Source code for rdflib.namespace

import json
import logging
import sys
import warnings
from functools import lru_cache
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union
from unicodedata import category
from urllib.parse import urldefrag, urljoin

from rdflib.term import URIRef, Variable, _is_valid_uri

    from rdflib.graph import Graph
    from import Store

__doc__ = """
Namespace Utilities

RDFLib provides mechanisms for managing Namespaces.

In particular, there is a :class:`~rdflib.namespace.Namespace` class
that takes as its argument the base URI of the namespace.

.. code-block:: pycon

    >>> from rdflib.namespace import Namespace
    >>> RDFS = Namespace("")

Fully qualified URIs in the namespace can be constructed either by attribute
or by dictionary access on Namespace instances:

.. code-block:: pycon

    >>> RDFS.seeAlso
    >>> RDFS['seeAlso']

Automatic handling of unknown predicates

As a programming convenience, a namespace binding is automatically
created when :class:`rdflib.term.URIRef` predicates are added to the graph.

Importable namespaces

The following namespaces are available by directly importing from rdflib:

* DC
* QB
* SH

.. code-block:: pycon

    >>> from rdflib.namespace import RDFS
    >>> RDFS.seeAlso

__all__ = [

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Namespace(str): """ Utility class for quickly generating URIRefs with a common prefix >>> from rdflib.namespace import Namespace >>> n = Namespace("") >>> n.Person # as attribute rdflib.term.URIRef('') >>> n['first-name'] # as item - for things that are not valid python identifiers rdflib.term.URIRef('') >>> n.Person in n True >>> n2 = Namespace("") >>> n.Person in n2 False """
[docs] def __new__(cls, value: Union[str, bytes]) -> "Namespace": try: rt = str.__new__(cls, value) except UnicodeDecodeError: rt = str.__new__(cls, value, "utf-8") # type: ignore[arg-type] return rt
@property def title(self) -> URIRef: # Override for DCTERMS.title to return a URIRef instead of str.title method return URIRef(self + "title")
[docs] def term(self, name: str) -> URIRef: # need to handle slices explicitly because of __getitem__ override return URIRef(self + (name if isinstance(name, str) else ""))
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> URIRef: # type: ignore[override] return self.term(key)
[docs] def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> URIRef: if name.startswith("__"): # ignore any special Python names! raise AttributeError return self.term(name)
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"Namespace({super().__repr__()})"
[docs] def __contains__(self, ref: str) -> bool: # type: ignore[override] """Allows to check if a URI is within (starts with) this Namespace. >>> from rdflib import URIRef >>> namespace = Namespace('') >>> uri = URIRef('') >>> uri in namespace True >>> person_class = namespace['Person'] >>> person_class in namespace True >>> obj = URIRef('') >>> obj in namespace False """ return ref.startswith(self) # test namespace membership with "ref in ns" syntax
class URIPattern(str): """ Utility class for creating URIs according to some pattern This supports either new style formatting with .format or old-style with % operator >>> u=URIPattern("") >>> u%('books', 12345) rdflib.term.URIRef('') """ def __new__(cls, value: Union[str, bytes]) -> "URIPattern": try: rt = str.__new__(cls, value) except UnicodeDecodeError: if TYPE_CHECKING: assert isinstance(value, bytes) rt = str.__new__(cls, value, "utf-8") return rt def __mod__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> URIRef: return URIRef(super().__mod__(*args, **kwargs)) def format(self, *args, **kwargs) -> URIRef: return URIRef(super().format(*args, **kwargs)) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"URIPattern({super().