Source code for rdflib.plugins.sparql.results.txtresults

from typing import IO, List, Optional, Union

from rdflib.namespace import NamespaceManager
from rdflib.query import ResultSerializer
from rdflib.term import BNode, Literal, URIRef, Variable

def _termString(
    t: Optional[Union[URIRef, Literal, BNode]],
    namespace_manager: Optional[NamespaceManager],
) -> str:
    if t is None:
        return "-"
    if namespace_manager:
        if isinstance(t, URIRef):
            return namespace_manager.normalizeUri(t)
        elif isinstance(t, BNode):
            return t.n3()
        elif isinstance(t, Literal):
            return t._literal_n3(qname_callback=namespace_manager.normalizeUri)
        return t.n3()

[docs]class TXTResultSerializer(ResultSerializer): """ A write only QueryResult serializer for text/ascii tables """ # TODO FIXME: class specific args should be keyword only. # type error: Signature of "serialize" incompatible with supertype "ResultSerializer"
[docs] def serialize( # type: ignore[override] self, stream: IO, encoding: str, namespace_manager: Optional[NamespaceManager] = None, ) -> None: """ return a text table of query results """ def c(s, w): """ center the string s in w wide string """ w -= len(s) h1 = h2 = w // 2 if w % 2: h2 += 1 return " " * h1 + s + " " * h2 if self.result.type != "SELECT": raise Exception("Can only pretty print SELECT results!") if not self.result: # type error: No return value expected return "(no results)\n" # type: ignore[return-value] else: keys: List[Variable] = self.result.vars # type: ignore[assignment] maxlen = [0] * len(keys) b = [ # type error: Value of type "Union[Tuple[Node, Node, Node], bool, ResultRow]" is not indexable # type error: Argument 1 to "_termString" has incompatible type "Union[Node, Any]"; expected "Union[URIRef, Literal, BNode, None]" [arg-type] # type error: No overload variant of "__getitem__" of "tuple" matches argument type "Variable" # NOTE on type error: The problem here is that r can be more types than _termString expects because result can be a result of multiple types. [_termString(r[k], namespace_manager) for k in keys] # type: ignore[index, arg-type, call-overload] for r in self.result ] for r in b: for i in range(len(keys)): maxlen[i] = max(maxlen[i], len(r[i])) stream.write("|".join([c(k, maxlen[i]) for i, k in enumerate(keys)]) + "\n") stream.write("-" * (len(maxlen) + sum(maxlen)) + "\n") for r in sorted(b): stream.write( "|".join([t + " " * (i - len(t)) for i, t in zip(maxlen, r)]) + "\n" )