.. _persistence: Persistence =========== Persistence =========== RDFLib provides an :class:`abstracted Store API ` for persistence of RDF and Notation 3. The :class:`~rdflib.graph.Graph` class works with instances of this API (as the first argument to its constructor) for triple-based management of an RDF store including: garbage collection, transaction management, update, pattern matching, removal, length, and database management (:meth:`~rdflib.graph.Graph.open` / :meth:`~rdflib.graph.Graph.close` / :meth:`~rdflib.graph.Graph.destroy`). Additional persistence mechanisms can be supported by implementing this API for a different store. Stores currently shipped with core RDFLib ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * :class:`Memory ` - not persistent! * :class:`~rdflib.plugins.stores.berkeleydb.BerkeleyDB` - on disk persistence via Python's `berkeleydb package `_ * :class:`~rdflib.plugins.stores.sparqlstore.SPARQLStore` - a read-only wrapper around a remote SPARQL Query endpoint * :class:`~rdflib.plugins.stores.sparqlstore.SPARQLUpdateStore` - a read-write wrapper around a remote SPARQL query/update endpoint pair Usage ^^^^^ In most cases, passing the name of the store to the Graph constructor is enough: .. code-block:: python from rdflib import Graph graph = Graph(store='BerkeleyDB') Most stores offering on-disk persistence will need to be opened before reading or writing. When peristing a triplestore, rather than a ConjuntiveGraph quadstore, you need to specify an identifier with which you can open the graph: .. code-block:: python graph = Graph('BerkeleyDB', identifier='mygraph') # first time create the store: graph.open('/home/user/data/myRDFLibStore', create=True) # work with the graph: data = """ PREFIX : :a :b :c . :d :e :f . :d :g :h . """ graph.parse(data=data, format="ttl") # when done! graph.close() When done, :meth:`~rdflib.graph.Graph.close` must be called to free the resources associated with the store. Additional store plugins ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ More store implementations are available in RDFLib extension projects: * `rdflib-sqlalchemy `_, which supports stored on a wide-variety of RDBMs backends, * `rdflib-leveldb `_ - a store on to of Google's `LevelDB `_ key-value store. * `rdflib-kyotocabinet `_ - a store on to of the `Kyoto Cabinet `_ key-value store. Example ^^^^^^^ * :mod:`examples.berkeleydb_example` contains an example for using a BerkeleyDB store. * :mod:`examples.sparqlstore_example` contains an example for using a SPARQLStore.