Source code for

This file provides a single function `serialize_in_chunks()` which can serialize a
Graph into a number of NT files with a maximum number of triples or maximum file size.

There is an option to preserve any prefixes declared for the original graph in the first
file, which will be a Turtle file.

from __future__ import annotations

from contextlib import ExitStack, contextmanager
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, BinaryIO, Generator, Optional, Tuple

from rdflib.graph import Graph
from rdflib.plugins.serializers.nt import _nt_row

# from rdflib.term import Literal

#     from rdflib.graph import _TriplePatternType

__all__ = ["serialize_in_chunks"]

[docs]def serialize_in_chunks( g: Graph, max_triples: int = 10000, max_file_size_kb: Optional[int] = None, file_name_stem: str = "chunk", output_dir: Optional[Path] = None, write_prefixes: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Serializes a given Graph into a series of n-triples with a given length. :param g: The graph to serialize. :param max_file_size_kb: Maximum size per NT file in kB (1,000 bytes) Equivalent to ~6,000 triples, depending on Literal sizes. :param max_triples: Maximum size per NT file in triples Equivalent to lines in file. If both this parameter and max_file_size_kb are set, max_file_size_kb will be used. :param file_name_stem: Prefix of each file name. e.g. "chunk" = chunk_000001.nt, chunk_000002.nt... :param output_dir: The directory you want the files to be written to. :param write_prefixes: The first file created is a Turtle file containing original graph prefixes. See ``../test/test_tools/`` for examples of this in use. """ if output_dir is None: output_dir = Path.cwd() if not output_dir.is_dir(): raise ValueError( "If you specify an output_dir, it must actually be a directory!" ) @contextmanager def _start_new_file(file_no: int) -> Generator[Tuple[Path, BinaryIO], None, None]: if TYPE_CHECKING: # this is here because mypy gets a bit confused assert output_dir is not None fp = Path(output_dir) / f"{file_name_stem}_{str(file_no).zfill(6)}.nt" with open(fp, "wb") as fh: yield fp, fh def _serialize_prefixes(g: Graph) -> str: pres = [] for k, v in g.namespace_manager.namespaces(): pres.append(f"PREFIX {k}: <{v}>") return "\n".join(sorted(pres)) + "\n" if write_prefixes: with open( Path(output_dir) / f"{file_name_stem}_000000.ttl", "w", encoding="utf-8" ) as fh: fh.write(_serialize_prefixes(g)) bytes_written = 0 with ExitStack() as xstack: if max_file_size_kb is not None: max_file_size = max_file_size_kb * 1000 file_no = 1 if write_prefixes else 0 for i, t in enumerate(g.triples((None, None, None))): row_bytes = _nt_row(t).encode("utf-8") if len(row_bytes) > max_file_size: raise ValueError( # type error: Unsupported operand types for / ("bytes" and "int") f"cannot write triple {t!r} as it's serialized size of {row_bytes / 1000} exceeds max_file_size_kb = {max_file_size_kb}" # type: ignore[operator] ) if i == 0: fp, fhb = xstack.enter_context(_start_new_file(file_no)) bytes_written = 0 elif (bytes_written + len(row_bytes)) >= max_file_size: file_no += 1 fp, fhb = xstack.enter_context(_start_new_file(file_no)) bytes_written = 0 bytes_written += fhb.write(row_bytes) else: # count the triples in the graph graph_length = len(g) if graph_length <= max_triples: # the graph is less than max so just NT serialize the whole thing g.serialize( destination=Path(output_dir) / f"{file_name_stem}_all.nt", format="nt", ) else: # graph_length is > max_lines, make enough files for all graph # no_files = math.ceil(graph_length / max_triples) file_no = 1 if write_prefixes else 0 for i, t in enumerate(g.triples((None, None, None))): if i % max_triples == 0: fp, fhb = xstack.enter_context(_start_new_file(file_no)) file_no += 1 fhb.write(_nt_row(t).encode("utf-8")) return