Source code for rdflib.plugins.sparql.datatypes

Utility functions for supporting the XML Schema Datatypes hierarchy

from rdflib import XSD

XSD_DTs = set(
    (XSD.integer, XSD.decimal, XSD.float, XSD.double, XSD.string,
     XSD.boolean, XSD.dateTime, XSD.nonPositiveInteger, XSD.negativeInteger,
     XSD.long,, XSD.short, XSD.byte, XSD.nonNegativeInteger,
     XSD.unsignedLong, XSD.unsignedInt, XSD.unsignedShort, XSD.unsignedByte,

_sub_types = {
    XSD.integer: [
        XSD.nonPositiveInteger, XSD.negativeInteger, XSD.long,,
        XSD.short, XSD.byte, XSD.nonNegativeInteger, XSD.positiveInteger,
        XSD.unsignedLong, XSD.unsignedInt, XSD.unsignedShort, XSD.unsignedByte],

_super_types = {}
for superdt in XSD_DTs:
    for subdt in _sub_types.get(superdt, []):
        _super_types[subdt] = superdt

# we only care about float, double, integer, decimal
_typePromotionMap = {
    XSD.float: {XSD.integer: XSD.float,
                XSD.decimal: XSD.float,
                XSD.double: XSD.double},

    XSD.double: {XSD.integer: XSD.double,
                 XSD.float: XSD.double,
                 XSD.decimal: XSD.double},

    XSD.decimal: {XSD.integer: XSD.decimal,
                  XSD.float: XSD.float,
                  XSD.double: XSD.double},

    XSD.integer: {XSD.decimal: XSD.decimal,
                  XSD.float: XSD.float,
                  XSD.double: XSD.double}

[docs]def type_promotion(t1, t2): if t2 is None: return t1 t1 = _super_types.get(t1, t1) t2 = _super_types.get(t2, t2) if t1 == t2: return t1 # matching super-types try: return _typePromotionMap[t1][t2] except KeyError: raise TypeError( 'Operators cannot combine datatypes %s and %s' % (t1, t2))