Writing RDFLib Documentation

These docs are generated with Sphinx.

Sphinx makes it very easy to pull in doc-strings from modules, classes, methods, etc. When writing doc-strings, special reST fields can be used to annotate parameters, return-types, etc. This makes for pretty API docs. See here for the Shinx documentation about these fields.


To build you must have the sphinx and some additional package installed. The full set of requirements is listed in the sphinx-requirements.txt file within the docs/ directory.

To install the requirements for building documentation run:

pip install -r docs/sphinx-requirements.txt

Once you have all the requirements installed you can run this command in the rdflib root directory:

python setup.py build_sphinx

Docs will be generated in build/sphinx/html/ and API documentation, generated from doc-strings, will be placed in docs/apidocs/.

There is also a tox environment for building documentation:

tox -e docs

API Docs

API Docs are automatically generated with sphinx-apidoc:

sphinx-apidoc -f -d 10 -o docs/apidocs/ rdflib examples
Note that rdflib.rst was manually tweaked so as to not include all

imports in rdflib/__init__.py.


The tables in plugin_*.rst were generated with plugintable.py