rdflib.tools package¶
rdflib.tools.chunk_serializer module¶
This file provides a single function serialize_in_chunks()
which can serialize a
Graph into a number of NT files with a maximum number of triples or maximum file size.
There is an option to preserve any prefixes declared for the original graph in the first file, which will be a Turtle file.
- rdflib.tools.chunk_serializer.serialize_in_chunks(g, max_triples=10000, max_file_size_kb=None, file_name_stem='chunk', output_dir=None, write_prefixes=False)[source]¶
Serializes a given Graph into a series of n-triples with a given length.
- Parameters:
g (
) – The graph to serialize.max_file_size_kb (
]) – Maximum size per NT file in kB (1,000 bytes) Equivalent to ~6,000 triples, depending on Literal sizes.max_triples (
) –Maximum size per NT file in triples Equivalent to lines in file.
If both this parameter and max_file_size_kb are set, max_file_size_kb will be used.
file_name_stem (
) – Prefix of each file name. e.g. “chunk” = chunk_000001.nt, chunk_000002.nt…output_dir (
]) – The directory you want the files to be written to.write_prefixes (
) – The first file created is a Turtle file containing original graph prefixes.
- Return type:
for examples of this in use.
rdflib.tools.csv2rdf module¶
A commandline tool for semi-automatically converting CSV to RDF.
See also https://github.com/RDFLib/pyTARQL in the RDFlib family of tools
try: csv2rdf --help
- class rdflib.tools.csv2rdf.CSV2RDF[source]¶
- __dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'rdflib.tools.csv2rdf', '__init__': <function CSV2RDF.__init__>, 'triple': <function CSV2RDF.triple>, 'convert': <function CSV2RDF.convert>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'CSV2RDF' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'CSV2RDF' objects>, '__doc__': None, '__annotations__': {'IDENT': 'Union[Tuple[str, ...], str]'}})¶
- __module__ = 'rdflib.tools.csv2rdf'¶
- __weakref__¶
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
rdflib.tools.defined_namespace_creator module¶
This rdflib Python script creates a DefinedNamespace Python file from a given RDF file
It is a very simple script: it finds all things defined in the RDF file within a given namespace:
<thing> a ?x
where ?x is anything and <thing> starts with the given namespace
Nicholas J. Car, Dec, 2021
- rdflib.tools.defined_namespace_creator.make_dn_file(output_file_name, target_namespace, elements_strs, non_python_elements_strs, object_id, fail)[source]¶
rdflib.tools.graphisomorphism module¶
A commandline tool for testing if RDF graphs are isomorpic, i.e. equal if BNode labels are ignored.
- class rdflib.tools.graphisomorphism.IsomorphicTestableGraph(**kargs)[source]¶
Ported from: http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/proto-tests/tools/rdfdiff.py (Sean B Palmer’s RDF Graph Isomorphism Tester)
- __abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})¶
- __hash__ = None¶
- __module__ = 'rdflib.tools.graphisomorphism'¶
- base: Optional[str]¶
- context_aware: bool¶
- default_union: bool¶
- formula_aware: bool¶
rdflib.tools.rdf2dot module¶
A commandline tool for drawing RDF graphs in Graphviz DOT format
You can draw the graph of an RDF file directly:
rdflib.tools.rdfpipe module¶
A commandline tool for parsing RDF in different formats and serializing the resulting graph to a chosen format.
rdflib.tools.rdfs2dot module¶
A commandline tool for drawing RDFS Class diagrams in Graphviz DOT format
You can draw the graph of an RDFS file directly:
Module contents¶
Various commandline tools for working with RDFLib