best_for_this[2]): # This match is better best_for_this = (server_ct, client_ct, qvalue, aargs, matchlen) #print 'BEST2 NOW', repr(best_for_this) if not best or \ (best_for_this and best_for_this[2] > best[2]): best = best_for_this #print 'BEST NOW', repr(best) if not best or best[1] <= 0: return None return best[:-1]
# Aliases of common charsets, see <>. character_set_aliases = { 'ASCII': 'US-ASCII', 'ISO646-US': 'US-ASCII', 'IBM367': 'US-ASCII', 'CP367': 'US-ASCII', 'CSASCII': 'US-ASCII', 'ANSI_X3.4-1968': 'US-ASCII', 'ISO_646.IRV:1991': 'US-ASCII', 'UTF7': 'UTF-7', 'UTF8': 'UTF-8', 'UTF16': 'UTF-16', 'UTF16LE': 'UTF-16LE', 'UTF16BE': 'UTF-16BE', 'UTF32': 'UTF-32', 'UTF32LE': 'UTF-32LE', 'UTF32BE': 'UTF-32BE', 'UCS2': 'ISO-10646-UCS-2', 'UCS_2': 'ISO-10646-UCS-2', 'UCS-2': 'ISO-10646-UCS-2', 'CSUNICODE': 'ISO-10646-UCS-2', 'UCS4': 'ISO-10646-UCS-4', 'UCS_4': 'ISO-10646-UCS-4', 'UCS-4': 'ISO-10646-UCS-4', 'CSUCS4': 'ISO-10646-UCS-4', 'ISO_8859-1': 'ISO-8859-1', 'LATIN1': 'ISO-8859-1', 'CP819': 'ISO-8859-1', 'IBM819': 'ISO-8859-1', 'ISO_8859-2': 'ISO-8859-2', 'LATIN2': 'ISO-8859-2', 'ISO_8859-3': 'ISO-8859-3', 'LATIN3': 'ISO-8859-3', 'ISO_8859-4': 'ISO-8859-4', 'LATIN4': 'ISO-8859-4', 'ISO_8859-5': 'ISO-8859-5', 'CYRILLIC': 'ISO-8859-5', 'ISO_8859-6': 'ISO-8859-6', 'ARABIC': 'ISO-8859-6', 'ECMA-114': 'ISO-8859-6', 'ISO_8859-6-E': 'ISO-8859-6-E', 'ISO_8859-6-I': 'ISO-8859-6-I', 'ISO_8859-7': 'ISO-8859-7', 'GREEK': 'ISO-8859-7', 'GREEK8': 'ISO-8859-7', 'ECMA-118': 'ISO-8859-7', 'ISO_8859-8': 'ISO-8859-8', 'HEBREW': 'ISO-8859-8', 'ISO_8859-8-E': 'ISO-8859-8-E', 'ISO_8859-8-I': 'ISO-8859-8-I', 'ISO_8859-9': 'ISO-8859-9', 'LATIN5': 'ISO-8859-9', 'ISO_8859-10': 'ISO-8859-10', 'LATIN6': 'ISO-8859-10', 'ISO_8859-13': 'ISO-8859-13', 'ISO_8859-14': 'ISO-8859-14', 'LATIN8': 'ISO-8859-14', 'ISO_8859-15': 'ISO-8859-15', 'LATIN9': 'ISO-8859-15', 'ISO_8859-16': 'ISO-8859-16', 'LATIN10': 'ISO-8859-16', }
[docs]def canonical_charset( charset ): """Returns the canonical or preferred name of a charset. Additional character sets can be recognized by this function by altering the character_set_aliases dictionary in this module. Charsets which are not recognized are simply converted to upper-case (as charset names are always case-insensitive). See <>. """ # It would be nice to use Python's codecs modules for this, but # there is no fixed public interface to it's alias mappings. if not charset: return charset uc = charset.upper() uccon = character_set_aliases.get( uc, uc ) return uccon
[docs]def acceptable_charset( accept_charset_header, charsets, ignore_wildcard=True, default='ISO-8859-1' ): """ Determines if the given charset is acceptable to the user agent. The accept_charset_header should be the value present in the HTTP "Accept-Charset:" header. In mod_python this is typically obtained from the req.http_headers table; in WSGI it is environ["Accept-Charset"]; other web frameworks may provide other methods of obtaining it. Optionally the accept_charset_header parameter can instead be the list returned from the parse_accept_header() function in this module. The charsets argument should either be a charset identifier string, or a sequence of them. This function returns the charset identifier string which is the most prefered and is acceptable to both the user agent and the caller. It will return the default value if no charset is negotiable. Note that the wildcarded charset "*" will be ignored. To override this, call with ignore_wildcard=False. See also: RFC 2616 section 14.2, and <> """ if default: default = _canonical_charset(default) if _is_string(accept_charset_header): accept_list = parse_accept_header(accept_charset_header) else: accept_list = accept_charset_header if _is_string(charsets): charsets = [_canonical_charset(charsets)] else: charsets = [_canonical_charset(c) for c in charsets] # Note per RFC that 'ISO-8859-1' is special, and is implictly in the # accept list with q=1; unless it is already in the list, or '*' is in the list. best = None for c, qvalue, junk in accept_list: if c == '*': default = None if ignore_wildcard: continue if not best or qvalue > best[1]: best = (c, qvalue) else: c = _canonical_charset(c) for test_c in charsets: if c == default: default = None if c == test_c and (not best or best[0]=='*' or qvalue > best[1]): best = (c, qvalue) if default and default in [test_c.upper() for test_c in charsets]: best = (default, 1) if best[0] == '*': best = (charsets[0], best[1]) return best
