Source code for rdflib.plugins.sparql.sparql

from __future__ import annotations

import collections
import datetime
import itertools
import typing as t
from import Mapping, MutableMapping
from typing import (

import isodate

import rdflib.plugins.sparql
from rdflib.graph import ConjunctiveGraph, Graph
from rdflib.namespace import NamespaceManager
from rdflib.plugins.sparql.parserutils import CompValue
from rdflib.term import BNode, Identifier, Literal, Node, URIRef, Variable

    from rdflib.paths import Path

_AnyT = TypeVar("_AnyT")

[docs]class SPARQLError(Exception):
[docs] def __init__(self, msg: Optional[str] = None): Exception.__init__(self, msg)
[docs]class NotBoundError(SPARQLError):
[docs] def __init__(self, msg: Optional[str] = None): SPARQLError.__init__(self, msg)
[docs]class AlreadyBound(SPARQLError): # noqa: N818 """Raised when trying to bind a variable that is already bound!"""
[docs] def __init__(self): SPARQLError.__init__(self)
[docs]class SPARQLTypeError(SPARQLError):
[docs] def __init__(self, msg: Optional[str]): SPARQLError.__init__(self, msg)
[docs]class Bindings(MutableMapping): """ A single level of a stack of variable-value bindings. Each dict keeps a reference to the dict below it, any failed lookup is propegated back In python 3.3 this could be a collections.ChainMap """
[docs] def __init__(self, outer: Optional["Bindings"] = None, d=[]): self._d: Dict[str, str] = dict(d) self.outer = outer
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> str: if key in self._d: return self._d[key] if not self.outer: raise KeyError() return self.outer[key]
[docs] def __contains__(self, key: Any) -> bool: try: self[key] return True except KeyError: return False
[docs] def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None: self._d[key] = value
[docs] def __delitem__(self, key: str) -> None: raise Exception("DelItem is not implemented!")
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: i = 0 d: Optional[Bindings] = self while d is not None: i += len(d._d) d = d.outer return i
[docs] def __iter__(self) -> Generator[str, None, None]: d: Optional[Bindings] = self while d is not None: yield from d._d d = d.outer
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: # type error: Generator has incompatible item type "Tuple[Any, str]"; expected "str" return "Bindings({" + ", ".join((k, self[k]) for k in self) + "})" # type: ignore[misc]
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: return str(self)
[docs]class FrozenDict(Mapping): """ An immutable hashable dict Taken from """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any): self._d: Dict[Identifier, Identifier] = dict(*args, **kwargs) self._hash: Optional[int] = None
[docs] def __iter__(self): return iter(self._d)
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._d)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key: Identifier) -> Identifier: return self._d[key]
[docs] def __hash__(self) -> int: # It would have been simpler and maybe more obvious to # use hash(tuple(sorted(self._d.items()))) from this discussion # so far, but this solution is O(n). I don't know what kind of # n we are going to run into, but sometimes it's hard to resist the # urge to optimize when it will gain improved algorithmic performance. if self._hash is None: self._hash = 0 for key, value in self.items(): self._hash ^= hash(key) self._hash ^= hash(value) return self._hash
[docs] def project(self, vars: Container[Variable]) -> "FrozenDict": return FrozenDict((x for x in self.items() if x[0] in vars))
[docs] def disjointDomain(self, other: t.Mapping[Identifier, Identifier]) -> bool: return not bool(set(self).intersection(other))
[docs] def compatible(self, other: t.Mapping[Identifier, Identifier]) -> bool: for k in self: try: if self[k] != other[k]: return False except KeyError: pass return True
[docs] def merge(self, other: t.Mapping[Identifier, Identifier]) -> "FrozenDict": res = FrozenDict(itertools.chain(self.items(), other.items())) return res
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return str(self._d)
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: return repr(self._d)
[docs]class FrozenBindings(FrozenDict):
[docs] def __init__(self, ctx: "QueryContext", *args, **kwargs): FrozenDict.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.ctx = ctx
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key: Union[Identifier, str]) -> Identifier: if not isinstance(key, Node): key = Variable(key) if not isinstance(key, (BNode, Variable)): return key if key not in self._d: # type error: Value of type "Optional[Dict[Variable, Identifier]]" is not indexable # type error: Invalid index type "Union[BNode, Variable]" for "Optional[Dict[Variable, Identifier]]"; expected type "Variable" return self.ctx.initBindings[key] # type: ignore[index] else: return self._d[key]
[docs] def project(self, vars: Container[Variable]) -> "FrozenBindings": return FrozenBindings(self.ctx, (x for x in self.items() if x[0] in vars))
[docs] def merge(self, other: t.Mapping[Identifier, Identifier]) -> "FrozenBindings": res = FrozenBindings(self.ctx, itertools.chain(self.items(), other.items())) return res
@property def now(self) -> datetime.datetime: return @property def bnodes(self) -> t.Mapping[Identifier, BNode]: return self.ctx.bnodes @property def prologue(self) -> Optional["Prologue"]: return self.ctx.prologue
[docs] def forget( self, before: "QueryContext", _except: Optional[Container[Variable]] = None ) -> FrozenBindings: """ return a frozen dict only of bindings made in self since before """ if not _except: _except = [] # bindings from initBindings are newer forgotten return FrozenBindings( self.ctx, ( x for x in self.items() if ( x[0] in _except # type error: Unsupported right operand type for in ("Optional[Dict[Variable, Identifier]]") or x[0] in self.ctx.initBindings # type: ignore[operator] or before[x[0]] is None ) ), )
[docs] def remember(self, these) -> FrozenBindings: """ return a frozen dict only of bindings in these """ return FrozenBindings(self.ctx, (x for x in self.items() if x[0] in these))