__repr__()})" # _DFNS_RESERVED_ATTRS are attributes for which DefinedNamespaceMeta should # always raise AttributeError if they are not defined and which should not be # considered part of __dir__ results. These should be all annotations on # `DefinedNamespaceMeta`. _DFNS_RESERVED_ATTRS: Set[str] = { "_NS", "_warn", "_fail", "_extras", "_underscore_num", } class DefinedNamespaceMeta(type): """Utility metaclass for generating URIRefs with a common prefix.""" _NS: Namespace _warn: bool = True _fail: bool = False # True means mimic ClosedNamespace _extras: List[str] = [] # List of non-pythonesque items _underscore_num: bool = False # True means pass "_n" constructs @lru_cache(maxsize=None) def __getitem__(cls, name: str, default=None) -> URIRef: name = str(name) if name in _DFNS_RESERVED_ATTRS: raise AttributeError( f"DefinedNamespace like object has no attribute {name!r}" ) if str(name).startswith("__"): # NOTE on type ignore: This seems to be a real bug, super() does not # implement this method, it will fail if it is ever reached. return super().__getitem__(name, default) # type: ignore[misc] # undefined in superclass if (cls._warn or cls._fail) and name not in cls: if cls._fail: raise AttributeError(f"term '{name}' not in namespace '{cls._NS}'") else: warnings.warn( f"Code: {name} is not defined in namespace {cls.__name__}", stacklevel=3, ) return cls._NS[name] def __getattr__(cls, name: str): return cls.__getitem__(name) def __repr__(cls) -> str: return f"Namespace({str(cls._NS)!r})" def __str__(cls) -> str: return str(cls._NS) def __add__(cls, other: str) -> URIRef: return cls.__getitem__(other) def __contains__(cls, item: str) -> bool: """Determine whether a URI or an individual item belongs to this namespace""" item_str = str(item) if item_str.startswith("__"): # NOTE on type ignore: This seems to be a real bug, super() does not # implement this method, it will fail if it is ever reached. return super().__contains__(item) # type: ignore[misc] # undefined in superclass if item_str.startswith(str(cls._NS)): item_str = item_str[len(str(cls._NS)) :] return any( item_str in c.__annotations__ or item_str in c._extras or (cls._underscore_num and item_str[0] == "_" and item_str[1:].isdigit()) for c in cls.mro() if issubclass(c, DefinedNamespace) ) def __dir__(cls) -> Iterable[str]: attrs = {str(x) for x in cls.__annotations__} # Removing these as they should not be considered part of the namespace. attrs.difference_update(_DFNS_RESERVED_ATTRS) values = {cls[str(x)] for x in attrs} return values def as_jsonld_context(self, pfx: str) -> dict: """Returns this DefinedNamespace as a a JSON-LD 'context' object""" terms = {pfx: str(self._NS)} for key, term in self.__annotations__.items(): if issubclass(term, URIRef): terms[key] = f"{pfx}:{key}" return {"@context": terms}
[docs]class DefinedNamespace(metaclass=DefinedNamespaceMeta): """ A Namespace with an enumerated list of members. Warnings are emitted if unknown members are referenced if _warn is True """ def __init__(self): raise TypeError("namespace may not be instantiated")
[docs]class ClosedNamespace(Namespace): """ A namespace with a closed list of members Trying to create terms not listed is an error """ __uris: Dict[str, URIRef]
[docs] def __new__(cls, uri: str, terms: List[str]): rt = super().__new__(cls, uri) rt.__uris = {t: URIRef(rt + t) for t in terms} # type: ignore[attr-defined] return rt
@property def uri(self) -> str: # Back-compat return str(self)
[docs] def term(self, name: str) -> URIRef: uri = self.__uris.get(name) if uri is None: raise KeyError(f"term '{name}' not in namespace '{self}'") return uri
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> URIRef: # type: ignore[override] return self.term(key)
[docs] def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> URIRef: if name.startswith("__"): # ignore any special Python names! raise AttributeError else: try: return self.term(name) except KeyError as e: raise AttributeError(e)
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__module__}.{self.__class__.__name__}({str(self)!r})"
[docs] def __dir__(self) -> List[str]: return list(self.__uris)