[docs]class language_tag(object): """This class represents an RFC 3066 language tag. Initialize objects of this class with a single string representing the language tag, such as "en-US". Case is insensitive. Wildcarded subtags are ignored or stripped as they have no significance, so that "en-*" is the same as "en". However the universal wildcard "*" language tag is kept as-is. Note that although relational operators such as < are defined, they only form a partial order based upon specialization. Thus for example, "en" <= "en-US" but, not "en" <= "de", and not "de" <= "en". """
[docs] def __init__(self, tagname): """Initialize objects of this class with a single string representing the language tag, such as "en-US". Case is insensitive. """ = tagname.lower().split('-') while len( > 1 and[-1] == '*': del[-1]
[docs] def __len__(self): """Number of subtags in this tag.""" if len( == 1 and[0] == '*': return 0 return len(
[docs] def __str__(self): """The standard string form of this language tag.""" a = [] if len( >= 1: a.append([0]) if len( >= 2: if len([1]) == 2: a.append([1].upper() ) else: a.append([1] ) a.extend([2:] ) return '-'.join(a)
[docs] def __unicode__(self): """The unicode string form of this language tag.""" # Probably unnecessary in Python 3 if PY3 : return str(self.__str__()) else : return unicode(self.__str__())
[docs] def __repr__(self): """The python representation of this language tag.""" s = '%s("%s")' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.__str__()) return s
[docs] def superior(self): """Returns another instance of language_tag which is the superior. Thus en-US gives en, and en gives *. """ if len(self) <= 1: return self.__class__('*') return self.__class__( '-'.join([:-1]) )
[docs] def all_superiors(self, include_wildcard=False): """Returns a list of this language and all it's superiors. If include_wildcard is False, then "*" will not be among the output list, unless this language is itself "*". """ langlist = [ self ] l = self while not l.is_universal_wildcard(): l = l.superior() if l.is_universal_wildcard() and not include_wildcard: continue langlist.append(l) return langlist
[docs] def is_universal_wildcard(self): """Returns True if this language tag represents all possible languages, by using the reserved tag of "*". """ return len( == 1 and[0] == '*'
[docs] def dialect_of(self, other, ignore_wildcard=True): """Is this language a dialect (or subset/specialization) of another. This method returns True if this language is the same as or a specialization (dialect) of the other language_tag. If ignore_wildcard is False, then all languages will be considered to be a dialect of the special language tag of "*". """ if not ignore_wildcard and self.is_universal_wildcard(): return True for i in range( min(len(self), len(other)) ): if[i] !=[i]: return False if len(self) >= len(other): return True return False
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """== operator. Are the two languages the same?""" return ==
[docs] def __neq__(self, other): """!= operator. Are the two languages different?""" return not self.__eq__(other)
[docs] def __lt__(self, other): """< operator. Returns True if the other language is a more specialized dialect of this one.""" return other.dialect_of(self) and self != other
[docs] def __le__(self, other): """<= operator. Returns True if the other language is the same as or a more specialized dialect of this one.""" return other.dialect_of(self)
[docs] def __gt__(self, other): """> operator. Returns True if this language is a more specialized dialect of the other one.""" return self.dialect_of(other) and self != other
[docs] def __ge__(self, other): """>= operator. Returns True if this language is the same as or a more specialized dialect of the other one.""" return self.dialect_of(other)
[docs]def parse_accept_language_header( header_value ): """Parses the Accept-Language header. Returns a list of tuples, each like: (language_tag, qvalue, accept_parameters) """ alist, k = parse_qvalue_accept_list( header_value) if k < len(header_value): raise ParseError('Accept-Language header is invalid',header_value,k) langlist = [] for token, langparms, q, acptparms in alist: if langparms: raise ParseError('Language tag may not have any parameters',header_value,0) lang = language_tag( token ) langlist.append( (lang, q, acptparms) ) return langlist