[docs]class QueryContext: """ Query context - passed along when evaluating the query """
[docs] def __init__( self, graph: Optional[Graph] = None, bindings: Optional[Union[Bindings, FrozenBindings, List[Any]]] = None, initBindings: Optional[Mapping[str, Identifier]] = None, ): self.initBindings = initBindings self.bindings = Bindings(d=bindings or []) if initBindings: self.bindings.update(initBindings) self.graph: Optional[Graph] self._dataset: Optional[ConjunctiveGraph] if isinstance(graph, ConjunctiveGraph): self._dataset = graph if rdflib.plugins.sparql.SPARQL_DEFAULT_GRAPH_UNION: self.graph = self.dataset else: self.graph = self.dataset.default_context else: self._dataset = None self.graph = graph self.prologue: Optional[Prologue] = None self._now: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None self.bnodes: t.MutableMapping[Identifier, BNode] = collections.defaultdict( BNode )
@property def now(self) -> datetime.datetime: if self._now is None: self._now = return self._now
[docs] def clone( self, bindings: Optional[Union[FrozenBindings, Bindings, List[Any]]] = None ) -> "QueryContext": r = QueryContext( self._dataset if self._dataset is not None else self.graph, bindings or self.bindings, initBindings=self.initBindings, ) r.prologue = self.prologue r.graph = self.graph r.bnodes = self.bnodes return r
@property def dataset(self) -> ConjunctiveGraph: """ "current dataset""" if self._dataset is None: raise Exception( "You performed a query operation requiring " + "a dataset (i.e. ConjunctiveGraph), but " + "operating currently on a single graph." ) return self._dataset
[docs] def load(self, source: URIRef, default: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """ Load data from the source into the query context's. :param source: The source to load from. :param default: If `True`, triples from the source will be added to the default graph, otherwise it will be loaded into a graph with ``source`` URI as its name. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to :meth:`rdflib.graph.Graph.parse`. """ def _load(graph, source): try: return graph.parse(source, format="turtle", **kwargs) except Exception: pass try: return graph.parse(source, format="xml", **kwargs) except Exception: pass try: return graph.parse(source, format="n3", **kwargs) except Exception: pass try: return graph.parse(source, format="nt", **kwargs) except Exception: raise Exception( "Could not load %s as either RDF/XML, N3 or NTriples" % source ) if not rdflib.plugins.sparql.SPARQL_LOAD_GRAPHS: # we are not loading - if we already know the graph # being "loaded", just add it to the default-graph if default: # Unsupported left operand type for + ("None") self.graph += self.dataset.get_context(source) # type: ignore[operator] else: if default: _load(self.graph, source) else: _load(self.dataset.get_context(source), source)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key: Union[str, Path]) -> Optional[Union[str, Path]]: # in SPARQL BNodes are just labels if not isinstance(key, (BNode, Variable)): return key try: return self.bindings[key] except KeyError: return None
[docs] def get(self, key: str, default: Optional[Any] = None) -> Any: try: return self[key] except KeyError: return default
[docs] def solution(self, vars: Optional[Iterable[Variable]] = None) -> FrozenBindings: """ Return a static copy of the current variable bindings as dict """ if vars: return FrozenBindings( self, ((k, v) for k, v in self.bindings.items() if k in vars) ) else: return FrozenBindings(self, self.bindings.items())
[docs] def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: str) -> None: if key in self.bindings and self.bindings[key] != value: raise AlreadyBound() self.bindings[key] = value
[docs] def pushGraph(self, graph: Optional[Graph]) -> "QueryContext": r = self.clone() r.graph = graph return r
[docs] def push(self) -> "QueryContext": r = self.clone(Bindings(self.bindings)) return r
[docs] def clean(self) -> "QueryContext": return self.clone([])
[docs] def thaw(self, frozenbindings: FrozenBindings) -> "QueryContext": """ Create a new read/write query context from the given solution """ c = self.clone(frozenbindings) return c
[docs]class Prologue: """ A class for holding prefixing bindings and base URI information """
[docs] def __init__(self) -> None: self.base: Optional[str] = None self.namespace_manager = NamespaceManager(Graph()) # ns man needs a store
[docs] def resolvePName(self, prefix: Optional[str], localname: Optional[str]) -> URIRef: ns = or "") if ns is None: raise Exception("Unknown namespace prefix : %s" % prefix) return URIRef(ns + (localname or ""))
[docs] def bind(self, prefix: Optional[str], uri: Any) -> None: self.namespace_manager.bind(prefix, uri, replace=True)
[docs] def absolutize( self, iri: Optional[Union[CompValue, str]] ) -> Optional[Union[CompValue, str]]: """ Apply BASE / PREFIXes to URIs (and to datatypes in Literals) TODO: Move resolving URIs to pre-processing """ if isinstance(iri, CompValue): if == "pname": return self.resolvePName(iri.prefix, iri.localname) if == "literal": # type error: Argument "datatype" to "Literal" has incompatible type "Union[CompValue, Identifier, None]"; expected "Optional[str]" return Literal( iri.string, lang=iri.lang, datatype=self.absolutize(iri.datatype) # type: ignore[arg-type] ) elif isinstance(iri, URIRef) and not ":" in iri: # noqa: E713 return URIRef(iri, base=self.base) return iri
[docs]class Query: """ A parsed and translated query """
[docs] def __init__(self, prologue: Prologue, algebra: CompValue): self.prologue = prologue self.algebra = algebra self._original_args: Tuple[str, Mapping[str, str], Optional[str]]
[docs]class Update: """ A parsed and translated update """
[docs] def __init__(self, prologue: Prologue, algebra: List[CompValue]): self.prologue = prologue self.algebra = algebra self._original_args: Tuple[str, Mapping[str, str], Optional[str]]