Source code for rdflib.plugins.serializers.rdfxml

from __future__ import annotations

import xml.dom.minidom
from typing import IO, Dict, Generator, Optional, Set, Tuple
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape, quoteattr

from rdflib.collection import Collection
from rdflib.graph import Graph
from rdflib.namespace import RDF, RDFS, Namespace  # , split_uri
from rdflib.plugins.parsers.RDFVOC import RDFVOC
from rdflib.plugins.serializers.xmlwriter import XMLWriter
from rdflib.serializer import Serializer
from rdflib.term import BNode, IdentifiedNode, Identifier, Literal, Node, URIRef
from rdflib.util import first, more_than

from .xmlwriter import ESCAPE_ENTITIES

__all__ = ["fix", "XMLSerializer", "PrettyXMLSerializer"]

[docs]class XMLSerializer(Serializer):
[docs] def __init__(self, store: Graph): super(XMLSerializer, self).__init__(store)
def __bindings(self) -> Generator[Tuple[str, URIRef], None, None]: store = nm = store.namespace_manager bindings: Dict[str, URIRef] = {} for predicate in set(store.predicates()): # type error: Argument 1 to "compute_qname_strict" of "NamespaceManager" has incompatible type "Node"; expected "str" prefix, namespace, name = nm.compute_qname_strict(predicate) # type: ignore[arg-type] bindings[prefix] = URIRef(namespace) RDFNS = URIRef("") # noqa: N806 if "rdf" in bindings: assert bindings["rdf"] == RDFNS else: bindings["rdf"] = RDFNS for prefix, namespace in bindings.items(): yield prefix, namespace
[docs] def serialize( self, stream: IO[bytes], base: Optional[str] = None, encoding: Optional[str] = None, **args, ) -> None: # if base is given here, use that, if not and a base is set for the graph use that if base is not None: self.base = base elif is not None: self.base = self.__stream = stream self.__serialized: Dict[Identifier, int] = {} encoding = self.encoding self.write = write = lambda uni: stream.write(uni.encode(encoding, "replace")) # startDocument write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="%s"?>\n' % self.encoding) # startRDF write("<rdf:RDF\n") # If provided, write xml:base attribute for the RDF if "xml_base" in args: write(' xml:base="%s"\n' % args["xml_base"]) elif self.base: write(' xml:base="%s"\n' % self.base) # TODO: # assert( # namespaces[""]=='rdf') bindings = list(self.__bindings()) bindings.sort() for prefix, namespace in bindings: if prefix: write(' xmlns:%s="%s"\n' % (prefix, namespace)) else: write(' xmlns="%s"\n' % namespace) write(">\n") # write out triples by subject for subject in # type error: Argument 1 to "subject" of "XMLSerializer" has incompatible type "Node"; expected "Identifier" self.subject(subject, 1) # type: ignore[arg-type] # endRDF write("</rdf:RDF>\n") # Set to None so that the memory can get garbage collected. # self.__serialized = None del self.__serialized
[docs] def subject(self, subject: Identifier, depth: int = 1) -> None: if subject not in self.__serialized: self.__serialized[subject] = 1 if isinstance(subject, (BNode, URIRef)): write = self.write indent = " " * depth element_name = "rdf:Description" if isinstance(subject, BNode): write('%s<%s rdf:nodeID="%s"' % (indent, element_name, subject)) else: uri = quoteattr(self.relativize(subject)) write("%s<%s rdf:about=%s" % (indent, element_name, uri)) if (subject, None, None) in write(">\n") for predicate, object in # type error: Argument 1 to "predicate" of "XMLSerializer" has incompatible type "Node"; expected "Identifier" # type error: Argument 2 to "predicate" of "XMLSerializer" has incompatible type "Node"; expected "Identifier" self.predicate(predicate, object, depth + 1) # type: ignore[arg-type] write("%s</%s>\n" % (indent, element_name)) else: write("/>\n")