[docs] def __contains__(self, ref: str) -> bool: # type: ignore[override] return ( ref in self.__uris.values() ) # test namespace membership with "ref in ns" syntax
def _ipython_key_completions_(self) -> List[str]: return dir(self)
XMLNS = Namespace("") if TYPE_CHECKING: from rdflib._type_checking import _NamespaceSetString _with_bind_override_fix = True
[docs]class NamespaceManager(object): """Class for managing prefix => namespace mappings This class requires an RDFlib Graph as an input parameter and may optionally have the parameter bind_namespaces set. This second parameter selects a strategy which is one of the following: * core: * binds several core RDF prefixes only * owl, rdf, rdfs, xsd, xml from the NAMESPACE_PREFIXES_CORE object * this is default * rdflib: * binds all the namespaces shipped with RDFLib as DefinedNamespace instances * all the core namespaces and all the following: brick, csvw, dc, dcat * dcmitype, cdterms, dcam, doap, foaf, geo, odrl, org, prof, prov, qb, sdo * sh, skos, sosa, ssn, time, vann, void * see the NAMESPACE_PREFIXES_RDFLIB object for the up-to-date list * none: * binds no namespaces to prefixes * note this is NOT default behaviour * cc: * using prefix bindings from which is a online prefixes database * not implemented yet - this is aspirational See the Sample usage .. code-block:: pycon >>> import rdflib >>> from rdflib import Graph >>> from rdflib.namespace import Namespace, NamespaceManager >>> EX = Namespace('') >>> namespace_manager = NamespaceManager(Graph()) >>> namespace_manager.bind('ex', EX, override=False) >>> g = Graph() >>> g.namespace_manager = namespace_manager >>> all_ns = [n for n in g.namespace_manager.namespaces()] >>> assert ('ex', rdflib.term.URIRef('')) in all_ns >>> """
[docs] def __init__(self, graph: "Graph", bind_namespaces: "_NamespaceSetString" = "core"): self.graph = graph self.__cache: Dict[str, Tuple[str, URIRef, str]] = {} self.__cache_strict: Dict[str, Tuple[str, URIRef, str]] = {} self.__log = None self.__strie: Dict[str, Any] = {} self.__trie: Dict[str, Any] = {} # This type declaration is here becuase there is no common base class # for all namespaces and without it the inferred type of ns is not # compatible with all prefixes. ns: Any # bind Namespaces as per options. # default is core if bind_namespaces == "none": # binds no namespaces to prefixes # note this is NOT default pass elif bind_namespaces == "rdflib": # bind all the Namespaces shipped with RDFLib for prefix, ns in _NAMESPACE_PREFIXES_RDFLIB.items(): self.bind(prefix, ns) # ... don't forget the core ones too for prefix, ns in _NAMESPACE_PREFIXES_CORE.items(): self.bind(prefix, ns) elif bind_namespaces == "cc": # bind any prefix that can be found with lookups to # first bind core and rdflib ones # work out remainder - namespaces without prefixes # only look those ones up raise NotImplementedError("Haven't got to this option yet") elif bind_namespaces == "core": # bind a few core RDF namespaces - default for prefix, ns in _NAMESPACE_PREFIXES_CORE.items(): self.bind(prefix, ns) else: raise ValueError(f"unsupported namespace set {bind_namespaces}")
[docs] def __contains__(self, ref: str) -> bool: # checks if a reference is in any of the managed namespaces with syntax # "ref in manager". Note that we don't use "ref in ns", as # NamespaceManager.namespaces() returns Iterator[Tuple[str, URIRef]] # rather than Iterator[Tuple[str, Namespace]] return any(ref.startswith(ns) for prefix, ns in self.namespaces())
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: self.__cache = {} self.__strie = {} self.__trie = {} for p, n in self.namespaces(): # repopulate the trie insert_trie(self.__trie, str(n))
@property def store(self) -> "Store": return
[docs] def qname(self, uri: str) -> str: prefix, namespace, name = self.compute_qname(uri) if prefix == "": return name else: return ":".join((prefix, name))
