Source code for rdflib.plugins.parsers.pyRdfa.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Various utilities for pyRdfa.

Most of the utilities are straightforward.

@organization: U{World Wide Web Consortium<>}
@author: U{Ivan Herman<a href="">}
@license: This software is available for use under the


$Id:,v 1.9 2012/11/16 17:51:53 ivan Exp $
$Date: 2012/11/16 17:51:53 $
import os, os.path, sys, imp, datetime

# Python 3 vs. 2 switch
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3 :
	from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
	from urllib.parse   import urljoin, quote
	from http.server    import BaseHTTPRequestHandler
	from urllib.error   import HTTPError as urllib_HTTPError
else :
	from urllib2        import Request, urlopen
	from urllib2        import HTTPError as urllib_HTTPError
	from urlparse       import urljoin
	from urllib         import quote
	from BaseHTTPServer import BaseHTTPRequestHandler

from .extras.httpheader import content_type, parse_http_datetime

import rdflib
if rdflib.__version__ >= "3.0.0" :
	from rdflib	import RDF as ns_rdf
else :
	from rdflib.RDF	import RDFNS  as ns_rdf

from .host import HostLanguage, preferred_suffixes

# Handling URIs
[docs]class URIOpener : """A wrapper around the urllib2 method to open a resource. Beyond accessing the data itself, the class sets a number of instance variable that might be relevant for processing. The class also adds an accept header to the outgoing request, namely text/html and application/xhtml+xml (unless set explicitly by the caller). If the content type is set by the server, the relevant HTTP response field is used. Otherwise, common suffixes are used (see L{host.preferred_suffixes}) to set the content type (this is really of importance for C{file:///} URI-s). If none of these works, the content type is empty. Interpretation of the content type for the return is done by Deron Meranda's U{httpheader module<>}. @ivar data: the real data, ie, a file-like object @ivar headers: the return headers as sent back by the server @ivar content_type: the content type of the resource or the empty string, if the content type cannot be determined @ivar location: the real location of the data (ie, after possible redirection and content negotiation) @ivar last_modified_date: sets the last modified date if set in the header, None otherwise @ivar expiration_date: sets the expiration date if set in the header, I{current UTC plus one day} otherwise (this is used for caching purposes, hence this artificial setting) """ CONTENT_LOCATION = 'Content-Location' CONTENT_TYPE = 'Content-Type' LAST_MODIFIED = 'Last-Modified' EXPIRES = 'Expires'
[docs] def __init__(self, name, additional_headers = {}) : """ @param name: URL to be opened @keyword additional_headers: additional HTTP request headers to be added to the call """ try : # Note the removal of the fragment ID. This is necessary, per the HTTP spec req = Request(url=name.split('#')[0]) for key in additional_headers : req.add_header(key, additional_headers[key]) if 'Accept' not in additional_headers : req.add_header('Accept', 'text/html, application/xhtml+xml') = urlopen(req) self.headers = if URIOpener.CONTENT_TYPE in self.headers : # The call below will remove the possible media type parameters, like charset settings ct = content_type(self.headers[URIOpener.CONTENT_TYPE]) self.content_type = ct.media_type if 'charset' in ct.parmdict : self.charset = ct.parmdict['charset'] else : self.charset = None # print else : # check if the suffix can be used for the content type; this may be important # for file:// type URI or if the server is not properly set up to return the right # mime type self.charset = None self.content_type = "" for suffix in preferred_suffixes.keys() : if name.endswith(suffix) : self.content_type = preferred_suffixes[suffix] break if URIOpener.CONTENT_LOCATION in self.headers : self.location = urljoin(,self.headers[URIOpener.CONTENT_LOCATION]) else : self.location = name self.expiration_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(days=1) if URIOpener.EXPIRES in self.headers : try : # Thanks to Deron Meranda for the HTTP date conversion method... self.expiration_date = parse_http_datetime(self.headers[URIOpener.EXPIRES]) except : # The Expires date format was wrong, sorry, forget it... pass self.last_modified_date = None if URIOpener.LAST_MODIFIED in self.headers : try : # Thanks to Deron Meranda for the HTTP date conversion method... self.last_modified_date = parse_http_datetime(self.headers[URIOpener.LAST_MODIFIED]) except : # The last modified date format was wrong, sorry, forget it... pass except urllib_HTTPError : e = sys.exc_info()[1] from . import HTTPError msg = BaseHTTPRequestHandler.responses[e.code] raise HTTPError('%s' % msg[1], e.code) except Exception : e = sys.exc_info()[1] from . import RDFaError raise RDFaError('%s' % e)
