.. _intro_to_parsing: ====================== Loading and saving RDF ====================== Reading an NT file ------------------- RDF data has various syntaxes (``xml``, ``n3``, ``ntriples``, ``trix``, etc) that you might want to read. The simplest format is ``ntriples``, a line-based format. Create the file :file:`demo.nt` in the current directory with these two lines: .. code-block:: n3 . "Hello world" . You need to tell RDFLib what format to parse, use the ``format`` keyword-parameter to :meth:`~rdflib.graph.Graph.parse`, you can pass either a mime-type or the name (a :doc:`list of available parsers ` is available). If you are not sure what format your file will be, you can use :func:`rdflib.util.guess_format` which will guess based on the file extension. In an interactive python interpreter, try this:: from rdflib import Graph g = Graph() g.parse("demo.nt", format="nt") len(g) # prints 2 import pprint for stmt in g: pprint.pprint(stmt) # prints : (rdflib.term.URIRef('http://bigasterisk.com/foaf.rdf#drewp'), rdflib.term.URIRef('http://example.com/says'), rdflib.term.Literal(u'Hello world')) (rdflib.term.URIRef('http://bigasterisk.com/foaf.rdf#drewp'), rdflib.term.URIRef('http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type'), rdflib.term.URIRef('http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/Person')) The final lines show how RDFLib represents the two statements in the file. The statements themselves are just length-3 tuples; and the subjects, predicates, and objects are all rdflib types. Reading remote graphs --------------------- Reading graphs from the net is just as easy:: g.parse("http://bigasterisk.com/foaf.rdf") len(g) # prints 42 The format defaults to ``xml``, which is the common format for .rdf files you'll find on the net. RDFLib will also happily read RDF from any file-like object, i.e. anything with a ``.read`` method.