Source code for rdflib.plugins.sparql.evaluate

These method recursively evaluate the SPARQL Algebra

evalQuery is the entry-point, it will setup context and
return the SPARQLResult object

evalPart is called on each level and will delegate to the right method

A rdflib.plugins.sparql.sparql.QueryContext is passed along, keeping
information needed for evaluation

A list of dicts (solution mappings) is returned, apart from GroupBy which may
also return a dict of list of dicts


from __future__ import annotations

import collections
import itertools
import json as j
import re
from typing import (
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen

from pyparsing import ParseException

from rdflib.graph import Graph
from rdflib.plugins.sparql import CUSTOM_EVALS, parser
from rdflib.plugins.sparql.aggregates import Aggregator
from rdflib.plugins.sparql.evalutils import (
from rdflib.plugins.sparql.parserutils import CompValue, value
from rdflib.plugins.sparql.sparql import (
from rdflib.term import BNode, Identifier, Literal, URIRef, Variable

    from rdflib.paths import Path

_Triple = Tuple[Identifier, Identifier, Identifier]

[docs]def evalBGP( ctx: QueryContext, bgp: List[_Triple] ) -> Generator[FrozenBindings, None, None]: """ A basic graph pattern """ if not bgp: yield ctx.solution() return s, p, o = bgp[0] _s = ctx[s] _p = ctx[p] _o = ctx[o] # type error: Item "None" of "Optional[Graph]" has no attribute "triples" # type Argument 1 to "triples" of "Graph" has incompatible type "Tuple[Union[str, Path, None], Union[str, Path, None], Union[str, Path, None]]"; expected "Tuple[Optional[Node], Optional[Node], Optional[Node]]" for ss, sp, so in ctx.graph.triples((_s, _p, _o)): # type: ignore[union-attr, arg-type] if None in (_s, _p, _o): c = ctx.push() else: c = ctx if _s is None: # type error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "Union[Node, Any]", target has type "Identifier") c[s] = ss # type: ignore[assignment] try: if _p is None: # type error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "Union[Node, Any]", target has type "Identifier") c[p] = sp # type: ignore[assignment] except AlreadyBound: continue try: if _o is None: # type error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "Union[Node, Any]", target has type "Identifier") c[o] = so # type: ignore[assignment] except AlreadyBound: continue for x in evalBGP(c, bgp[1:]): yield x
[docs]def evalExtend( ctx: QueryContext, extend: CompValue ) -> Generator[FrozenBindings, None, None]: # TODO: Deal with dict returned from evalPart from GROUP BY for c in evalPart(ctx, extend.p): try: e = _eval(extend.expr, c.forget(ctx, _except=extend._vars)) if isinstance(e, SPARQLError): raise e yield c.merge({extend.var: e}) except SPARQLError: yield c
[docs]def evalLazyJoin( ctx: QueryContext, join: CompValue ) -> Generator[FrozenBindings, None, None]: """ A lazy join will push the variables bound in the first part to the second part, essentially doing the join implicitly hopefully evaluating much fewer triples """ for a in evalPart(ctx, join.p1): c = ctx.thaw(a) for b in evalPart(c, join.p2): yield b.merge(a) # merge, as some bindings may have been forgotten
[docs]def evalJoin(ctx: QueryContext, join: CompValue) -> Generator[FrozenDict, None, None]: # TODO: Deal with dict returned from evalPart from GROUP BY # only ever for join.p1 if join.lazy: return evalLazyJoin(ctx, join) else: a = evalPart(ctx, join.p1) b = set(evalPart(ctx, join.p2)) return _join(a, b)
[docs]def evalUnion(ctx: QueryContext, union: CompValue) -> List[Any]: branch1_branch2 = [] for x in evalPart(ctx, union.p1): branch1_branch2.append(x) for x in evalPart(ctx, union.p2): branch1_branch2.append(x) return branch1_branch2
[docs]def evalMinus(ctx: QueryContext, minus: CompValue) -> Generator[FrozenDict, None, None]: a = evalPart(ctx, minus.p1) b = set(evalPart(ctx, minus.p2)) return _minus(a, b)
[docs]def evalLeftJoin( ctx: QueryContext, join: CompValue ) -> Generator[FrozenBindings, None, None]: # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() for a in evalPart(ctx, join.p1): ok = False c = ctx.thaw(a) for b in evalPart(c, join.p2): if _ebv(join.expr, b.forget(ctx)): ok = True yield b if not ok: # we've cheated, the ctx above may contain # vars bound outside our scope # before we yield a solution without the OPTIONAL part # check that we would have had no OPTIONAL matches # even without prior bindings... p1_vars = join.p1._vars if p1_vars is None or not any( _ebv(join.expr, b) for b in evalPart(ctx.thaw(a.remember(p1_vars)), join.p2) ): yield a