[docs] def qname_strict(self, uri: str) -> str: prefix, namespace, name = self.compute_qname_strict(uri) if prefix == "": return name else: return ":".join((prefix, name))
[docs] def normalizeUri(self, rdfTerm: str) -> str: """ Takes an RDF Term and 'normalizes' it into a QName (using the registered prefix) or (unlike compute_qname) the Notation 3 form for URIs: <...URI...> """ try: namespace, name = split_uri(rdfTerm) if namespace not in self.__strie: insert_strie(self.__strie, self.__trie, str(namespace)) namespace = URIRef(str(namespace)) except: if isinstance(rdfTerm, Variable): return "?%s" % rdfTerm else: return "<%s>" % rdfTerm prefix = if prefix is None and isinstance(rdfTerm, Variable): return "?%s" % rdfTerm elif prefix is None: return "<%s>" % rdfTerm else: qNameParts = self.compute_qname(rdfTerm) return ":".join([qNameParts[0], qNameParts[-1]])
[docs] def compute_qname(self, uri: str, generate: bool = True) -> Tuple[str, URIRef, str]: prefix: Optional[str] if uri not in self.__cache: if not _is_valid_uri(uri): raise ValueError( '"{}" does not look like a valid URI, cannot serialize this. Did you want to urlencode it?'.format( uri ) ) try: namespace, name = split_uri(uri) except ValueError as e: namespace = URIRef(uri) prefix = if not prefix: raise e if namespace not in self.__strie: insert_strie(self.__strie, self.__trie, namespace) if self.__strie[namespace]: pl_namespace = get_longest_namespace(self.__strie[namespace], uri) if pl_namespace is not None: namespace = pl_namespace name = uri[len(namespace) :] namespace = URIRef(namespace) prefix = # warning multiple prefixes problem if prefix is None: if not generate: raise KeyError( "No known prefix for {} and generate=False".format(namespace) ) num = 1 while 1: prefix = "ns%s" % num if not break num += 1 self.bind(prefix, namespace) self.__cache[uri] = (prefix, namespace, name) return self.__cache[uri]
[docs] def compute_qname_strict( self, uri: str, generate: bool = True ) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: # code repeated to avoid branching on strict every time # if output needs to be strict (e.g. for xml) then # only the strict output should bear the overhead namespace: str prefix: Optional[str] prefix, namespace, name = self.compute_qname(uri, generate) if is_ncname(str(name)): return prefix, namespace, name else: if uri not in self.__cache_strict: try: namespace, name = split_uri(uri, NAME_START_CATEGORIES) except ValueError: message = ( "This graph cannot be serialized to a strict format " "because there is no valid way to shorten {}".format(uri) ) raise ValueError(message) # omitted for strict since NCNames cannot be empty # namespace = URIRef(uri) # prefix = # if not prefix: # raise e if namespace not in self.__strie: insert_strie(self.__strie, self.__trie, namespace) # omitted for strict # if self.__strie[namespace]: # pl_namespace = get_longest_namespace(self.__strie[namespace], uri) # if pl_namespace is not None: # namespace = pl_namespace # name = uri[len(namespace):] namespace = URIRef(namespace) prefix = namespace ) # warning multiple prefixes problem if prefix is None: if not generate: raise KeyError( "No known prefix for {} and generate=False".format( namespace ) ) num = 1 while 1: prefix = "ns%s" % num if not break num += 1 self.bind(prefix, namespace) self.__cache_strict[uri] = (prefix, namespace, name) return self.__cache_strict[uri]
[docs] def expand_curie(self, curie: str) -> Union[URIRef, None]: """ Expand a CURIE of the form <prefix:element>, e.g. "rdf:type" into its full expression: >>> import rdflib >>> g = rdflib.Graph() >>> g.namespace_manager.expand_curie("rdf:type") rdflib.term.URIRef('') Raises exception if a namespace is not bound to the prefix. """ if not type(curie) is str: raise TypeError(f"Argument must be a string, not {type(curie).__name__}.") parts = curie.split(":", 1) if len(parts) != 2 or len(parts[0]) < 1: raise ValueError( "Malformed curie argument, format should be e.g. “foaf:name”." ) ns =[0]) if ns is not None: return URIRef(f"{str(ns)}{parts[1]}") else: raise ValueError( f"Prefix \"{curie.split(':')[0]}\" not bound to any namespace." )
