Source code for

A commandline tool for drawing RDFS Class diagrams in Graphviz DOT

You can draw the graph of an RDFS file directly:

.. code-block: bash

   rdf2dot my_rdfs_file.rdf | dot -Tpng | display

import collections
import itertools
import sys

import rdflib.extras.cmdlineutils
from rdflib import RDF, RDFS, XSD

    for x in (

EDGECOLOR = "blue"
NODECOLOR = "black"
ISACOLOR = "black"

[docs]def rdfs2dot(g, stream, opts={}): """ Convert the RDFS schema in a graph writes the dot output to the stream """ fields = collections.defaultdict(set) nodes = {} def node(nd): if nd not in nodes: nodes[nd] = "node%d" % len(nodes) return nodes[nd] def label(xx, grf): lbl = grf.value(xx, RDFS.label) if lbl is None: try: lbl = grf.namespace_manager.compute_qname(xx)[2] except: pass # bnodes and some weird URIs cannot be split return lbl stream.write('digraph { \n node [ fontname="DejaVu Sans" ] ; \n') for x in g.subjects(RDF.type, RDFS.Class): n = node(x) for x, y in g.subject_objects(RDFS.subClassOf): x = node(x) y = node(y) stream.write("\t%s -> %s [ color=%s ] ;\n" % (y, x, ISACOLOR)) for x in g.subjects(RDF.type, RDF.Property): for a, b in itertools.product( g.objects(x, RDFS.domain), g.objects(x, RDFS.range) ): if b in XSDTERMS or b == RDFS.Literal: l_ = label(b, g) if b == RDFS.Literal: l_ = "literal" fields[node(a)].add((label(x, g), l_)) else: # if a in nodes and b in nodes: stream.write( '\t%s -> %s [ color=%s, label="%s" ];\n' % (node(a), node(b), EDGECOLOR, label(x, g)) ) for u, n in nodes.items(): stream.write("# %s %s\n" % (u, n)) f = [ "<tr><td align='left'>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>" % x for x in sorted(fields[n]) ] opstr = ( "%s [ shape=none, color=%s label=< <table color='#666666'" + " cellborder='0' cellspacing='0' border='1'><tr>" + "<td colspan='2' bgcolor='grey'><B>%s</B></td>" + "</tr>%s</table> > ] \n" ) stream.write(opstr % (n, NODECOLOR, label(u, g), "".join(f))) stream.write("}\n")
def _help(): sys.stderr.write( """ [-f <format>] files... Read RDF files given on STDOUT, writes a graph of the RDFS schema in DOT language to stdout -f specifies parser to use, if not given, """ )
[docs]def main(): rdflib.extras.cmdlineutils.main(rdfs2dot, _help)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()