Querying with SPARQL

Run a Query

The RDFLib comes with an implementation of the SPARQL 1.1 Query and SPARQL 1.1 Update query languages.

Queries can be evaluated against a graph with the rdflib.graph.Graph.query() method, and updates with rdflib.graph.Graph.update().

The query method returns a rdflib.query.Result instance. For SELECT queries, iterating over this returns rdflib.query.ResultRow instances, each containing a set of variable bindings. For CONSTRUCT/DESCRIBE queries, iterating over the result object gives the triples. For ASK queries, iterating will yield the single boolean answer, or evaluating the result object in a boolean-context (i.e. bool(result))

For example…

import rdflib
g = rdflib.Graph()

knows_query = """
SELECT DISTINCT ?aname ?bname
    ?a foaf:knows ?b .
    ?a foaf:name ?aname .
    ?b foaf:name ?bname .

qres = g.query(knows_query)
for row in qres:
    print(f"{row.aname} knows {row.bname}")

The results are tuples of values in the same order as your SELECT arguments. Alternatively, the values can be accessed by variable name, either as attributes, or as items, e.g. row.b and row["b"] are equivalent. The above, given the appropriate data, would print something like:

Timothy Berners-Lee knows Edd Dumbill
Timothy Berners-Lee knows Jennifer Golbeck
Timothy Berners-Lee knows Nicholas Gibbins

As an alternative to using SPARQLs PREFIX, namespace bindings can be passed in with the initNs kwarg, see Namespaces and Bindings.

Variables can also be pre-bound, using the initBindings kwarg which can pass in a dict of initial bindings. This is particularly useful for prepared queries, as described below.

Update Queries

Update queries are performed just like reading queries but using the rdflib.graph.Graph.update() method. An example:

from rdflib import Graph

# Create a Graph, add in some test data
g = Graph()
        <x:> a <c:> .
        <y:> a <c:> .

# Select all the things (s) that are of type (rdf:type) c:
qres = g.query("""SELECT ?s WHERE { ?s a <c:> }""")

for row in qres:
# prints:
# x:
# y:

# Add in a new triple using SPATQL UPDATE
g.update("""INSERT DATA { <z:> a <c:> }""")

# Select all the things (s) that are of type (rdf:type) c:
qres = g.query("""SELECT ?s WHERE { ?s a <c:> }""")

print("After update:")
for row in qres:
# prints:
# x:
# y:
# z:

# Change type of <y:> from <c:> to <d:>
         DELETE { <y:> a <c:> }
         INSERT { <y:> a <d:> }
         WHERE { <y:> a <c:> }
print("After second update:")
qres = g.query("""SELECT ?s ?o WHERE { ?s a ?o }""")
for row in qres:
    print(f"{row.s} a {row.o}")
# prints:
# x: a c:
# z: a c:
# y: a d:

Querying a Remote Service

The SERVICE keyword of SPARQL 1.1 can send a query to a remote SPARQL endpoint.

import rdflib

g = rdflib.Graph()
qres = g.query(
    SELECT ?s
    WHERE {
      SERVICE <http://dbpedia.org/sparql> {
        ?s a ?o .
    LIMIT 3

for row in qres:

This example sends a query to DBPedia’s SPARQL endpoint service so that it can run the query and then send back the result:

<http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type> <http://www.openlinksw.com/schemas/virtcxml#FacetCategoryPattern>
<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#anyURI> <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#Datatype>
<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#anyURI> <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#Datatype>

Prepared Queries

RDFLib lets you prepare queries before execution, this saves re-parsing and translating the query into SPARQL Algebra each time.

The method rdflib.plugins.sparql.prepareQuery() takes a query as a string and will return a rdflib.plugins.sparql.sparql.Query object. This can then be passed to the rdflib.graph.Graph.query() method.

The initBindings kwarg can be used to pass in a dict of initial bindings:

q = prepareQuery(
    "SELECT ?s WHERE { ?person foaf:knows ?s .}",
    initNs = { "foaf": FOAF }

g = rdflib.Graph()

tim = rdflib.URIRef("http://www.w3.org/People/Berners-Lee/card#i")

for row in g.query(q, initBindings={'person': tim}):

Custom Evaluation Functions

For experts, it is possible to override how bits of SPARQL algebra are evaluated. By using the setuptools entry-point rdf.plugins.sparqleval, or simply adding to an entry to rdflib.plugins.sparql.CUSTOM_EVALS, a custom function can be registered. The function will be called for each algebra component and may raise NotImplementedError to indicate that this part should be handled by the default implementation.

See examples/custom_eval.py