Writing RDFLib Documentation

These docs are generated with Sphinx.

Sphinx makes it very easy to pull in doc-strings from modules, classes, methods, etc. When writing doc-strings, special reST fields can be used to annotate parameters, return-types, etc. This makes for pretty API docs:



To build you must have the sphinx package installed:

pip install sphinx

See the documentation’s full set of requirements in the sphinx-require,ens.txt file within the docs/ directory.

Once you have all the requirements installed you can run this command in the rdflib root directory:

python setup.py build_sphinx

Docs will be generated in build/sphinx/html/ and API documentation, generated from doc-strings, will be placed in docs/apidocs/.

API Docs

API Docs are automatically generated with sphinx-apidoc:

sphinx-apidoc -f -d 10 -o docs/apidocs/ rdflib examples
Note that rdflib.rst was manually tweaked so as to not include all

imports in rdflib/__init__.py.


The tables in plugin_*.rst were generated with plugintable.py