[docs]def evalFilter( ctx: QueryContext, part: CompValue ) -> Generator[FrozenBindings, None, None]: # TODO: Deal with dict returned from evalPart! for c in evalPart(ctx, part.p): if _ebv( part.expr, c.forget(ctx, _except=part._vars) if not part.no_isolated_scope else c, ): yield c
[docs]def evalGraph( ctx: QueryContext, part: CompValue ) -> Generator[FrozenBindings, None, None]: if ctx.dataset is None: raise Exception( "Non-conjunctive-graph doesn't know about " + "graphs. Try a query without GRAPH." ) ctx = ctx.clone() graph: Union[str, Path, None, Graph] = ctx[part.term] prev_graph = ctx.graph if graph is None: for graph in ctx.dataset.contexts(): # in SPARQL the default graph is NOT a named graph if graph == ctx.dataset.default_context: continue c = ctx.pushGraph(graph) c = c.push() graphSolution = [{part.term: graph.identifier}] for x in _join(evalPart(c, part.p), graphSolution): x.ctx.graph = prev_graph yield x else: if TYPE_CHECKING: assert not isinstance(graph, Graph) # type error: Argument 1 to "get_context" of "ConjunctiveGraph" has incompatible type "Union[str, Path]"; expected "Union[Node, str, None]" c = ctx.pushGraph(ctx.dataset.get_context(graph)) # type: ignore[arg-type] for x in evalPart(c, part.p): x.ctx.graph = prev_graph yield x
[docs]def evalValues( ctx: QueryContext, part: CompValue ) -> Generator[FrozenBindings, None, None]: for r in part.p.res: c = ctx.push() try: for k, v in r.items(): if v != "UNDEF": c[k] = v except AlreadyBound: continue yield c.solution()
[docs]def evalMultiset(ctx: QueryContext, part: CompValue): if == "values": return evalValues(ctx, part) return evalPart(ctx, part.p)
[docs]def evalPart(ctx: QueryContext, part: CompValue) -> Any: # try custom evaluation functions for name, c in CUSTOM_EVALS.items(): try: return c(ctx, part) except NotImplementedError: pass # the given custome-function did not handle this part if == "BGP": # Reorder triples patterns by number of bound nodes in the current ctx # Do patterns with more bound nodes first triples = sorted( part.triples, key=lambda t: len([n for n in t if ctx[n] is None]) ) return evalBGP(ctx, triples) elif == "Filter": return evalFilter(ctx, part) elif == "Join": return evalJoin(ctx, part) elif == "LeftJoin": return evalLeftJoin(ctx, part) elif == "Graph": return evalGraph(ctx, part) elif == "Union": return evalUnion(ctx, part) elif == "ToMultiSet": return evalMultiset(ctx, part) elif == "Extend": return evalExtend(ctx, part) elif == "Minus": return evalMinus(ctx, part) elif == "Project": return evalProject(ctx, part) elif == "Slice": return evalSlice(ctx, part) elif == "Distinct": return evalDistinct(ctx, part) elif == "Reduced": return evalReduced(ctx, part) elif == "OrderBy": return evalOrderBy(ctx, part) elif == "Group": return evalGroup(ctx, part) elif == "AggregateJoin": return evalAggregateJoin(ctx, part) elif == "SelectQuery": return evalSelectQuery(ctx, part) elif == "AskQuery": return evalAskQuery(ctx, part) elif == "ConstructQuery": return evalConstructQuery(ctx, part) elif == "ServiceGraphPattern": return evalServiceQuery(ctx, part) elif == "DescribeQuery": return evalDescribeQuery(ctx, part) else: raise Exception("I dont know: %s" %
[docs]def evalServiceQuery(ctx: QueryContext, part: CompValue): res = {} match = re.match( "^service <(.*)>[ \n]*{(.*)}[ \n]*$", # type error: Argument 2 to "get" of "CompValue" has incompatible type "str"; expected "bool" [arg-type] part.get("service_string", ""), # type: ignore[arg-type] re.DOTALL | re.I, ) if match: service_url = service_query = _buildQueryStringForServiceCall(ctx, query_settings = {"query": service_query, "output": "json"} headers = { "accept": "application/sparql-results+json", "user-agent": "rdflibForAnUser", } # GET is easier to cache so prefer that if the query is not to long if len(service_query) < 600: response = urlopen( Request(service_url + "?" + urlencode(query_settings), headers=headers) ) else: response = urlopen( Request( service_url, data=urlencode(query_settings).encode(), headers=headers, ) ) if response.status == 200: json = j.loads( variables = res["vars_"] = json["head"]["vars"] # or just return the bindings? res = json["results"]["bindings"] if len(res) > 0: for r in res: # type error: Argument 2 to "_yieldBindingsFromServiceCallResult" has incompatible type "str"; expected "Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]" for bound in _yieldBindingsFromServiceCallResult(ctx, r, variables): # type: ignore[arg-type] yield bound else: raise Exception( "Service: %s responded with code: %s", service_url, response.status )
