Source code for rdflib.plugins.parsers.pyRdfa.transform

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Transformer sub-package for the pyRdfa package. It contains modules with transformer functions; each may be
invoked by pyRdfa to transform the dom tree before the "real" RDfa processing.

@summary: RDFa Transformer package
@requires: U{RDFLib package<>}
@organization: U{World Wide Web Consortium<>}
@author: U{Ivan Herman<a href="">}
@license: This software is available for use under the

$Id:,v 1.8 2012/06/12 11:47:19 ivan Exp $
$Date: 2012/06/12 11:47:19 $
__version__ = "3.0"

# Here are the transfomer functions that are to be performed for all RDFa files, no matter what

[docs]def top_about(root, options, state) : """ @param root: a DOM node for the top level element @param options: invocation options @type options: L{Options<pyRdfa.options>} @param state: top level execution state @type state: L{State<pyRdfa.state>} """ def set_about(node) : if has_one_of_attributes(node, "rel", "rev") : if not has_one_of_attributes(top, "about", "src") : node.setAttribute("about","") else : if not has_one_of_attributes(node, "href", "resource", "about", "src") : node.setAttribute("about","") from import HostLanguage from ..utils import has_one_of_attributes if not has_one_of_attributes(root, "about") : # The situation is a bit complicated: if a @resource is present without anything else, then it sets # the subject, ie, should be accepted... if has_one_of_attributes(root, "resource", "href", "src") : if has_one_of_attributes(root, "rel", "rev","property") : root.setAttribute("about","") else : root.setAttribute("about","") if options.host_language in [ HostLanguage.xhtml, HostLanguage.html5, HostLanguage.xhtml5 ] : if state.rdfa_version >= "1.1" : pass else : for top in root.getElementsByTagName("head") : if not has_one_of_attributes(top, "href", "resource", "about", "src") : set_about(top) for top in root.getElementsByTagName("body") : if not has_one_of_attributes(top, "href", "resource", "about", "src") : set_about(top)
[docs]def empty_safe_curie(node, options, state) : """ Remove the attributes whose value is an empty safe curie. It also adds an 'artificial' flag, ie, an attribute (called 'emptysc') into the node to signal that there _is_ an attribute with an ignored safe curie value. The name of the attribute is 'about_pruned' or 'resource_pruned'. @param node: a DOM node for the top level element @param options: invocation options @type options: L{Options<pyRdfa.options>} @param state: top level execution state @type state: L{State<pyRdfa.state>} """ def prune_safe_curie(node,name) : if node.hasAttribute(name) : av = node.getAttribute(name) if av == '[]' : node.removeAttribute(name) node.setAttribute(name+'_pruned','') msg = "Attribute @%s uses an empty safe CURIE; the attribute is ignored" % name options.add_warning(msg, node=node) prune_safe_curie(node, "about") prune_safe_curie(node, "resource") for n in node.childNodes : if n.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE : empty_safe_curie(n, options, state)
[docs]def vocab_for_role(node, options, state) : """ The value of the @role attribute (defined separately in the U{Role Attribute Specification Lite<>}) should be as if a @vocab value to the XHTML vocabulary was defined for it. This method turns all terms in role attributes into full URI-s, so that this would not be an issue for the run-time. @param node: a DOM node for the top level element @param options: invocation options @type options: L{Options<pyRdfa.options>} @param state: top level execution state @type state: L{State<pyRdfa.state>} """ from ..termorcurie import termname, XHTML_URI def handle_role(node) : if node.hasAttribute("role") : old_values = node.getAttribute("role").strip().split() new_values = "" for val in old_values : if termname.match(val) : new_values += XHTML_URI + val + ' ' else : new_values += val + ' ' node.setAttribute("role", new_values.strip()) handle_role(node) for n in node.childNodes : if n.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE : vocab_for_role(n, options, state)