######################################################################################################### # 'safe' characters for the URI quoting, ie, characters that can safely stay as they are. Other # special characters are converted to their %.. equivalents for namespace prefixes _unquotedChars = ':/\?=#~' _warnChars = [' ','\n','\r','\t']
[docs]def quote_URI(uri, options = None) : """ 'quote' a URI, ie, exchange special characters for their '%..' equivalents. Some of the characters may stay as they are (listed in L{_unquotedChars}. If one of the characters listed in L{_warnChars} is also in the uri, an extra warning is also generated. @param uri: URI @param options: @type options: L{Options<pyRdfa.Options>} """ from . import err_unusual_char_in_URI suri = uri.strip() for c in _warnChars : if suri.find(c) != -1 : if options != None : options.add_warning(err_unusual_char_in_URI % suri) break return quote(suri, _unquotedChars)
[docs]def create_file_name(uri) : """ Create a suitable file name from an (absolute) URI. Used, eg, for the generation of a file name for a cached vocabulary file. """ suri = uri.strip() final_uri = quote(suri,_unquotedChars) # Remove some potentially dangereous characters return final_uri.replace(' ','_').replace('%','_').replace('-','_').replace('+','_').replace('/','_').replace('?','_').replace(':','_').replace('=','_').replace('#','_')
[docs]def has_one_of_attributes(node,*args) : """ Check whether one of the listed attributes is present on a (DOM) node. @param node: DOM element node @param args: possible attribute names @return: True or False @rtype: Boolean """ if len(args) == 0 : return None if isinstance(args[0], tuple) or isinstance(args[0], list) : rargs = args[0] else : rargs = args return True in [ node.hasAttribute(attr) for attr in rargs ]
[docs]def traverse_tree(node, func) : """Traverse the whole element tree, and perform the function C{func} on all the elements. @param node: DOM element node @param func: function to be called on the node. Input parameter is a DOM Element Node. If the function returns a boolean True, the recursion is stopped. """ if func(node) : return for n in node.childNodes : if n.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE : traverse_tree(n, func)
[docs]def return_XML(state, inode, base = True, xmlns = True) : """ Get (recursively) the XML Literal content of a DOM Element Node. (Most of the processing is done via a C{node.toxml} call of the xml minidom implementation.) @param inode: DOM Node @param state: L{pyRdfa.state.ExecutionContext} @param base: whether the base element should be added to the output @type base: Boolean @param xmlns: whether the namespace declarations should be repeated in the generated node @type xmlns: Boolean @return: string """ node = inode.cloneNode(True) # Decorate the element with namespaces.lang values and, optionally, base if base : node.setAttribute("xml:base",state.base) if xmlns : for prefix in state.term_or_curie.xmlns : if not node.hasAttribute("xmlns:%s" % prefix) : node.setAttribute("xmlns:%s" % prefix,"%s" % state.term_or_curie.xmlns[prefix]) # Set the default namespace, if not done (and is available) if not node.getAttribute("xmlns") and state.defaultNS != None : node.setAttribute("xmlns", state.defaultNS) # Get the lang, if necessary if state.lang : if state.options.host_language in [ HostLanguage.xhtml, HostLanguage.xhtml5, HostLanguage.html5 ] : if not node.getAttribute("lang") : node.setAttribute("lang", state.lang) else : if not node.getAttribute("xml:lang") : node.setAttribute("xml:lang", state.lang) if sys.version_info[0] >= 3 : return node.toxml() else : q = node.toxml(encoding='utf-8') return unicode(q, encoding='utf-8')
[docs]def dump(node) : """ This is just for debug purposes: it prints the essential content of the node in the tree starting at node. @param node: DOM node """ print( node.toprettyxml(indent="", newl="") )