""" Build a query string to be used by the service call. It is supposed to pass in the existing bound solutions. Re-adds prefixes if added and sets the base. Wraps it in select if needed. """ def _buildQueryStringForServiceCall(ctx: QueryContext, service_query: str) -> str: try: parser.parseQuery(service_query) except ParseException: # This could be because we don't have a select around the service call. service_query = "SELECT REDUCED * WHERE {" + service_query + "}" # type error: Item "None" of "Optional[Prologue]" has no attribute "namespace_manager" for p in # type: ignore[union-attr] service_query = "PREFIX " + p[0] + ":" + p[1].n3() + " " + service_query # re add the base if one was defined # type error: Item "None" of "Optional[Prologue]" has no attribute "base" base = ctx.prologue.base # type: ignore[union-attr] if base is not None and len(base) > 0: service_query = "BASE <" + base + "> " + service_query sol = [v for v in ctx.solution() if isinstance(v, Variable)] if len(sol) > 0: variables = " ".join([v.n3() for v in sol]) variables_bound = " ".join([ctx.get(v).n3() for v in sol]) service_query = ( service_query + "VALUES (" + variables + ") {(" + variables_bound + ")}" ) return service_query def _yieldBindingsFromServiceCallResult( ctx: QueryContext, r: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]], variables: List[str] ) -> Generator[FrozenBindings, None, None]: res_dict: Dict[Variable, Identifier] = {} for var in variables: if var in r and r[var]: var_binding = r[var] var_type = var_binding["type"] if var_type == "uri": res_dict[Variable(var)] = URIRef(var_binding["value"]) elif var_type == "literal": res_dict[Variable(var)] = Literal( var_binding["value"], datatype=var_binding.get("datatype"), lang=var_binding.get("xml:lang"), ) # This is here because of # elif var_type == "typed-literal": res_dict[Variable(var)] = Literal( var_binding["value"], datatype=URIRef(var_binding["datatype"]) ) elif var_type == "bnode": res_dict[Variable(var)] = BNode(var_binding["value"]) else: raise ValueError(f"invalid type {var_type!r} for variable {var!r}") yield FrozenBindings(ctx, res_dict)
[docs]def evalGroup(ctx: QueryContext, group: CompValue): """ """ # grouping should be implemented by evalAggregateJoin return evalPart(ctx, group.p)
[docs]def evalAggregateJoin( ctx: QueryContext, agg: CompValue ) -> Generator[FrozenBindings, None, None]: # import pdb ; pdb.set_trace() p = evalPart(ctx, agg.p) # p is always a Group, we always get a dict back group_expr = agg.p.expr res: Dict[Any, Any] = collections.defaultdict( lambda: Aggregator(aggregations=agg.A) ) if group_expr is None: # no grouping, just COUNT in SELECT clause # get 1 aggregator for counting aggregator = res[True] for row in p: aggregator.update(row) else: for row in p: # determine right group aggregator for row k = tuple(_eval(e, row, False) for e in group_expr) res[k].update(row) # all rows are done; yield aggregated values for aggregator in res.values(): yield FrozenBindings(ctx, aggregator.get_bindings()) # there were no matches if len(res) == 0: yield FrozenBindings(ctx)
[docs]def evalOrderBy( ctx: QueryContext, part: CompValue ) -> Generator[FrozenBindings, None, None]: res = evalPart(ctx, part.p) for e in reversed(part.expr): reverse = bool(e.order and e.order == "DESC") res = sorted( res, key=lambda x: _val(value(x, e.expr, variables=True)), reverse=reverse ) return res
[docs]def evalSlice(ctx: QueryContext, slice: CompValue): res = evalPart(ctx, slice.p) return itertools.islice( res, slice.start, slice.start + slice.length if slice.length is not None else None, )
