Source code for rdflib.namespace._DCMITYPE

from rdflib.namespace import DefinedNamespace, Namespace
from rdflib.term import URIRef

[docs]class DCMITYPE(DefinedNamespace): """ DCMI Type Vocabulary Generated from: Date: 2020-05-26 14:19:59.084150 """ _fail = True # Collection: URIRef # An aggregation of resources. Dataset: URIRef # Data encoded in a defined structure. Event: URIRef # A non-persistent, time-based occurrence. Image: URIRef # A visual representation other than text. InteractiveResource: URIRef # A resource requiring interaction from the user to be understood, executed, or experienced. MovingImage: URIRef # A series of visual representations imparting an impression of motion when shown in succession. PhysicalObject: URIRef # An inanimate, three-dimensional object or substance. Service: URIRef # A system that provides one or more functions. Software: URIRef # A computer program in source or compiled form. Sound: URIRef # A resource primarily intended to be heard. StillImage: URIRef # A static visual representation. Text: URIRef # A resource consisting primarily of words for reading. _NS = Namespace("")