def _store_bind(self, prefix: str, namespace: URIRef, override: bool) -> None: if not _with_bind_override_fix: return, namespace) try: return, namespace, override=override) except TypeError as error: if "override" in str(error): logger.warning( "caught a TypeError, " "retrying call to %s.bind without override, " "see for more info", type(, exc_info=True, ) return, namespace)
[docs] def bind( self, prefix: Optional[str], namespace: Any, override: bool = True, replace: bool = False, ) -> None: """Bind a given namespace to the prefix If override, rebind, even if the given namespace is already bound to another prefix. If replace, replace any existing prefix with the new namespace """ namespace = URIRef(str(namespace)) # When documenting explain that override only applies in what cases if prefix is None: prefix = "" elif " " in prefix: raise KeyError("Prefixes may not contain spaces.") bound_namespace = # Check if the bound_namespace contains a URI # and if so convert it into a URIRef for comparison # This is to prevent duplicate namespaces with the # same URI if bound_namespace: bound_namespace = URIRef(bound_namespace) if bound_namespace and bound_namespace != namespace: if replace: self._store_bind(prefix, namespace, override=override) insert_trie(self.__trie, str(namespace)) return # prefix already in use for different namespace # # append number to end of prefix until we find one # that's not in use. if not prefix: prefix = "default" num = 1 while 1: new_prefix = "%s%s" % (prefix, num) tnamespace = if tnamespace and namespace == URIRef(tnamespace): # the prefix is already bound to the correct # namespace return if not break num += 1 self._store_bind(new_prefix, namespace, override=override) else: bound_prefix = if bound_prefix is None: self._store_bind(prefix, namespace, override=override) elif bound_prefix == prefix: pass # already bound else: if override or bound_prefix.startswith("_"): # or a generated prefix self._store_bind(prefix, namespace, override=override) insert_trie(self.__trie, str(namespace))
[docs] def namespaces(self) -> Iterable[Tuple[str, URIRef]]: for prefix, namespace in namespace = URIRef(namespace) yield prefix, namespace
[docs] def absolutize(self, uri: str, defrag: int = 1) -> URIRef: base = Path.cwd().as_uri() result = urljoin("%s/" % base, uri, allow_fragments=not defrag) if defrag: result = urldefrag(result)[0] if not defrag: if uri and uri[-1] == "#" and result[-1] != "#": result = "%s#" % result return URIRef(result)
# From: # # * Name start characters must have one of the categories Ll, Lu, Lo, # Lt, Nl. # # * Name characters other than Name-start characters must have one of # the categories Mc, Me, Mn, Lm, or Nd. # # * Characters in the compatibility area (i.e. with character code # greater than #xF900 and less than #xFFFE) are not allowed in XML # names. # # * Characters which have a font or compatibility decomposition # (i.e. those with a "compatibility formatting tag" in field 5 of the # database -- marked by field 5 beginning with a "<") are not allowed. # # * The following characters are treated as name-start characters rather # than name characters, because the property file classifies them as # Alphabetic: [#x02BB-#x02C1], #x0559, #x06E5, #x06E6. # # * Characters #x20DD-#x20E0 are excluded (in accordance with Unicode # 2.0, section 5.14). # # * Character #x00B7 is classified as an extender, because the property # list so identifies it. # # * Character #x0387 is added as a name character, because #x00B7 is its # canonical equivalent. # # * Characters ':' and '_' are allowed as name-start characters. # # * Characters '-' and '.' are allowed as name characters. NAME_START_CATEGORIES = ["Ll", "Lu", "Lo", "Lt", "Nl"] SPLIT_START_CATEGORIES = NAME_START_CATEGORIES + ["Nd"] NAME_CATEGORIES = NAME_START_CATEGORIES + ["Mc", "Me", "Mn", "Lm", "Nd"] ALLOWED_NAME_CHARS = ["\u00B7", "\u0387", "-", ".", "_", "%", "(", ")"] # # [4] NCName ::= (Letter | '_') (NCNameChar)* /* An XML Name, minus # the ":" */ # [5] NCNameChar ::= Letter | Digit | '.' | '-' | '_' | CombiningChar # | Extender
[docs]def is_ncname(name: str) -> int: if name: first = name[0] if first == "_" or category(first) in NAME_START_CATEGORIES: for i in range(1, len(name)): c = name[i] if not category(c) in NAME_CATEGORIES: if c in ALLOWED_NAME_CHARS: continue return 0 # if in compatibility area # if decomposition(c)!='': # return 0 return 1 return 0