[docs]def evalReduced( ctx: QueryContext, part: CompValue ) -> Generator[FrozenBindings, None, None]: """apply REDUCED to result REDUCED is not as strict as DISTINCT, but if the incoming rows were sorted it should produce the same result with limited extra memory and time per incoming row. """ # This implementation uses a most recently used strategy and a limited # buffer size. It relates to a LRU caching algorithm: # MAX = 1 # TODO: add configuration or determine "best" size for most use cases # 0: No reduction # 1: compare only with the last row, almost no reduction with # unordered incoming rows # N: The greater the buffer size the greater the reduction but more # memory and time are needed # mixed data structure: set for lookup, deque for append/pop/remove mru_set = set() mru_queue: Deque[Any] = collections.deque() for row in evalPart(ctx, part.p): if row in mru_set: # forget last position of row mru_queue.remove(row) else: # row seems to be new yield row mru_set.add(row) if len(mru_set) > MAX: # drop the least recently used row from buffer mru_set.remove(mru_queue.pop()) # put row to the front mru_queue.appendleft(row)
[docs]def evalDistinct( ctx: QueryContext, part: CompValue ) -> Generator[FrozenBindings, None, None]: res = evalPart(ctx, part.p) done = set() for x in res: if x not in done: yield x done.add(x)
[docs]def evalProject(ctx: QueryContext, project: CompValue): res = evalPart(ctx, project.p) return (row.project(project.PV) for row in res)
[docs]def evalSelectQuery( ctx: QueryContext, query: CompValue ) -> Mapping[str, Union[str, List[Variable], Iterable[FrozenDict]]]: res: Dict[str, Union[str, List[Variable], Iterable[FrozenDict]]] = {} res["type_"] = "SELECT" res["bindings"] = evalPart(ctx, query.p) res["vars_"] = query.PV return res
[docs]def evalAskQuery(ctx: QueryContext, query: CompValue) -> Mapping[str, Union[str, bool]]: res: Dict[str, Union[bool, str]] = {} res["type_"] = "ASK" res["askAnswer"] = False for x in evalPart(ctx, query.p): res["askAnswer"] = True break return res
[docs]def evalConstructQuery( ctx: QueryContext, query: CompValue ) -> Mapping[str, Union[str, Graph]]: template = query.template if not template: # a construct-where query template = query.p.p.triples # query->project->bgp ... graph = Graph() for c in evalPart(ctx, query.p): graph += _fillTemplate(template, c) res: Dict[str, Union[str, Graph]] = {} res["type_"] = "CONSTRUCT" res["graph"] = graph return res
[docs]def evalDescribeQuery(ctx: QueryContext, query) -> Dict[str, Union[str, Graph]]: # Create a result graph and bind namespaces from the graph being queried graph = Graph() # type error: Item "None" of "Optional[Graph]" has no attribute "namespaces" for pfx, ns in ctx.graph.namespaces(): # type: ignore[union-attr] graph.bind(pfx, ns) to_describe = set() # Explicit IRIs may be provided to a DESCRIBE query. # If there is a WHERE clause, explicit IRIs may be provided in # addition to projected variables. Find those explicit IRIs and # prepare to describe them. for iri in query.PV: if isinstance(iri, URIRef): to_describe.add(iri) # If there is a WHERE clause, evaluate it then find the unique set of # resources to describe across all bindings and projected variables if query.p is not None: bindings = evalPart(ctx, query.p) to_describe.update(*(set(binding.values()) for binding in bindings)) # Get a CBD for all resources identified to describe for resource in to_describe: # type error: Item "None" of "Optional[Graph]" has no attribute "cbd" ctx.graph.cbd(resource, target_graph=graph) # type: ignore[union-attr] res: Dict[str, Union[str, Graph]] = {} res["type_"] = "DESCRIBE" res["graph"] = graph return res
[docs]def evalQuery( graph: Graph, query: Query, initBindings: Optional[Mapping[str, Identifier]] = None, base: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Mapping[Any, Any]: """ .. caution:: This method can access indirectly requested network endpoints, for example, query processing will attempt to access network endpoints specified in ``SERVICE`` directives. When processing untrusted or potentially malicious queries, measures should be taken to restrict network and file access. For information on available security measures, see the RDFLib :doc:`Security Considerations </security_considerations>` documentation. """ initBindings = dict((Variable(k), v) for k, v in (initBindings or {}).items()) ctx = QueryContext(graph, initBindings=initBindings) ctx.prologue = query.prologue main = query.algebra if main.datasetClause: if ctx.dataset is None: raise Exception( "Non-conjunctive-graph doesn't know about " + "graphs! Try a query without FROM (NAMED)." ) ctx = ctx.clone() # or push/pop? firstDefault = False for d in main.datasetClause: if d.default: if firstDefault: # replace current default graph dg = ctx.dataset.get_context(BNode()) ctx = ctx.pushGraph(dg) firstDefault = True ctx.load(d.default, default=True) elif d.named: g = d.named ctx.load(g, default=False) return evalPart(ctx, main)