[docs] def predicate( self, predicate: Identifier, object: Identifier, depth: int = 1 ) -> None: write = self.write indent = " " * depth qname = if isinstance(object, Literal): attributes = "" if object.language: attributes += ' xml:lang="%s"' % object.language if object.datatype: attributes += ' rdf:datatype="%s"' % object.datatype write( "%s<%s%s>%s</%s>\n" % (indent, qname, attributes, escape(object, ESCAPE_ENTITIES), qname) ) else: if isinstance(object, BNode): write('%s<%s rdf:nodeID="%s"/>\n' % (indent, qname, object)) else: write( "%s<%s rdf:resource=%s/>\n" % (indent, qname, quoteattr(self.relativize(object))) )
XMLLANG = "" XMLBASE = "" OWL_NS = Namespace("") # TODO:
[docs]def fix(val: str) -> str: "strip off _: from nodeIDs... as they are not valid NCNames" if val.startswith("_:"): return val[2:] else: return val
[docs]class PrettyXMLSerializer(Serializer):
[docs] def __init__(self, store: Graph, max_depth=3): super(PrettyXMLSerializer, self).__init__(store) self.forceRDFAbout: Set[URIRef] = set()
[docs] def serialize( self, stream: IO[bytes], base: Optional[str] = None, encoding: Optional[str] = None, **args, ) -> None: self.__serialized: Dict[Identifier, int] = {} store = # if base is given here, use that, if not and a base is set for the graph use that if base is not None: self.base = base elif store.base is not None: self.base = store.base self.max_depth = args.get("max_depth", 3) assert self.max_depth > 0, "max_depth must be greater than 0" self.nm = nm = store.namespace_manager self.writer = writer = XMLWriter(stream, nm, encoding) namespaces = {} possible: Set[Node] = set(store.predicates()).union( store.objects(None, RDF.type) ) for predicate in possible: # type error: Argument 1 to "compute_qname_strict" of "NamespaceManager" has incompatible type "Node"; expected "str" prefix, namespace, local = nm.compute_qname_strict(predicate) # type: ignore[arg-type] namespaces[prefix] = namespace namespaces["rdf"] = "" writer.push(RDFVOC.RDF) if "xml_base" in args: writer.attribute(XMLBASE, args["xml_base"]) elif self.base: writer.attribute(XMLBASE, self.base) writer.namespaces(namespaces.items()) subject: IdentifiedNode # Write out subjects that can not be inline # type error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "Node", variable has type "IdentifiedNode") for subject in store.subjects(): # type: ignore[assignment] if (None, None, subject) in store: if (subject, None, subject) in store: self.subject(subject, 1) else: self.subject(subject, 1) # write out anything that has not yet been reached # write out BNodes last (to ensure they can be inlined where possible) bnodes = set() # type error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "Node", variable has type "IdentifiedNode") for subject in store.subjects(): # type: ignore[assignment] if isinstance(subject, BNode): bnodes.add(subject) continue self.subject(subject, 1) # now serialize only those BNodes that have not been serialized yet for bnode in bnodes: if bnode not in self.__serialized: self.subject(subject, 1) writer.pop(RDFVOC.RDF) stream.write("\n".encode("latin-1")) # Set to None so that the memory can get garbage collected. self.__serialized = None # type: ignore[assignment]
[docs] def subject(self, subject: Identifier, depth: int = 1): store = writer = self.writer if subject in self.forceRDFAbout: writer.push(RDFVOC.Description) writer.attribute(RDFVOC.about, self.relativize(subject)) writer.pop(RDFVOC.Description) self.forceRDFAbout.remove(subject) # type: ignore[arg-type] elif subject not in self.__serialized: self.