Source code for rdflib.plugins.serializers.hext

HextuplesSerializer RDF graph serializer for RDFLib.
See <> for details about the format.

from __future__ import annotations

import json
import warnings
from typing import IO, Optional, Type, Union

from rdflib.graph import ConjunctiveGraph, Graph
from rdflib.namespace import RDF, XSD
from rdflib.serializer import Serializer
from rdflib.term import BNode, Literal, Node, URIRef

__all__ = ["HextuplesSerializer"]

[docs]class HextuplesSerializer(Serializer): """ Serializes RDF graphs to NTriples format. """
[docs] def __init__(self, store: Union[Graph, ConjunctiveGraph]): self.default_context: Optional[Node] self.graph_type: Type[Graph] if isinstance(store, ConjunctiveGraph): self.graph_type = ConjunctiveGraph self.contexts = list(store.contexts()) if store.default_context: self.default_context = store.default_context self.contexts.append(store.default_context) else: self.default_context = None else: self.graph_type = Graph self.contexts = [store] self.default_context = None Serializer.__init__(self, store)
[docs] def serialize( self, stream: IO[bytes], base: Optional[str] = None, encoding: Optional[str] = "utf-8", **kwargs, ): if base is not None: warnings.warn( "base has no meaning for Hextuples serialization. " "I will ignore this value" ) if encoding not in [None, "utf-8"]: warnings.warn( f"Hextuples files are always utf-8 encoded. " f"I was passed: {encoding}, " "but I'm still going to use utf-8 anyway!" ) if is True: raise Exception( "Hextuple serialization can't (yet) handle formula-aware stores" ) for context in self.contexts: for triple in context: hl = self._hex_line(triple, context) if hl is not None: stream.write(hl.encode())
def _hex_line(self, triple, context): if isinstance( triple[0], (URIRef, BNode) ): # exclude QuotedGraph and other objects # value value = ( triple[2] if isinstance(triple[2], Literal) else self._iri_or_bn(triple[2]) ) # datatype if isinstance(triple[2], URIRef): # datatype = "" datatype = "globalId" elif isinstance(triple[2], BNode): # datatype = "" datatype = "localId" elif isinstance(triple[2], Literal): if triple[2].datatype is not None: datatype = f"{triple[2].datatype}" else: if triple[2].language is not None: # language datatype = RDF.langString else: datatype = XSD.string else: return None # can't handle non URI, BN or Literal Object (QuotedGraph) # language if isinstance(triple[2], Literal): if triple[2].language is not None: language = f"{triple[2].language}" else: language = "" else: language = "" return ( json.dumps( [ self._iri_or_bn(triple[0]), triple[1], value, datatype, language, self._context(context), ] ) + "\n" ) else: # do not return anything for non-IRIs or BNs, e.g. QuotedGraph, Subjects return None def _iri_or_bn(self, i_): if isinstance(i_, URIRef): return f"{i_}" elif isinstance(i_, BNode): return f"{i_.n3()}" else: return None def _context(self, context): if self.graph_type == Graph: return "" if context.identifier == "urn:x-rdflib:default": return "" elif context is not None and self.default_context is not None: # type error: "Node" has no attribute "identifier" if context.identifier == self.default_context.identifier: # type: ignore[attr-defined] return "" return context.identifier