.. _docs: ================================ Writing RDFLib Documentation ================================ The docs are generated with Sphinx. Sphinx makes it very easy to pull in doc-strings from modules, classes, methods, etc. When writing doc-strings, special reST fields can be used to annotate parameters, return-types, etc. This make for pretty API docs: http://sphinx-doc.org/domains.html?highlight=param#info-field-lists Building -------- To build you must have the `sphinx` package installed: .. code-block:: bash pip install sphinx Then you can do: .. code-block:: bash python setup.py build_sphinx The docs will be generated in :file:`build/sphinx/html/` Syntax highlighting ------------------- To get N3 and SPARQL syntax highlighting do: .. code-block:: bash pip install -e git+git://github.com/gjhiggins/sparql_pygments_lexer.git#egg=SPARQL_Pygments_Lexer pip install -e git+git://github.com/gjhiggins/n3_pygments_lexer.git#egg=Notation3_Pygments_Lexer API Docs -------- API Docs are automatically generated with ``sphinx-apidoc``: .. code-block:: bash sphinx-apidoc -f -d 10 -o docs/apidocs/ rdflib examples (then ``rdflib.rst`` was tweaked manually to not include all convenience imports that are directly in the ``rdflib/__init__.py``) Tables ------ The tables in ``plugin_*.rst`` were generated with ``plugintable.py``