__serialized[subject] = 1 type = first(store.objects(subject, RDF.type)) try: # type error: Argument 1 to "qname" of "NamespaceManager" has incompatible type "Optional[Node]"; expected "str" self.nm.qname(type) # type: ignore[arg-type] except Exception: type = None element = type or RDFVOC.Description # type error: Argument 1 to "push" of "XMLWriter" has incompatible type "Node"; expected "str" writer.push(element) # type: ignore[arg-type] if isinstance(subject, BNode): def subj_as_obj_more_than(ceil): return True # more_than(store.triples((None, None, subject)), ceil) # here we only include BNode labels if they are referenced # more than once (this reduces the use of redundant BNode # identifiers) if subj_as_obj_more_than(1): writer.attribute(RDFVOC.nodeID, fix(subject)) else: writer.attribute(RDFVOC.about, self.relativize(subject)) if (subject, None, None) in store: for predicate, object in store.predicate_objects(subject): if not (predicate == RDF.type and object == type): # type error: Argument 1 to "predicate" of "PrettyXMLSerializer" has incompatible type "Node"; expected "Identifier" # type error: Argument 2 to "predicate" of "PrettyXMLSerializer" has incompatible type "Node"; expected "Identifier" self.predicate(predicate, object, depth + 1) # type: ignore[arg-type] # type error: Argument 1 to "pop" of "XMLWriter" has incompatible type "Node"; expected "Optional[str]" writer.pop(element) # type: ignore[arg-type] elif subject in self.forceRDFAbout: # TODO FIXME?: this looks like a duplicate of first condition writer.push(RDFVOC.Description) writer.attribute(RDFVOC.about, self.relativize(subject)) writer.pop(RDFVOC.Description) self.forceRDFAbout.remove(subject) # type: ignore[arg-type]
[docs] def predicate( self, predicate: Identifier, object: Identifier, depth: int = 1 ) -> None: writer = self.writer store = writer.push(predicate) if isinstance(object, Literal): if object.language: writer.attribute(XMLLANG, object.language) if object.datatype == RDF.XMLLiteral and isinstance( object.value, xml.dom.minidom.Document ): writer.attribute(RDFVOC.parseType, "Literal") writer.text("") else: if object.datatype: writer.attribute(RDFVOC.datatype, object.datatype) writer.text(object) elif ( object in self.__serialized or not (object, None, None) in store # noqa: E713 ): if isinstance(object, BNode): if more_than(store.triples((None, None, object)), 0): writer.attribute(RDFVOC.nodeID, fix(object)) else: writer.attribute(RDFVOC.resource, self.relativize(object)) else: if first(store.objects(object, RDF.first)): # may not have type # RDF.List self.__serialized[object] = 1 # Warn that any assertions on object other than # RDF.first and are ignored... including RDF.List import warnings warnings.warn( "Assertions on %s other than RDF.first " % repr(object) + "and are ignored ... including RDF.List", UserWarning, stacklevel=2, ) writer.attribute(RDFVOC.parseType, "Collection") col = Collection(store, object) for item in col: if isinstance(item, URIRef): self.forceRDFAbout.add(item) # type error: Argument 1 to "subject" of "PrettyXMLSerializer" has incompatible type "Node"; expected "Identifier" self.subject(item) # type: ignore[arg-type] if not isinstance(item, URIRef): # type error: Invalid index type "Node" for "Dict[Identifier, int]"; expected type "Identifier" self.__serialized[item] = 1 # type: ignore[index] else: if first( store.triples_choices( # type error: Argument 1 to "triples_choices" of "Graph" has incompatible type "Tuple[Identifier, URIRef, List[URIRef]]"; expected "Union[Tuple[List[Node], Node, Node], Tuple[Node, List[Node], Node], Tuple[Node, Node, List[Node]]]" (object, RDF.type, [OWL_NS.Class, RDFS.Class]) # type: ignore[arg-type] ) ) and isinstance(object, URIRef): writer.attribute(RDFVOC.resource, self.relativize(object)) elif depth <= self.max_depth: self.subject(object, depth + 1) elif isinstance(object, BNode): if ( object not in self.__serialized and (object, None, None) in store and len(list(store.subjects(object=object))) == 1 ): # inline blank nodes if they haven't been serialized yet # and are only referenced once (regardless of depth) self.subject(object, depth + 1) else: writer.attribute(RDFVOC.nodeID, fix(object)) else: writer.attribute(RDFVOC.resource, self.relativize(object)) writer.pop(predicate)