[docs]def acceptable_language( accept_header, server_languages, ignore_wildcard=True, assume_superiors=True ): """Determines if the given language is acceptable to the user agent. The accept_header should be the value present in the HTTP "Accept-Language:" header. In mod_python this is typically obtained from the req.http_headers_in table; in WSGI it is environ["Accept-Language"]; other web frameworks may provide other methods of obtaining it. Optionally the accept_header parameter can be pre-parsed, as returned by the parse_accept_language_header() function defined in this module. The server_languages argument should either be a single language string, a language_tag object, or a sequence of them. It represents the set of languages that the server is willing to send to the user agent. Note that the wildcarded language tag "*" will be ignored. To override this, call with ignore_wildcard=False, and even then it will be the lowest-priority choice regardless of it's quality factor (as per HTTP spec). If the assume_superiors is True then it the languages that the browser accepts will automatically include all superior languages. Any superior languages which must be added are done so with one half the qvalue of the language which is present. For example, if the accept string is "en-US", then it will be treated as if it were "en-US, en;q=0.5". Note that although the HTTP 1.1 spec says that browsers are supposed to encourage users to configure all acceptable languages, sometimes they don't, thus the ability for this function to assume this. But setting assume_superiors to False will insure strict adherence to the HTTP 1.1 spec; which means that if the browser accepts "en-US", then it will not be acceptable to send just "en" to it. This function returns the language which is the most prefered and is acceptable to both the user agent and the caller. It will return None if no language is negotiable, otherwise the return value is always an instance of language_tag. See also: RFC 3066 <>, and ISO 639, links at <>, and <>. """ # Note special instructions from RFC 2616 sect. 14.1: # "The language quality factor assigned to a language-tag by the # Accept-Language field is the quality value of the longest # language- range in the field that matches the language-tag." if _is_string(accept_header): accept_list = parse_accept_language_header(accept_header) else: accept_list = accept_header # Possibly add in any "missing" languages that the browser may # have forgotten to include in the list. Insure list is sorted so # more general languages come before more specific ones. accept_list.sort() all_tags = [a[0] for a in accept_list] if assume_superiors: to_add = [] for langtag, qvalue, aargs in accept_list: if len(langtag) >= 2: for suptag in langtag.all_superiors( include_wildcard=False ): if suptag not in all_tags: # Add in superior at half the qvalue to_add.append( (suptag, qvalue / 2, '') ) all_tags.append( suptag ) accept_list.extend( to_add ) # Convert server_languages to a list of language_tags if _is_string(server_languages): server_languages = [language_tag(server_languages)] elif isinstance(server_languages, language_tag): server_languages = [server_languages] else: server_languages = [language_tag(lang) for lang in server_languages] # Select the best one best = None # tuple (langtag, qvalue, matchlen) for langtag, qvalue, aargs in accept_list: # aargs is ignored for Accept-Language if qvalue <= 0: continue # UA doesn't accept this language if ignore_wildcard and langtag.is_universal_wildcard(): continue # "*" being ignored for svrlang in server_languages: # The best match is determined first by the quality factor, # and then by the most specific match. matchlen = -1 # how specifically this one matches (0 is a non-match) if svrlang.dialect_of( langtag, ignore_wildcard=ignore_wildcard ): matchlen = len(langtag) if not best \ or matchlen > best[2] \ or (matchlen == best[2] and qvalue > best[1]): # This match is better best = (langtag, qvalue, matchlen) if not best: return None return best[0]
# Clean up global namespace try: if __emulating_set: del set del frozenset except NameError: pass # end of file