[docs]def split_uri( uri: str, split_start: List[str] = SPLIT_START_CATEGORIES ) -> Tuple[str, str]: if uri.startswith(XMLNS): return (XMLNS, uri.split(XMLNS)[1]) length = len(uri) for i in range(0, length): c = uri[-i - 1] if not category(c) in NAME_CATEGORIES: if c in ALLOWED_NAME_CHARS: continue for j in range(-1 - i, length): if category(uri[j]) in split_start or uri[j] == "_": # _ prevents early split, roundtrip not generate ns = uri[:j] if not ns: break ln = uri[j:] return (ns, ln) break raise ValueError("Can't split '{}'".format(uri))
def insert_trie( trie: Dict[str, Any], value: str ) -> Dict[str, Any]: # aka get_subtrie_or_insert """Insert a value into the trie if it is not already contained in the trie. Return the subtree for the value regardless of whether it is a new value or not.""" if value in trie: return trie[value] multi_check = False for key in tuple(trie.keys()): if len(value) > len(key) and value.startswith(key): return insert_trie(trie[key], value) elif key.startswith(value): # we know the value is not in the trie if not multi_check: trie[value] = {} multi_check = True # there can be multiple longer existing prefixes dict_ = trie.pop( key ) # does not break strie since key<->dict_ remains unchanged trie[value][key] = dict_ if value not in trie: trie[value] = {} return trie[value] def insert_strie(strie: Dict[str, Any], trie: Dict[str, Any], value: str) -> None: if value not in strie: strie[value] = insert_trie(trie, value) def get_longest_namespace(trie: Dict[str, Any], value: str) -> Optional[str]: for key in trie: if value.startswith(key): out = get_longest_namespace(trie[key], value) if out is None: return key else: return out return None from rdflib.namespace._BRICK import BRICK from rdflib.namespace._CSVW import CSVW from rdflib.namespace._DC import DC from rdflib.namespace._DCAM import DCAM from rdflib.namespace._DCAT import DCAT from rdflib.namespace._DCMITYPE import DCMITYPE from rdflib.namespace._DCTERMS import DCTERMS from rdflib.namespace._DOAP import DOAP from rdflib.namespace._FOAF import FOAF from rdflib.namespace._GEO import GEO from rdflib.namespace._ODRL2 import ODRL2 from rdflib.namespace._ORG import ORG from rdflib.namespace._OWL import OWL from rdflib.namespace._PROF import PROF from rdflib.namespace._PROV import PROV from rdflib.namespace._QB import QB from rdflib.namespace._RDF import RDF from rdflib.namespace._RDFS import RDFS from rdflib.namespace._SDO import SDO from rdflib.namespace._SH import SH from rdflib.namespace._SKOS import SKOS from rdflib.namespace._SOSA import SOSA from rdflib.namespace._SSN import SSN from rdflib.namespace._TIME import TIME from rdflib.namespace._VANN import VANN from rdflib.namespace._VOID import VOID from rdflib.namespace._WGS import WGS from rdflib.namespace._XSD import XSD # prefixes for the core Namespaces shipped with RDFLib _NAMESPACE_PREFIXES_CORE = { "owl": OWL, "rdf": RDF, "rdfs": RDFS, "xsd": XSD, # Namespace binding for XML - needed for RDF/XML "xml": XMLNS, } # prefixes for all the non-core Namespaces shipped with RDFLib _NAMESPACE_PREFIXES_RDFLIB = { "brick": BRICK, "csvw": CSVW, "dc": DC, "dcat": DCAT, "dcmitype": DCMITYPE, "cdterms": DCTERMS, "dcam": DCAM, "doap": DOAP, "foaf": FOAF, "geo": GEO, "odrl": ODRL2, "org": ORG, "prof": PROF, "prov": PROV, "qb": QB, "sdo": SDO, "sh": SH, "skos": SKOS, "sosa": SOSA, "ssn": SSN, "time": TIME, "vann": VANN, "void": VOID, }